A Good Mistake

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I felt a hand tapping on my shoulder, something I'm not going to lie about is having the best reflexes.I grab the persons hand by their wrist and twist the arm backwards, "Fuck!" Jason let out a cry of pain and I stood up quickly, "shit,sorry" I said trying not to laugh, "are you seriously laughing at me right now? where did you learn that anyway?" he asked smiling and rubbing his arm, "yeah sorry,I used to do martial arts when I was younger" I said "good to know" he whispered under his breath."Morning children" Finn said entering the room, "I'm sorry did you just call us children" I said, "what,it felt like a children moment" "no,never" Jason said behind me "it's never a children moment" I said laughing and walking to the shower.

Once I was finished in the shower everyone was awake all crowded around Natalie's laptop. "What's going on?" I asked drying my hair, "we're looking for an apartment or a loft" Lara said looking up, "basically somewhere to live" Lisa scoffed. "Anything?" I asked, "not really,no" Natalie said shaking her head, "okay I'll make us something to eat" Jason said, "you know how to cook?" I asked "nope,no idea" he said, I laughed "well it's not like we have anything good to eat" I said, "yeah, granola bar?" Jason asked "you spoil me" I grinned "usted merece ser mimado (you deserve to be spoiled)" he winked, "Spanish? Impressive, deja de intentar halagarme (stop trying to flatter me)" I said grinning, his face dropped, "you know Spanish? who am I kidding of course you know Spanish" he said shaking his head and following me back to the others.

"Hey Max,look at this" Lisa said ushering me over to her and Natalie, I looked at the screen, I was looking at a fairly big sized apartment loft with five bedrooms, "looks great" I said clapping my hands together.Natalie shook her head and pointed at the price, "Jeez whats it made out of,diamonds" I said jumping back as though the high price physical scared me. "But, remember the more people you live with,the cheaper" Lisa said, Natalie and I began to realize what she was saying, "Lisa are you serious,Max tell her this is wrong" Natalie said hitting me, I was silent for a second, "Max your not seriously considering this are you" Natalie said, they both looked at me, "you got to do what you got to do" I said shrugging. "So you think this is a good idea,I just I don't know,can we trust them" Natalie whispered cautiously, "first of all they might not even say yes, for all they know we could be a bunch of psychopaths" I said, "we are a bunch of psychopaths" Lisa interrupted.Lara appeared, "Lara, Lisa and Max want to ask those guys to live with us in that apartment loft we showed you" Natalie said running up to her like a little girl, "hasn't it only got five bedrooms?" Lara asked confused, "Yeah but we could make that office room a bedroom and put two beds in the dinning room and just eat in the kitchen" I shrugged, "wow you've put a lot of thought into this" Lara said sitting down "yeah a whole two seconds,I think it's my record" I laughed.

The guys entered the room, "don't tell them yet" Natalie whispered threateningly, I smiled "I won't" I looked at the guys "do you guys want to live us?" I asked casually, "dammit Max!" Natalie said as I high fived Lisa. "Sorry, what" Jason said taken aback, "yeah there's this apartment,it's five bedrooms but we can just chuck in a few more beds somewhere else and it'll be cheaper because well there's more of us" Lisa said, "cheaper not cheap, there's a difference" I said, "so you're using us for our money?" Carter asked smiling, "yeah basically" Lisa shrugged,he laughed.Lara spoke up "Finn what are your thoughts?" she asked, "it's a good idea but we all hardly no each other" he said shifting in his seat, "easy okay, Lara; she's smart and calm, Lisa; considerate and funny,Nat;kind and usually honest" I laughed as Natalie hit me. "Okay, what about you?" Jason grinned crossing his arms, "I've got this" Lisa said stepping forward, "oh god" I said putting my head in my hands, "Max is" she announced as though she was drunk, "loyal and sarcastic" she grinned like a child who had just finished a beautiful painting, "so I've heard" Jason sighed smiling at me.

We all sat down at the small oak table for lunch, I passed out plain pieces of bread and everyone received them gratefully. "We still hardly know each other" Finn said, "if you think about it everyone does this, when people look for new roommates they put an advert out and then bring them in for an interview" Lara said, slowly breaking a piece of her bread off, Finn watched her smiling. Carter spoke up, "okay let's have an interview then" he grinned high fiving Jason.Lisa and I looked at each other shaking our heads, thinking the same thing; these guys are so much like us. "Seriously, we're seriously doing this" I sighed wiping my hands on my jeans."Why not, we've got some time to kill don't we boys" Jason said grinning, "oh okay that's how its going to be" I said smiling, "if you so badly want to live with us" Carter teased, "hold up, we were just offering an idea, if you guys want to live on the street by all means be our guest" Lisa said standing up. "Sit down Lisa,let's have this damn interview" Carter laughed.We sat in silence for a minute thinking of a question to ask the other group. "Got one okay, what do you do on the weekends?" Natalie asked, the boys looked up, "not much, study,college basically takes up our social life" Carter said annoyed, "although, I do work at an animal shelter" Jason said,my face softens "you do?" I said smiling "no,I hate all animals" he laughed, I rolled my eyes "careful,for a second I almost liked you" I said sarcastically. "Do any of you have a job?" Lara asked, "part time tutor" Finn said slightly raising his hand, "mines pretty embarrassing,I work at an Ice cream parlor" Carter says bowing his head in literal embarrassment, Lisa's jaw dropped and Jason gave me a questioning look, "oh yeah,Lisa's in love with ice cream, like if she was Blake Lively ice cream would be Ryan Reynolds" I said closing Lisa's mouth with my hand.Carter looked up in delight "seriously,I'll give you a tour one time,not really it's literally like any other ice cream parlor" he laughed. "So what does everyone study, do you all go to college?" I asked "I'm studying political engineering" Finn said, "I have no idea what you just said" I laughed, "real estate" Carter said awkwardly nodding, "nice" Lisa said, I turned to Jason, "what about you?" I asked, "Architectural design" he said meeting my eyes, "wow" I said taken aback, "what?" he asked confused, "I guess I thought you would be a law,business kind of guy" I shrugged, "I guess I'm not that easy to read" he said sitting back. "What about you?" Carter asked us, "nursing" Lisa said taking another piece of bread. "Mechanical engineering" Natalie said stealing the bread from Lisa. "Lara?" Finn asked his thick accent making her name sound different. "Bachelor of science" Lara said handing out glasses of water to everyone. "And you Max?" Jason asked, "film and creative writing" I said. "So great now we know everything about each other" Lisa said jokingly. "So I can call her book an interview? are we serious about this?" Lara asked, we all looked at each other and nodded excitedly,"let's do it" Jason smiled handing Lara the phone.

"So I'm calling right now,we're doing this?" Lara said looking at everyone, we all nodded and I could read the excitement and worry on everyone's faces.Lara dialed the phone and began talking but I couldn't pay attention, we all needed this so badly, we can't live in this motel forever.I turned my phone over in my hand trying to distract myself,it didn't work.I look up at everyone,observing them.Natalie was typing on her computer, I could tell she was nervous, she was biting the corner of her lip,her eyes so forced on the screen I could see the reflection of the computer in her blue eyes. Lisa was nervous too, she caught my eye and grinned,her chocolate hair was pulled back but a strand fell down and she began twirling it around her finger. I couldn't read the guys that well, I hardly knew them. Finn was shaking his leg, he was watching Lara. Carter was staring at his blank phone screen. Jason showed no emotion his green eyes were piercing into the wall in front of him, he ran his hands through his messy brown hair and looked across at me,my heart jumped for a second, it shouldn't have and I'll refuse to admit it ever did. I think there was a ringing in my ears from so much silence.Lara tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and hung up the phone, I think she said thank you, I don't remember. She looked at all of us, pausing for affect. "She said yes, we can have an interview, tonight" she said grinning, Lisa jumped up "yes!" she yelled jumping to hug Lara, we all sort of started talking at once hugging and laughing. "It's not set in stone but she said hardly anyone wanted it because it needed work" she said this with quotation marks, "what was the person like?" Natalie asked, "the owner's old, she was going to give it to us without an interview, I think she just wants to get rid of it,she's moving into an nursing home but I was talking to her daughter" Lara said half laughing.

We left the motel at four fifteen. I couldn't believe we were actually doing this, I would never admit it but I did doubt the idea. "Okay so it's in the city, it's an hour drive" Lara was giving directions to Finn, Jason pulled me aside. "Are we sure this is a good idea, I think you all are great but we just signed up to live together in an apartment loft in one day, a lot could still go wrong" he said looking me straight in the eye, "life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" I said simply, "did you seriously just say a quote?" He smiled shaking his head, "yes I did, Helen Keller, famous author, search it up" I said smiling following him back to the others. Although I did agree with him, a lot could go wrong. "Hey who knows doing this could be a good mistake" Carter said as Jason and I rejoined the conversation, "I'm sorry did you just say good mistake" Lisa laughed, " is that even a thing?" I asked confused, "who knows" Jason said shaking his head. "Well for our sake, I hope it is."

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