5B Counseling Sessions

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"Okay,everyone, I've got it!" Natalie said loudly early the the next morning. She swung her door open and entered the kitchen. "Got what?" Jason asked, "I know how to fix everything, make it all go back to normal" she grinned grabbing everyone's hands and dragging them to the floor, "sit" she said to me, "no" I said, "Max, sit down" Finn said, "fine, but only because I want to" I say sitting across from Jason. "Okay, we are going to have daily counseling sessions to fix this..." she paused for a second and I raised my eyebrow at her, "mess" she said. "We are going to share anything and everything with each other", "okay, sounds great" Jason said, I give him a look "you hate talking about your feelings" I said, "and so do you but I'm willing to do anything to get this back normal, us back to normal" he said. "This is good lots of energy" Lisa grinned waving her hands around, Jason and I both turn to her, "stop" we said simultaneously and she sits back. "Anyway, Max, why don't you start" Natalie said, I don't say anything, "I'll start" Finn said giving me a look, "life is great for me" he grinned stupidly at Lara, "don't forget your room is right next to mine" I scowled and he winked at me. "Okay, who's next?" Natalie asks, "why don't you go Nat, how did it go with that lecturer?" I said turning on her, "it was fine, I left him" she said calmly, "ouch" I whisper, shed frowns at me, "that's okay, I'm fine talking about it because I'm not afraid of my feelings" she said, "thank you" Jason sighed, "I'm talking about you too" Natalie snapped. "Can I just say, this is a very interesting way to approach counseling" Lara said interrupting the yelling. "Let's just calm down, how about it" Carter said walking over to the kitchen, "how come he's allowed to leave the cult circle and not me " Jason joked causing me to look way and smile, "still got it " he winked, I give him a look not wiping the smile off my face.Carter returns with a bottle of wine, "let's really talk about our feelings" he said, "cheers to that" I laugh as he pops open the cork.

An hour later, some of us were more drunk then others, surprisingly Natalie had drunk the most. "Well if we're talking about secrets, I haven't slept properly in two weeks" Finn announced, "I'll take credit for that" Lara said her head against Finn's chest, Lisa giggled, "I haven't texted Matt back for ages" Lisa confessed, Carter's face held a glimmer of hope and Natalie looks across at him, "oh please don't tell me your still in love with Lisa" she sighed, everything goes dead silent, you really could've heard a pin drop. "What did you just say?" Lisa asked sitting up, Carter's face flushed red, "sh- she was talking to me" I said quickly, "don't try lie out of this one, Max" Lisa said, I look across at Jason for help but even he looks surprised, "Carter, what is she talking about?" Lisa said looking down at Carter, "I need some air" Carter said stopping between each word. "The hell did you do that for?" I said, "she's drunk and it was a mistake" Jason said helping me help Natalie up, "you're seriously making this about us right now!" I snapped, "no, I'm just saying" he snapped back , "no you weren't" I said tugging at Natalie, "yes I was" he said tugging back, "she's not a rag doll" Lara said pulling us off her and she dropped to the ground with an "oof" "well done" I said walking away.

Later that night once everyone had gone to bed, Carter returned. He knocked on my door, "hey, you okay?" I asked, he lied down on my bed, "yeah, fine, my worst nightmare just came to life" he sighed, I got up from my desk and lay next to him in silence. "Looks like we both are pretty stuck" he said sitting up and pulling me up with him, I moaned, he looks across at me, "what?" I asked, "I just thought of something really, bad" he said looking confused with himself, "what?" I asked, he looked at me for a second, "this" he finally said suddenly kissing me, I didn't stop him, I don't think I wanted to, he was so passionate. We kept going, too drunk to realise what we were doing was wrong, really wrong.

I woke early next morning, "Carter, what the hell" I said confused, "no,oh no" he says, "we didn't" I begin, "we did" he sighed, "this is not good, this is really not good" I said, "no kidding" he said, "okay I'll go out first and make sure no one's there, then you go and if you tell anyone about this I'll-" I began angrily, "you really think I want anyone to know" he said interrupting me. I quietly open the door, no one was there. "Go" I said pushing him out the door, I turn back around coming face to face with, "Finn!" I exclaimed, "don't forget, my room is right next to yours as well".

That entire day Finn gave Carter and I awkward looks, it was so frustrating but I had to put up with it. "Lunch!" Lisa called, "you're getting good at this cooking thing" Carter laughed not bringing up the events of last night, "I know! can you get me the salt?" Lisa asked catching onto his idea, Carter and I both reach for the salt, "what's up with you two?" she asked, "nothing" I said quickly, "that is the worst lie you have ever told" Lara laughed entering the kitchen, "no, it's not" Carter said backing me up, "when did you start being on Max's side?" Jason asked entering the kitchen, "I'm not on anyone's side!" Carter retorted, "yeah, he's not" I said slapping him on the arm, he slaps me back, "that's what I just said" he scowled, "I know and I was just confirming it" I said slapping him again, he slapped me back and soon Jason and Finn had to pull us a apart. "What the hell's going on?" Natalie asked, Carter begins to say something, "don't you dare" I said warningly, he looks at me for a second then takes a breath, "I feel guilty enough,Max and I slept together" he says, everyone goes silent. And then I screamed pulling myself out of Jason grip and lunging at Carter, I pinned him against the ground, "what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled, "what's wrong with me? what's wrong with you?" he shouted, "you were the one who kissed me!" I yelled, "you were the one who took your top off first!" he yelled, "you took it off for me!" I retorted. He pushed me off him and pins me against the ground, everyone else is silent, Carter looked at me for a second his eyes scanning my face for some sort of answer, "stop looking at me like that" I said, "what in disgust" he grinned, "you little-" I began but Finn interrupted me pulling Carter off me, "okay that's enough, let's just take a breath" he said, "a breath, a breath, are you serious, last night I found out one of my best friends is falling in love with me!" Lisa yelled pointing at Carter, "and now, I've found out he slept with my other best friend, are you serious!" she shouted, everyone goes silent, "really Carter, I expected Max but you are you-" I cut her off, "hold up you expected me, what the hell does that mean?" I said, "I think she just meant-" Jason began, "stay out off this Jason" I said, "no, okay, I'm sick of you pushing me away Max, I get what I did was stupid and I understand if you don't want to be together but I'm not going to let this ruin everything" he said, everyone looked at him expecting everything to magically fix. "I made a drunken bet to sleep with the girl that I would fall in love with" Jason announced, "we get it Jason" Natalie sighed, "you're the one who wanted a counseling session" Jason said, "fine, my lecturer fell in love with me, quit his job and then I left him" she said, "I knew Carter and Max slept together and I kept it a secret" Finn said, "what?" Lara said, "keep it going" Jason urged,"I'm still in love with the guy who bet on me" I said, a smile formed on Jason's face, "I just want everything to go back to normal" Carter sighed, "we're not normal" I said, everyone laughed lightly, "so let's just be us then" Jason shrugged, "sounds like a plan".

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