Behind Closed Doors

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Morning came faster than usual. It was a Saturday and I was the only one awake, I thought. Voices drifted from Finn's room. Jason and Carter were there too, their voices were quiet and firm, "I have to tell her" Jason whispered, "you can't" Carter sighed, "it was a mistake, it doesn't mean anything we were all drunk" Jason continued, "that's not how she'll see it" Finn said. "If you love her you won't tell her" Carter said, Love her?  "I do love her and that's why I need to tell her" Jason said annoyed, "look, if you tell her, it won't just ruin things for you. It'll ruin it for all of us" Finn said his voice even quieter, "Please" Carter said. Footsteps paced the room and made their way towards the door, I walked quickly back to the kitchen. Jason slammed the door, "hey, you're awake" he smiled, "yeah" I said handing him a coffee, "you okay, why did you slam the door?" I asked subtlety, "yeah, I couldn't find my keys, I think Finn lost them again" he said scratching the back of his neck, "you know I can tell when people are lying, like how Nat always looks to the left, you always scratch the back of your neck"I said, "well you always bite your lip when you lie" he said, "not the point" I laughed, he kissed me, trying to distract me, maybe. If he was in love with another girl why didn't he just tell me?

"Kids! lets pray"  Finn said at lunch, "or we could just eat" I said, "Jewish, pass" Carter said raising his hand, "hungry pass" I joked. We dug in, "so Finn did you find Jason's keys?" I asked, "what?" he said, Jason gave him a look, "oh right, yeah, yeah I did" he said. Great, lying straight to my face. When we finished lunch I cleared up and went to my bedroom replaying this mornings conversation in my head. Why can't he just man up and tell me. Someone knocked, "yeah" I said, it was Carter, "you okay?" he asked, "fine" I said, I didn't bother asking him, he would lie just like Finn, just like Jason. "You know Quinn talked to me yesterday" I said changing the subject, "really? what did she say?" he asked, "she was wondering if you and Lisa had got together" I said, Carter banged his fist on the wall and I flinched at the sudden outburst, "sorry, it's just, why would she think that? I don't like Lisa like that" he said, I paused for a second "but you, don't you?" I said quietly, "Max she's with Matt now" he said, "that wasn't my question" I said, "yeah, well that was my answer" he said angrily. "Okay, well at least she's not keeping it from you" I said under my breath, "what's that supposed to mean?" he asked, I sighed, maybe I will try talking to him. "I think Jason's seeing someone else" I said, "What? Max no, I promise you he's not " Carter said firmly, I searched his body language for signs of lying, he wasn't looking away, his feet were firm, nothing, he was telling the truth. "Thank you, for not lying" I said, he smiled, "I'm the best, I know" he grinned. The door opened, Lisa. "Hey, can I talk to you Max?" she asked, "see you" Carter said walking out the door. "How may I assist?" I asked, "dating advice" she stated, I stepped back, "nope, that's Natalie's or Lara's place, I know nothing about dating" I said, "yet you're the only one with a boyfriend" Lisa said, I laughed "hey, I'm as confused about that as you are" I said, she gave me a look, "fine, what is it?" I asked, "which one should I wear?" she asked pulling out two dresses from behind her back. "Left" I said, "see wasn't that hard was it Einstein" she grinned skipping out of the room.

That night Lisa went out with Matt, we ate dinner and talked about Natalie's problems, literally. "What did you do when you saw your lecturer?" Lara asked, "oh okay, he pulled me aside and said this, are you ready?" she grinned, "I'm on the edge of my seat" I said sarcastically, Lara hit me, "ow"  "anyway, he said, I know this isn't right but I don't regret that kiss" Natalie said putting on a deep voice, I rolled my eyes and made a gagging sound, "like you can talk! you and Jason make out every two seconds!" she retorted, "actually it's every one second" Jason grinned kissing me. Everyone sighed and Jason gave me a high five. "What did you say?" Finn asked eagerly, we all looked at him, "what, I'm interested, it's like a live reality show" he shrugged. "I said no" she frowned, "what" I said surprised, "it's not right" she shrugged, "it's hard life" Carter said patting her on the back, I shook my head, "not helpful" I mouthed, "you're never helpful" he scowled.

The next morning Lisa came home. "Morning, wild child" I grinned she entered the apartment, "hey" she smiled, "how was last night" I asked as I poured her some coffee, "great" she laughed. "Lisa!" Natalie said running out of her room and hugging her. "I need to tell you all my problems" she said pulling her out the room, I laughed as they went. Lara walked in, "Toma algo de cafe (have some coffee)" I said handing her a cup of coffee, "I don't know what that means but thanks" she said rubbing her eyes and taking the steaming cup of coffee. "So you going to tell me who it is" I said, "who, who is?" she said her face turning red immediately, I laughed, "they guy, you've been with" I said, "what, there is no guy" her face turned and even darker red, "you're nearly as bad as Natalie" I laughed again, "fine, you don't know him, it's nothing serious" she shrugged and then walked off before I could answer. "Weird" I said aloud, "what you?" Finn said entering the room, "funny, no Lara's seeing this guy and she's not telling me who it is, she always tells me everything" I said, "well, maybe she just wants to keep it private" he said awkwardly, I gasped, I just realized it. "oh my gosh it's y-" I said loudly, "no, no, no shut up" he said covering a hand over my mouth and carrying me to Lara's bedroom. "She knows" he said setting me on the bed, "Finn!" Lara said, "it wasn't me! she figured it out herself" he said. I sat there speechless, "you and you!" I said loudly, "shut up!" Finn said, "yes, but Max you can't tell anyone" Lara pleaded, "you dirty little dog" I laughed, she grinned, "just don't be weird about it" Finn said, "it's hard not to be, I mean how long has this been happening?" I said, "since Christmas" Finn grinned, "since Christmas!" I yelled, "quiet" Lara hissed. Finn and Lara, wow I didn't even know what to think and I never expected it. I guess there are some things I can't predict.

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