The Dreaded First Day

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The sound of my alarm clock was odd to hear, I was in new place with the same old alarm ringing.Today was the first day of the semester, it was eight in the morning, way to early for me. I was the first one awake, we have this rule; whoever is the first one awake always has to make coffee. I began making coffee the smell waking the others up, "Morning" Lisa grumbled stumbling in, "hey" I said handing her a coffee, she had her bed sheet over her shoulders, "attached to your bed?" Lara laughed entering the room, "just a little" Lisa laughed rubbing her eyes. "Hey kiddies" Finn said, "what's with you and children?" Natalie asked entering after him, "yeah, got a white van somewhere,asking any kids if they want candy?" I joked, "ha ha" Finn said scruffing the top of my head, I frowned pushing him off. "Morning" Carter said entering the kitchen with no shirt on, "hi, where's Jason?" I asked, the boys exchanged looks "still in bed, I tried getting him up, he's no good with his degree, he regrets picking it, I think" Finn said under his breath, I nodded "I'll get him" I said.

I walked to his room which was closest to the kitchen, I knocked. "Yeah?" he responded, I entered, "come on, just try one day" I said taking the covers of his bed off of him.He was wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt. I grabbed his arm pulling him out of bed, "wow, you're stronger than I thought" he said, "don't underestimate my abilities" I said dragging him into the kitchen. "Hey, big boy's up!" Carter said, "did you just call me big boy?" Jason said, "how comes it's funny whenever Finn says it but not me" Carter sighed, Jason slapped him on the back and laughed. "Okay,I'm leaving in ten, anyone want to come be ready" I said putting on some toast, "feisty" Lisa whispered, I rolled my eyes, "you're a very weird child" I laughed. "Okay,I'm having a shower" Carter said walking towards the bathroom.I went back to my room and got changed into some ripped jeans with a gray shirt. "Okay I'm ready!" I called to everyone, "same!" Lisa said, "is it just me and Lisa leaving?" I asked everyone, "yeah, bye good luck!" Lara called. Me and Lisa went to the car and I drove us to campus.

Campus was big and loud and swarming with people, we walked up to a red headed girl holding "hi, could you tell us where we could find our classes, I think they're over there, right?" I asked the girl, she answered in a high pitched, happy voice, "okay so nursing is in the gray building over there" she said to Lisa pointing her hand sharply at a large gray building, "and creative writing and film is in that tall brick building" she said to me, smiling hugely, "thanks" we said walking off. "How is anyone that happy" I said, "I know" Lisa said shaking her head. "Okay, have a great day, text me at lunch" I said to Lisa, "you too! bye" she called running off to the gray building.

I entered the brick building, straight in front of me was a stairway, I followed the stairs up to my lecture room. When I entered the room it was big and filled with people whose voice's echoed of the walls. I walked up the stairs and sat in a chair next to the isle. On the other side of me was a girl with blue hair, "hey, hopefully the lecturer shows up,I'm Max" I said, "I'm Quinn and yeah I hope so, everyone says he's pretty cool" she said tucking a strand of blue hair behind her pierced ear.Just as she finished a man around the age of forty with light brown hair entered the room, he hobbled in smiling. "My name is Gabe Rolland, I am your lecturer for creative writing,let's begin."

I met Lisa at lunch outside the main building she was smiling brightly, "save any lives in there?" I asked jokingly, "basically" she laughed, "have you got another lecture after?" I asked, "no, I'm done for the day" she said, "okay when you get home tell Finn it's his turn to cook, make sure it's not to British" I joked, "yeah, when's your next lecture?" she asked, "an hour, where do you want to go for lunch?" I asked. "Carter said he has a shift at the ice cream parlor and Natalie can meet us there" Lisa said excitedly, I laughed "you just want an excuse to eat ice cream" I said, "yeah" she mumbled, "okay, come on" I laughed putting an arm around her an following her to the car.

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