Merry Christmas From Apartment 5B

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"Hey wake up, it's Christmas" a warm hand touched my shoulder, I smiled at his touch as he lightly kissed my lips, "why are you smiling?" he asked "I reckon I could get uses to this" I said, he grinned, "I already am" I followed him into the main room. The tree was set up in the middle, it was a dark green with white and blue lights and too much tinsel. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was ten thirty, "Merry Christmas" Finn said, everyone else was already awake but still in their pajamas. "I'll make us some breakfast" I said, "already handled" Carter winked, "well done" I smiled giving him a high five. We sat around the pool table eating breakfast, "we should do secret Santa now" Natalie said clapping her hands together, "okay, I'll go first" Lara said, "Merry Christmas, Lis" she said handing Lisa a fairly large wrapped book, Lisa hugged her "thanks, Lars" Lisa smiled hugging her, she opened the box to reveal a tee shirt that read ' I'm here for the Ice Cream' she laughed, "oh my god, yes!" Lisa said, "and and actual tub of ice cream, it's in the freezer" Lara winked, "thank you" Lisa grinned hugging her again. "Okay, I'll go" Finn said, he handed Lara a fairly heavy box, "thanks Finn" she smiled hugging him, she opened the box and her mouth dropped, "you remembered" she whispered, "what are we looking at?" Carter asked, Lara pulled out a large heavy book, "it was like a few days after we first met and I was talking to Finn about my degree and how this famous scientist had this book that helped him and oh my gosh I can't believe you remembered" Lara said throwing her arms around Finn. "Didn't steal it did you? Finny" I asked jokingly, "funny" he said. "Okay since we are on the subject of Finn, Merry Christmas, Finny" I said handing him a small box, "thanks, Maximum" he grinned. He opened the box and his mouth dropped just like Lara's did, "you didn't" he said, "I can be nice" I shrugged, Finn pulled out a key for the new ford ranger, "it's in the garage" I grinned.

We took the elevator down to the garage and Finn excitedly followed me. We arrived at the spot, "oh come on, you don't mess with a man's emotions like that!" Finn said picking up the toy car, I had to hold onto Jason's shoulder I was laughing so much, "poor Finny you were like an excited little boy" I laughed hugging him. We went back to the apartment, "seriously though, I got you some foods from Liverpool, remind you of home" I laughed, "thanks Max" he grinned, "oh, good times" he said inspecting a hard piece of candy. "I'll go, Merry Christmas Nat" Jason said handing her a small box, "not another car is it?" Lisa laughed. Natalie opened the box, "wow, it's beautiful" she gasped, "yeah, I had to get Max to help" Jason laughed wrapping his arm around me, "could you?" Natalie asked Carter, "yeah sure" he put the silver necklace on Natalie, "thanks Jason" Natalie grinned giving him a hug. "Merry Christmas Max" Carter said handing me a rectangle shaped present, I carefully opened it. It was a picture frame, "what is it?" I asked, he nodded for me to read it, "you named a star after me?" I said taken aback, "yeah, I don't really know why but there's a whole rage about doing that, so I thought it would be pretty cool" Carter shrugged, "wow, thank you" I smiled giving him a hug, "man, that's so cool" I laughed."Mine's no where near as good but Merry Christmas" Lisa laughed handing Jason and oddly shaped present, he unwrapped it to reveal a football, "I know you're not to keen on your degree and that you always liked football so, just in case you need a little inspiration" Lisa smiled, "thanks, how did you?" he asked and then looked at me, "she was struggling" I laughed, he kissed my forehead then hugged Lisa. "My turn, Merry Christmas Carter" Natalie smiled handing Carter a thin box, inside was a bar of chocolate and an apron with an ice cream stitched on, "for the parlor, so you don't have to wear that bright green one" Natalie laughed, "thanks Nat" Carter grinned hugging her.

It was now three o'clock and we had spent the last two hours playing pool and unnecessarily stuffing ourselves with food. This was the best Christmas I have ever had. "Should we go to the roof?" Natalie asked, "yeah, except we need that key again" Jason said, "I can get it" Lara said, "yeah, I'll come" Finn said following Lara out, "careful, don't kiss each other" I joked, "right" Finn said walking off. "I better distract the caretaker" I said, "I have an idea" Jason laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me to the elevator. We stood a hundred meters from the outside the caretakers office waiting for him to come, when he did Jason pulled me into a kiss, I was used to his lips now. "Hey! stop with that" the caretaker said, "stop what" Jason laughed, "you bloody couples, don't think about anyone else do you" he sighed, "sorry, Merry Christmas" I said grabbing Jason's hand. We waited down the hallway hoping we had distracted the caretaker long enough. They arrived two minutes later holding the keys.

We snuck up to the roof taking blankets and a flask of hot chocolate with us. We huddled together passing around the flask and telling stories. "Hey remember that time Finn broke the door" Natalie laughed, "oh yeah, what did he say, I just touched it and it fell" I laughed, "it did!" he said in defense, "what about when Lisa got unconscious from walking into a pole" I laughed, "you pushed me!" she retorted, "it was a mistake" Lara confirmed grinning. "Hey, what about that time Natalie was obsessed with Christmas, oh wait" Carter laughed, "whatever" Natalie sighed, "oh, Nat's got the Christmas blues" Jason said, "Carter what did you do" I joked, "Yeah, yeah" Carter shrugged. "Should we go back, we've run out of hot chocolate" Lara said, "no hot chocolate, no reason to live" I joked, "amen to that" Finn laughed standing up. We quietly made our way back to the apartment,it was now eight thirty, but it was dark and seemed much later. "I'll make some more hot chocolate" Finn announced, "you guys want to get smashed in another game of pool?" I asked the guys, "okay, you've only one every game we've ever played" Carter said, Lisa gave me a high five. "No this time we are going to win" Jason announced, "you wish" I whispered. We flipped a coin for first shot, "call it" Carter said, "tails" Lara said quickly, it landed on tails, "ha! tails never fails!" Natalie yelled, "too much hot chocolate?" Finn laughed, "you reckon" Jason said, "yeah, what exactly did you put in the hot chocolate, Lars?" I laughed, "okay, I'll take first shot" Lisa said.

We won the game, for the thousandth time. "Every time we lose it takes a bit of my manliness with it" Finn sighed, I laughed, "I don't think you had any in the first place" "careful, Maximum" Finn warned. "I can't believe we have a week left of this year" Lara sighed, "I know, it's gone too quick" Jason sighed. Natalie put on some Christmas music; All I want for Christmas is you- Mariah Carey. Lisa sang along loudly and we all sort of joined in, singing at the top of our lungs, it was cliche but we didn't really care.

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