Don't Trust Lisa In The Kitchen

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The next few days were fast and the start of the semester was edging closer. "Apparently there is supposed to be a solar eclipse tonight" Carter said while cooking eggs for everyone, "yeah, I heard about that" Lara said taking a sip of her coffee. "We could go onto the roof tonight, get a good view" I said, "I don't think you're allowed on the roof, you need a key anyway" Finn said, "I can get the key" Jason spoke up, "how do you plan on doing that,ace?" I asked, "I was hoping with your help" he said, I grinned, "I thought you would never ask" I said. "The keys are in the caretakers office" Natalie stated, "so all we need to do is get the caretaker up here and we're good" Carter said, "I feel like a spy" Lisa whispered, we laughed. "Okay, you guys can be the distraction and me and Jason will get the keys" I said, "great, what's the distraction?" Finn asked clapping his hands together, "yeah, haven't quite got to that part yet" I said, "how about a fire" Jason said, "you're kidding right" Natalie said, "please tell me your kidding" she sighed. "Not an actual fire just, enough smoke that it causes a fuss" Jason said, "good idea, who's going to cause it?" Lara asked, we all turned to Lisa, she looked up. "Hold on just because I'm not good in the kitchen doesn't mean" she stopped, looking at all of us and sighed, "fine, but don't blame me if this place actually blows up" she said.

Fifteen minutes later and the caretaker arrived, "what's going on?" he said, his voice was rough. "Sorry I was cooking some toast and I kind of burnt it, there was heaps of smoke I didn't know what to do" Lisa said innocently, "how dumb are you?" the caretaker said, that was rude, Jason had to hold me back from shouting at him. We ran downstairs not using the elevator, "in here" he said.It was more of a corridor than an office, we looked for the key to the roof, "hey, Max I think we may have a bit of a problem" Jason whispered, I walked to where he was standing, in front of us was a wall of keys, maybe two dozen of them, "you've got to be kidding me" I laughed. "Okay, well how do we know which one is which" Jason began "I have no idea,text Finn ask him to go up to the roof, ask him to find out what model the key is from the lock, somehow" I instructed, "I like your thinking" Jason said texting quickly. "Hopefully he won't be long" Jason said putting his phone away. My phone buzzed immediately after, I read the text aloud, "we couldn't hold the caretaker off he's coming back, not a nice guy!Lisa sent this" I said, there was movement outside the office. Jason grabbed my wrist and pulled me deeper down the corridor room, "I think we're good" he sighed, more movement, I clasped my hand over his mouth and felt his smile against my palm. I don't understand how someone could work here it really was, tight.

It had been three minutes and finally Finn texted Jason saying; 'look for an old key, it might say key supply on it.' Jason showed the text to me and I nodded. Cautiously we walked towards the wall of the keys, the caretaker was now outside the door, making a phone call maybe. We searched for the key and found one that said 'KS' on it, "key supply?" Jason mouthed, I shrugged "hopefully" I whispered taking the key and leading him to the door. The care taker was still standing outside. "Dammit, what are we going to do?" I asked, "I have an idea, but you're not going to like it" he said.

His hands wrapped around my waist and he nodded, I smashed a coffee cup so the caretaker would notice the noise and the caretaker barged in, "what the hell are you doing?" he exclaimed, our lips parted, "sorry, we were, we'll go now" I said biting my lip to stop from smiling, "yeah! get out of here" the caretaker yelled as we ran away laughing. We ran back into the apartment and I held up the keys in triumph, "yes!" Finn said pumping his fist in the air. "Good job guys, partners in crime" Natalie laughed clapping her hands, "this really makes me want to be a spy" Lisa whispered, I laughed "I guess what we've learned is to never trust Lisa in the kitchen" Carter said, "shut up" Lisa said rolling her eyes. "So when is the eclipse?" I asked, I don't know why we were all so determined to see this. "First sighting would be two thirty, I think it lasts till five" Finn informed us reading off his phone, Lara looked at her watch "two hours" she announced. "Can we have s'mores!" Lisa asked, "anything for you, baby" I said, she laughed "should we go to the store and get some?" she asked, I nodded, "anyone else need anything?" I said, all of them shook their heads, "Jason?" I asked, he looked up, "what?" he said, I laughed, "you okay? you need anything from the shop?" I asked, "ah, no thanks and yeah, I'm okay" he said, I nodded.

Lisa and I took the elevator to the ground level, "something happened, didn't it?" she said eyeing me up and down, "no" I shrugged, "Max you are a great liar, but not to someone who's known you for almost your entire life" she said following me to the car, "fine, we kissed" I said, "you what!" Lisa almost screamed, "it was just to distract the caretaker" I said getting in the car, "sure, sure" she winked, "oh my god, I hate you so much" I said, "love you too" she laughed, "seriously, it meant nothing" I said, "is that what he thinks?" she asked, "yes!" I said defensively, "so you're telling me you felt nothing?" she asked, "it was just a kiss, it was like two seconds" I sighed, "so you counted, huh" she teased, "I swear Lisa, I will crash this car and take you down with me" I said, "okay, okay, I'm done" she said holding her hands up in defeat. We arrived at the store, "so are you going to tell the others?" Lisa asked casually, "it's not a big deal" I said giving her a look, "I know, so if it's not a big deal you can just tell them, right?" she said grabbing a block of chocolate, "whatever" I laughed grabbing some biscuits and marshmallows.

We arrived back a few minutes later, "what are you guys doing?" we asked entering the apartment, everyone was on their phones. "Is this what you guys do when we're not here? god your lives would be so boring without us" I said, Jason got up and took the bag off food from me, "probably" he said, Lisa pulled the others and I into her room, "Max" she said, "oh, wow this is so not a big deal!" I said raising my voice, Lisa looked at me "fine, we kissed, to distract the caretaker" I said sounding out each word, "okay, cool" Lara said, "thank you, that's how a normal person deals with it" I laughed. We went back into the main room, "we should head up to the roof now" Carter said. We took the elevator to the top level, the door to the roof was at the end of the hallway, I unlocked it and a rush of air hit us. It was a beautiful site, really, now I realized why we must've been so driven to see it. A line of gold marked the horizon and above was a clear midnight blue sky and right in the middle, a ring of light, it was almost blinding. Almost. We passed around chocolate and marshmallows, "this is really, very cool" Carter said, we laughed, "indeed it is" I agreed.

Lisa put on some music, we all spread across the roof taking in the picture individually, Jason came up behind me. "Hey" he said, "isn't it beautiful?" I said not taking my eyes of the beautiful site before me, "yeah, it is" he whispered, I smiled, "you know, you're not such a bad guy" I said, "what you thought I was?" he said, "I don't know, I guess I'm not as good at reading people than I thought" I shrugged, he nodded breaking eye contact,Why did he break eye contact? I placed my hand on his heart and he looked back, "Jason?" I said, "yeah?" he said quietly "why is your heart beating so fast?" I asked even quieter, he didn't answer. Instead he pushed the hair away from the left side of neck and placed his two fingers against my pulse, "Max,why is yours?" he said, I turned away, I got that feeling again. Weakness.

"Who wants the last marshmallow?" Natalie asked loudly, "Yo!" Lisa said, "okay ready" Natalie warned, Lisa opened her mouth, ready for Natalie to throw it into her mouth. "Three, two-" "wait, don't count down, it's making me nervous" Lisa said, "okay, go" Natalie threw the marshmallow completely missing Lisa's mouth, the marshmallow fell over the side of the roof, "no!" Lisa exclaimed, "that was a perfectly good marshmallow" I tutted, "disappointed" Lara said sounding out each vowel.  "We better get back, it's getting late" Finn said looking at his phone, ten thirty. "Okay, let's get out of here" I said leading everyone out the door. We walked down the dim lit hallway and walk straight into the caretaker. "What are you doing up here?" he said roughly, "sorry we went to the wrong floor" Lara said leading us to the elevator, he limped after us "oi! weren't you two the ones kissing in my room, I'm watching you two" he said pointing at Jason and I. The door closed. "Hold on did he just say kiss?" Carter asked confused, "you guys kissed!" Finn exclaimed, "okay, calm down we did it to distract him" Jason said, "wow, okay, I'm surprised" Carter said, "yeah I thought you said the-" Finn started but Jason cut him off, "it is, we just needed to distract him" he said firmly, I looked at him confused and he shrugged.

We arrived back at the apartment, we didn't really eat dinner, too full from all those marshmallows. We talked about the caretaker and how much he hated us all, I think we're going to get on his nerves even more. "Well I'm pretty tired, I'm going to bed" Finn announced, "Goodnight guys, see you in the morning" Lara said, everyone went to their bedrooms. I sat on my bed replaying the day in my head, it was a good day.No. It was a great day.

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