First Success, First Dropout

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"I have news!" I said entering the apartment, "you're happy because you're lectures are over for today?" Finn asked jokingly, "yes, but that's not it" I said, "what is it?" Jason asked. "Everyone ready?" I asked excitedly, they all nodded looking my way. "I got a job on a movie set" I announced happily, "what!" Carter said, "no way" Finn said grinning, "Max, that's amazing" Natalie said, "I'm so proud of you" Jason grinned, he lifted me up spinning me around and I couldn't help but smile. "Well done" Lara said giving me a hug, "I knew you could do something with that brain" Lisa laughed hugging me. I couldn't stop grinning. "What's the movie?" Jason asked,  "Murder on the Orient Express, it's a remake of the old one, it's got Johnny Depp in it!" I said jumping up in down, "are you kidding!" Finn said grinning, "not even a little" I laughed, "that's awesome" Jason said kissing me. Finn and Lara made gagging sounds, "like you two can talk!" I retorted without thinking, Finn and Lara's faces went dead straight, "what do you mean?" Carter asked confused, "nothing, I just like making fun of them, they act like an old married couple" I shrugged, everyone believed it. Close.

Later day Lisa came in. "I think I know something" she said closing the door behind her. Oh no. "And that would be?" I asked, "I can't tell you" she said, I gave her a look, "unless you know" she said, "unless I know what?" I said, "or you know that I know, that you know" she said slowly, "Lisa I don't know anything right now, you're talking gibberish" I stated. She knows. "Is it true?" she asked, I didn't say anything, "oh my god it is!" she said loudly, "Finn and Lara" she said too loudly. I jumped on her pushing her onto my bed and covering her mouth, "yes I know and you know but no one else knows so you have to be quiet!" I demanded, she pushed me off, "what, when?" she said still just as loud, "Christmas" I said calmly, "Christmas!" she retorted, "jee, you're worse than me" I said covering her mouth again. She took my hand off, "I never saw that coming" she said quietly. "Neither" I sighed sitting next to her, "so no one else knows?" she asked, I shook my head. She stood up, "I'm going to tell them I know" she said walking off.

"So Natalie and Jason don't know?" Carter asked later on that evening, he had reacted much better than Lisa and I. Finn, Lara, Carter, Lisa and I were standing in Lara's room, "how did you find out?" I asked Carter, "I caught them kissing in the elevator when they were supposedly doing laundry" Carter laughed. Finn shook his head, "I'm not even sorry" he laughed, "I'm still not over this" I sighed. Natalie entered the room, "dinner's ready, woah, what are we talking about?" she asked, "Jason's birthday" I said "that's not until July" she said, I shrugged and then walked out leaving the others to hang. Minutes later Natalie and the others walked out, Natalie had a face stuck in a surprised expression, "you told her?" I asked, Lara nodded, "thanks for leaving us to hang" Finn scowled, I laughed. "Knows what?" Jason asked, Finn looked at Lara and she nodded, "Lara and I are kind of together" he said slowly bracing himself for a huge outrage like Lisa, Natalie and I had reacted. "SO what we've learned is that you are the most oblivious Jason" Lisa laughed, "what, no I knew I just didnt' say anything " he said, "sure sure" Carter laughed. "I'm serious!" he said, "I believe you" I smiled, "really?" he asked, "no" I said and everyone laughed. "Come here" Jason said, "nope" I said slowly backing away, he had picked up a spoon full of mashed potato, Finn got a spoon as well and soon everyone was chasing me around the apartment with spoonfuls of mashed potatoes. I was screaming.

We sat down panting on the couch, "want to order a pizza?" Finn asked. I picked up the phone, "hi, could I get two ham and cheese, two pepperoni and one hawaiian" I said to the person on the phone, "you guys want anything?" I joked. "That will be there in fifteen minutes" the person said, "thank you" I hung up the phone. "True friendship when you know our favorite pizzas" Natalie laughed. Fifteen minutes later and the pizza had arrived. "What is wrong with you people liking pineapple on pizza" I sighed, "I know right" Lisa said shaking her head. "It's good" Jason and Natalie said at the same time. And so began an argument about liking pineapple on pizza which ended in Natalie slapping me to hard because I dropped her pizza.

"I need to tell you something" Jason said entering my room later that night, "you've switched to the good side of not liking pineapple on pizza" I joked. "I dropped out of college" he said quickly. "Good job" I nodded smiling, "you're not angry?" he said, "Jason, why would I be angry?" I said, he shrugged sitting next to me. "I got a job at the stadium, not as impressive as yours but it will do" he shrugged. I nodded, "I'm still annoyed at you for liking pineapple on pizza" I whispered, he laughed, "I know" he smiled. "Tell the others" I said, he nodded and got up stood outside my door and yelled; "I quit college and I don't care what you think!" I laughed, "okay, you could have told them normally, I guess that was more entertaining" I said. "Yes! no more complaining" Finn called from his room, "no more complaining!" Carter repeated from his room, "thanks guys" Jason laughed, "okay" Lara said, "go Jason" Natalie cheered from her room, "I'm hungry" Lisa said, we all laughed.

We all stayed up late that night in my bedroom eating ice cream, even though it's winter, there's not a rule is there? "I think your bed is more comfortable than mine" Carter said after lying on my bed for a while. I laughed, "you're funny" I said, "so funny" Lisa added. "Coffee anyone?" Lara asked, "yes please" we all said, Finn got up and followed her, "cute" Natalie said sadly, "you're not still on about lecturer are you" I sighed, "be nice!" Lara called from the kitchen. "I just, I actually liked him" she mumbled, "stuff him" I said, "not helping" Carter said. Lisa got onto the bed and lay next to Carter. "Coffee" Lara and Finn said entering with cups full of coffee. We drink too much coffee.

I think everyone fell asleep, because when I woke up it was eleven fifty.Lisa was asleep on Carter's shoulder. "I'll make some pancakes" Finn said waking up, "it's not morning" Natalie said sitting up, "don't mean you can't have pancakes" I said giving Finn a high five as he walked out to the kitchen. "Twelve am pancakes" Carter laughed, "there is only one thing that can make this better" Lisa grinned, "let me guess, is it ice cream, it's got to be ice cream is it ice cream?" I said sarcastically, "yeah it's ice cream" she said skipping to the freezer. "You should invite Quinn around" Lisa suggested, Carter and I exchanged looks, "okay what is it?" Lisa sighed setting her spoon down loudly, "what's what?" Carter shrugged, "every time I bring up Quinn you guys avoid the question" she said annoyed, I looked at Carter and said, "your choice" Lisa moaned, "what do you mean your choice what does that mean?" she said, "Quinn broke up with me" Carter stated. "What, why?" Lisa said startled, Carter gave a weary glance at me, "because she thought you and I liked each other, that's why she set you up with Matt to get you away from me" Carter said cautiously waiting for Lisa's reaction, she sat silent for a second and then yelled "what! I swear I will kill that bi-" "hey, let's be calm" I said stopping her from walking out the door. "This is ridiculous, why would she think that" Lisa spat, Carter looked hurt. "That's it" she said grabbing her phone a dialing a number, "what, what are you doing?" Carter asked quickly, "calling Matt, I'm breaking up with him, Quinn can't just expect me to fall in love with a random guy she thinks she can set me up with" she said angrily, Carter walked up to her and took the phone out of her hand. "Look, Quinn breaking up with me sucks but don't let that get rid of a guy that you really like" he said still holding her hand. "You're right" she sighed, "I am?" Carter said sadly, "yeah, in fact, I'm going to see him right now" Lisa smiled grabbing her coat while calling Matt's number, "hey, can I come over" she said over the phone. She gave us a thumbs up and then walked out the door. I turned to Carter, "don't" he said walking to his room and slamming the door.We all sat helplessly in the kitchen, silently thinking of things to say to Carter.I went to his bedroom, he had gone to sleep. "Sleeping" I mouthed to the others, "goodnight" everyone said quietly and we all left to our rooms.

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