An Unlimited Supply Of Ice Cream

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The next day I came home exhausted from a day full of lectures. But when I opened the door it was not what I expected, "surprise!" the three guys said, I laughed "you bought a pool table, no way that's sick" I exclaimed running into the apartment. "So you don't like it?" Finn frowned, "what, no I do, sick is a good thing" I confirmed. "Want a game,I bet us girls could bet you easy" Natalie said from the kitchen, "no way we're the kings of pool" Carter said, "really? you want to prove that title for us then?" Lisa said grabbing a pool stick and giving me a high five,Carter whistled "feisty" he said, "Nat, you playing?" I asked, "hell yeah" she said setting down the knife she was chopping carrots with. "I'll ask Lara" Finn said. "Jason you ready to lose?" I asked swinging my pool stick from one hand to the other, "bring it" he said grabbing a stick. "Lara's studying" Finn said walking back in.

We flipped a coin for who goes first, "call it" I said as coin flipped in the air, "tails" Finn said quickly, I looked at the coin, "dammit, tails" I sighed. "Thank you" Carter said sassily taking the first shot, he scored on the first try sinking a stripe. Lisa looked at me nervously, I took a shot scoring a solid. For about ten minutes we did this scoring back and fourth. Lisa shot another solid pushing the eight ball in front of the guy's last ball. "Yeah, nice try" Finn scoffed aiming the ball and just missing the score, "ha!" Natalie said, "we still have a chance" Jason said quickly reassuring everyone, we looked at the eight ball, it continue to roll from Finn's strong hit, slowly it edged it's way toward the pocket.It fell in. "Victory!" Lisa shouted, the guy's jaws dropped, "that was luck!" they exclaimed, "re-match!" Carter said throwing his hands up, "fine, if you don't mind losing again" I said giving Lisa a high five. Lara came out "okay I'll play then, but the loss of my career is on you guys" she said.

Before we started our second game the doorbell rang, "I'll get it" I said, I opened the door and was greeted with an unfamiliar face, he had light brown hair,soft blue eyes and broad shoulders. "Hi, I'm Parker, Anne's son, I think you met my sister Laura, her and Mum used to live here" he said casually, "Oh yeah, I think I remember Laura mentioning you" I nodded slowly, "and you are?" he asked awkwardly, "I'm Max,do you want to come in?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks,I just need to pick up a few stuff I left here last Christmas" he said walking in after me. "Everyone this is Parker, Laura's brother, Parker this is, everyone" I laughed, "Hi, I just need to grab some stuff and then, I'll be out of your way" he said walking to the storage cupboard. "You could stay for dinner" Natalie suggested, he turned around, "are you sure? I mean I wouldn't want to get in the way" he said politely, "yeah, sure, Lisa's not cooking so I think we'll be safe" Natalie winked leading him back to the others.

"You play pool, Parker?" Jason asked chucking him a stick, "yeah, I'm no good" he laughed. Natalie continued to cook dinner and announced it was dinner not long after. We ate around the pool table, "how long have you guys lived here?" Parker asked, "two months or so" Lara said, Parker nodded, "it's cool, what you've done with the place" he said. "Thanks" Natalie said awkwardly.

We finished our meals, "well I'm going to go,thanks for the dinner. It was great meeting you guys" Parker said grabbing his coat, "I'll walk you out" Natalie said leading him out the door. I turned to everyone "is it possible to suffer from second hand awkwardness?" I said sarcastically, "definitely" Jason sighed clearing his plate. "Another game of pool, how about we swap up the teams" Carter suggested, "what you need some winners on your team" I joked, "something like that" he shrugged.

I was in a team with Carter and Natalie and Jason sat out to clear up. We played and our team was always up by two. I scored the last shot with ease. "It's not my fault I have bad players"  Finn said, "hey!" Lisa said defensively, "you know what they say, a bad workman always blames his tools" I said plainly, "god, you're always just filled with these bloody quotes or whatever" Finn said wiggling his fingers in front of me, I slapped his hand away, "yes. Yes I am" I laughed. "I'm going to go get something that will make you very happy, especially you Lisa" Carter suddenly announced then he ran out of the apartment. "Weird" Natalie said.While Carter was gone we spoke of far fetched Thanksgiving plans like actually going to Turkey and having Thanksgiving there, that was Finn's idea.

About an hour later Carter texted us telling us to come to the ground floor. "Maybe he's an axe murder" I said leading everyone down to the garage. Carter was standing in front of the jeep, starring at the back of the car. "Don't tell me you've got a dead body in there" I sighed, "yeah, what have we told you, you hide the body, then tell us" Jason said. "Shut up, I got you something good" Carter said opening the back of the car to reveal a huge amount of ice cream tubs. Lisa fell into my arms.Literally. I stood her up, "now help me get this up before it melts or before someone finds out we're ice cream hoarders" Carter hissed, handing us bags full of ice cream.We snuck upstairs shoving our freezer fill with ice cream.

"Okay which one should we open?" Carter asked, handing out spoons, "all of them" Lisa whispered still in awe, "I really don't understand how someone can love ice cream that much" Natalie said shaking her head at Lisa, "I really don't understand how someone couldn't" Lisa said. We opened the coffee caramel, cookie dough and mint chocolate chip. "And they say we're unhealthy" I sighed sitting on the couch. "Is this what heaven is like? 'cause I could work with it" Lisa said digging up the mint chocolate chip.

It didn't take us long to get through the tubs but we all lay on our backs breathing heavily after. "I don't think there's any room left in me to eat for days" Jason sighed, "don't be a baby, let's order a pizza" I joked sitting up. "I need to sleep but I can't move" Natalie moaned, "shush child" Lisa said rolling on her side and closing her eyes. "Maybe Carter really is trying go kill us" Lara whispered, "I'm right here" he said quietly. That night we all fell asleep at the same time each one of our breath in time with the other. Seven breaths all in unison  and it wasn't annoying to fall asleep to, it felt safe. It felt like home.

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