Natalie's Dirty Big Secret

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It's been a week since the funeral. Everything was back to normal, mostly, there as still tension between Finn and Jason, they just pretend it's not there. "Morning" Natalie said knocking on the door, "can we just give your bedroom to someone else, you spend most of your time here anyway" Carter said entering Jason's room, I laughed taking the covers off me and Jason. Finn made coffee for everyone, it was eight in the morning, the first day back for college. "I've only got one today, thank god" I sighed, "okay, I'm driving, who's coming?" Natalie called from her bedroom, "all of us, but I'm going in the guys car, they're closer to my lecture building" Lara said, "let's go" Finn said, "wait I just need to get changed" Jason said, Finn continued to work towards the door, "could you just give me five minutes?" Jason asked, Finn didn't say anything. "Come on guys, you need to sort this out" Lara said looking between them both. "You're best friends" Lisa said, "yeah unless you want Carter to be his best friend, nobody wants that" I joked, Finn and Jason laughed, "hey" Carter said. Finn walked up to Jason, for a second I thought he was going to punch him, "I'm sorry" Jason said, "I know" Finn grinned shaking his hand, "there it is!" I smiled.

I arrived late to my lecture, I quietly walked in, managing not to disturb anyone. "Hi" Quinn said, why did I sit next to her I thought, this shouldn't be too bad, "are Carter and Lisa together now?" she asked, Never mind,  it's bad. "No, Lisa's with Matt, just like you wanted" I said more rudely than I wanted to. "Oh" she said although she sounded hopeful, "look I don't know why you did it but-" she cut me off, "I didn't want to lose him" she said, "and then you broke up with him" I said confused, "I came to my senses, you can't be with someone who is in love with-" she stopped herself then said, "it wasn't easy." 

"I did a very bad thing" Natalie said when we met for lunch, "great, welcome to the club, about two thousand more bad things and you'll be at me level" I grinned. "I'm serious" she said sitting down. "Proceed" I said, "I kissed him" she stated, "sorry, are we talking about Abraham Lincoln, you're going to have to be a bit more specific than that, I ain't Einstein" I said, "hey, two famous people in one sentence, I'm proud" Lara said appearing behind us, "what happened to your hair?" Natalie asked, "reckon she's the one who did the bad thing" I winked, "no, I was helping Finn with something" she said sitting down. "When is Lis getting here?" Natalie asked frustrated, "I'd say now" I shrugged, "how do you know that?" she said, "lucky guess" I shrugged, Lara nodded at Lisa who was walking towards us. Natalie turned around and beckoned for her to come faster. "I kissed him" Natalie said when Lisa sat down, "who the president?" she joked, "yeah, you sure you actually kissed someone, usually you know the persons name, maybe even what they look like" I said jokingly, "my lecturer" she stated. "What!" I said, this was bad but I couldn't help but laugh, "stop it" Lara said, "so much for don't kiss and tell" I grinned, "wipe that grin off your face" Natalie scowled. "Did he kiss you back?" Lisa said trying not to smile, "yes" she said dreamily, I snapped my fingers in front of her face, "hey princess, quit it" I said. "What do I do?" Natalie pleaded, "nothing" I said, they all looked at me, "see what he does" I shrugged.

I went home and the others went to their next lecture, Carter was home. "Hey" he said coming out of his room, "Hola" I said pouring myself some juice, "Juice? it's February" he said, "a girl can't have some juice" I said, "sure" he laughed. "No one else home?" I asked, "no, I killed them" he said, "you're becoming more and more like me" I grinned, he laughed, "it's a curse really" he said.

At dinner Natalie ate angrily, she vigorously cut her food scraping her fork across her plate. I grinned. "Something we should know?" Finn asked, Natalie sighed loudly setting her fork and knife down, "I promised myself I wouldn't do anything stupid this year" she said putting her head in her hands. "What happened?" Carter asked, Natalie nodded at me to speak, "she kissed her lecturer" I said trying not to laugh, "what!" Jason said, Finn wolf whistled. "Stop" Lara said covering Finn's mouth, "this is serious" she continued, "yes, come on guys, stop fooling around" I said, everyone burst out laughing, even Natalie and Lara grinned. "Honestly though Nat, you can't do much, just don't worry about it" I said, "it's wrong though" Lara said. "No, I agree with Max" Jason said, "of course you do" Carter said rolling his eyes, "hey! we disagree a lot" I laughed. "I guess I can just pretend it didn't happen" Natalie shrugged, "just stop worrying" Lisa said, "yeah, it'll be your dirty big secret" Finn winked.

I went for a walk late that night, it was cold and my breath formed clouds in front of me. I hadn't had much time to explore the city, I should make time, it truly was the city that never sleeps. I got lost in thought and lost in my music. Nothing happened on the walk, nothing different, nothing out of the ordinary, it was just calm. When I got home everyone was asleep, or in their rooms, it was eleven thirty. I went into Jason's room, I quietly got into bed, he moved, "don't worry I wasn't asleep, just closing my eyes" he said, I laughed, "I thought that was sleeping" I said, "who knows" he said quietly, he turned on his side wrapping me into a hug. I fell asleep easily, I remember the dream I had, it was of a girl walking through the city, she walked with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face, I think she was me, I hope she was.

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