Getting your drivers Permit/license

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Hi guys!!! How do you like the new cover!! Today I'm taking about driving, a drivers permit and your license. Good luck in your future prospects!



Permits are the first step towards freedom. I got mine last summer, in June right before school ended.

In each state the requirements are different: but in Maine we're required to have 70 hours of day driving, and 10 hours of night driving. It's really hard to fulfill, and I have to work at it.

I've had my permit for over a year, and can get my license when ever I want, but I've been holding off because I'm going to buy a car eventually. (It's so expensive, I've been saving since I was ten.)

The test was 100 questions that talked about road signs, different color signs and meanings as well as general car knowledge and driving law. Depending on the laws in your state, it could be different.

Here's a website that could help out!!

The USA--



Getting your license is the freedom that every person is waiting to get. I know that in Maine we get a temporary license, so it's aligned different, like the picture of Ms. Sample above! (She's not a real person.)

With having a license comes great responsibility. Your under even more supervision, and you're even more susceptible to revoked or suspended licenses. If you get pulled over even once for speeding your card can be taken, and you could even go to court and your parents could loose points of their drivers licenses. I urge you to read up on local laws, and restrictions as I've done.

Also, saving up for a car like I'm doing, I suggest discussing a plan with a local banker or teller, you can decide on 50$ of your pay check being saved each week or something more adaptable!! You could even get credit and lease a car until it's yours!


If you have any questions, or concerns- comment below and I'll help you figure out the local laws in your state/province. (Or if you live abroad.)

How many of you have your license or permit?! Comment and vote below!!

Xx- M

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