True Lust And A Missing Producer

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Nothing much happened for the next few days, until. A slamming on the door woke me, "jee, I'm coming" I said walking to the door, I opened the door, "where's Natalie" the guys said, "hey you're the lecturer right?" I said, "yeah" he panted, I slapped him in the face, "what the hell was that for!" he exclaimed, "for hurting Nat, now do you want to leave or should I introduce you to my friend Francis the fist" I said, Natalie appeared behind me, "Liam, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I quit" he stated, "what, why?" she said, "I think you know" he said quietly. An audience had formed in the kitchen, everyone was awake. I joined everyone watching from the kitchen bench, "Liam" Natalie started, "I can't teach everyday and see your face and pretend nothing happened" he said stepping closer to her, "I feel like I just walked into a live soap opera" I whispered to Finn, he laughed quietly. "Let's go" Liam said to Natalie, she kissed him, "let me get my coat" she said walking to her bedroom. Liam awkwardly turned to us, "coffee?" Carter offered, "I'm fine thanks" Liam said, "yeah, no one wants your disgusting coffee" Lisa laughed, "at least I can make coffee" Carter said, Lisa slapped him on the shoulder. "Sorry about slapping you" I said, "it's fine" he said, "okay good because I'm not even sorry and if you hurt her I will hunt you down" I said, "she's kidding" Jason said pulling me away. "Ready" Natalie said and just like that they left."I got to go to set" I said setting down my cup and heading to the bathroom.

I arrived at set two hours later. My job was the production assistant, turns out they don't do much, in fact the entire day I spent getting coffee for everyone and doing the producers personal jobs, I had to take his laundry to the dry cleaners, Seriously. "Here you go" I said giving a coffee to a guy with sandy blonde hair, "thanks" he smiled, "you're literally the only person who has said thanks" I laughed, "would it help if I said it several times to make up for those who didn't?" he smiled, I laughed, "thanks but just the one is good" he nodded, "I'm Shawn" he introduced, "Max" I said, "you're the producers assistant, right?" he asked, "yeah, you know him?" I said,  "you kidding, I used to be his assistant last year, he's pretty harsh right" he said, "tell me about it I just did his laundry" I sighed, "don't worry it gets worse, I one had to look after his kid, man I hated that kid, he always hit me" he shook his head, I laughed, "well I better get going, duty calls" I said, "hope to see you around Max" he called.

"Good job today everyone!" the director called, people began leaving, I didn't even see any of the actors today. I got in my car and started the engine, except it didn't start. "Dammit!" I yelled banging my hand on the steering wheel. There was a knock on the window, "you okay?" it was Shawn, "yeah, my cars just not starting" I said rolling down the window, "I can give you a lift" he said, "no it's fine" I said jamming my keys into the engine lock again. "Hey, you can just pick it up tomorrow and I can give you a lift in the morning, you don't want your boss getting angry" he said, "are you sure?" I said, "yeah, I've been in your place, it's pretty hard" he said, "thank you" I smiled following him to his car. "So how's was your first day?" he asked as we drove along the highway,I sighed "coffee" I said, he laughed, "yeah, I hated that stuff for a while" he said. "So what do you do?" I asked, "I'm the electrician" he said, "wow, that's a jump from producers assistant" I said, "you'll get there too" he said, I shook my head, "I hope so."

"Right here?" Liam asked pulling outside our apartment building, "yeah thanks for the lift" I said getting out, "have a good night, see you tomorrow morning" he smiled, "you too and thanks again" I said, "not a problem" he said. "Hey family" I said opening the door, "hey" Jason grinned kissing me, "break it up, break it up!" Finn said entering the room, "how was your first day?" Jason asked, "weird I guess" I said, "coffee?" Carter offered, I turned my nose up, "no, thanks" I said, "okay what is wrong with my coffee?" he said, "nothing, well actually you don't add enough coffee beans but I just don't want coffee since I spent the entire day handing them out" I sighed lying on the couch. "Did you see Johnny Depp?" Natalie asked excitedly, I sat up, "no I didn't see any actors I was to busy doing the stupid producer's personal jobs, you know I did his laundry" I frowned, Lisa grimaced, "that's kind of weird" she said, "right" I agreed. "And my car broke so I have to get a lift in with Shawn" I sighed, "who's Shawn" Jason asked, "this guy in the electricity department" I said, "you look exhausted, come one" he said picking me up and carrying me to my bed.

The next morning Jason woke me up, "you slept in" he said, "you've got to be kidding me!" I said getting up quickly, "well that guy Shawn is here already" he said, "okay, talk to him I just need to get changed" I said, "how do I stall him?" he said, "talk to him" I sighed, "but I don't want to talk to him" he said, "talk to him and be nice" I said pushing him out the door, "you're the mean one" he called. I got changed into some jean overalls and was ready in five minutes, "coffee?" Jason said before I left, "no thanks" I said and Shawn laughed, "I'm kidding" I said grinning at Jason and taking the coffee. We arrived on set preparing me for an angry producer, but he was no where to be seen. "Where is Mr. Samuel?" the director yelled, "you, are you his assistant?" he snapped at me I nodded, "you know how do his job" the director asked, I looked at Shawn and he nodded sportively. "Sure" I said, "not sure yes or no?" the director said, "yes" I nodded, "good what's you name? I don't care just get the script to the actors and get everything ready for me to film"  he said, I nodded and ran off. It was ten o'clock when the producer finale arrived, "you did good" a voice said behind me. Johnny Depp. "Wow, thanks, so did you but I mean of course you did" I said awkwardly, he chuckled and walked off.

"Coffee?" I sighed walking up to Shawn,  "thanks, so I guess this means your time in the spotlight is up?" he said jumping down from his ladder and I nodded glumly, "well you proved yourself" he said, "Johnny Depp said I did good" I grinned stupidly, he laughed "then you must have." "So what are you doing now?" I asked, "sorting out the lights for the next shooting" he said, I nodded, "come here" he said climbing up the ladder, I followed him and it lead onto a sort of balcony about fifteen meters off the ground, "wow this is awesome" I said in awe, "not the best part" he smiled, he flicked a switch and hundreds of lights turned on giving the floor a look that made it seem like water, I smiled, "that's so amazing" I turned to him, "thanks" he whispered leaning in, I stepped back "what are you doing" I said, "well I was planning on kissing you but I guess that went down the drain" he laughed, "Shawn I have a boyfriend" I said, "oh, great, well, I'm going to go in hopes that it will make this situation less awkward" he said walking off to the the other side of the balcony, "sorry" I called, "hey, it's fine" he said and then he was gone.

I got home even later that night. "I can't last these long work days without you" Jason said, "you didn't have to stay up for me" I laughed, he kissed me and whispered "I know, I wanted to" he smiled. Should I tell him about Shawn? No, not now, not tonight.

The next day I didn't see Shawn, but he had to be there, he was avoiding me. Great.  At lunch he came up to me, "got any coffee?" he joked, I laughed, "I ran out about five hundred people ago" I said, he didn't say anything about trying to kiss me, so I didn't either. I'm glad. "Where's your lunch?" he asked, "I ran late again" I sighed putting my head in my hands, "you're no good with mornings are you?" he laughed, "not exactly, no" I said, "here" he said handing me half his and which, "thanks" I said taking it. "Surprise" someone said arriving at the door, "Jason, what are you doing here?" I asked, "just thought I would stop by" he said kissing me, "and I bought you a chicken sandwich" he said handing me the sandwich "thanks" I turned around but Shawn was gone, "what's wrong?" Jason asked, "nothing, everything's perfect" I said kissing him again.

That night Lisa went out with Matt again. "I figured it out" Carter said to all of us in the kitchen. "Figured what out?" Jason asked, "why Lisa doesn't like me, it's because I'm not good looking" he said quietly, no one said anything for a second and then, I slapped him. "Ow! what the hell was that for!" he said grabbing his face, "okay listen now and listen carefully because I ain't saying this again" I said, he didn't say anything, "you're a good looking guy so stop being stupid and feeling bad for yourself" I snapped, "you're not very good at compliments" he said although me smiled and walked off. "Not bad" Jason laughed, "yeah better than the compliment you gave Finn this morning" Lara laughed, Finn shook his head, "you would look better if you just wore a bag over your head" Finn imitated a high pitched voice, "hey, you know I was joking" I said, "you know I really didn't" he said sarcastically. "Well we are going to sleep" Lara announced, "night love birds" I winked, "don't stay up too late" Finn called, "real funny" I called back.

I walked to my room, the condensation on my window from this morning had disappeared to reveal a perfect picture of the city. In the distance was the Empire State building stretching up to the blanket of dark sky. Closer to the window was other apartment building, their lights turning off, each silhouette of a person telling a story. I smiled to myself. I couldn't be anymore dramatic.

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