Conversations On The Doorstep

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I woke suddenly and a rush of pain crawled to my head. There wasn't a second that I forgot about last night, the bet, the heavy drinking, Thomas. Jason. I had to get out of here,just for a while. The girls were still in my room, asleep. I silently packed a small bag and quietly walked into the main room. "Max" a voice said, of course. "Where are you going?" he asked quickly getting out of his chair, I took in a deep breath and turned around, "I'm going home, my real home" I added, "Max, please stay here we can sort things out" he pleaded, "look, I just need to think, okay. I probably over reacted last night and I'm not going to know that unless I leave to figure it out, I'm also sorry for slapping you" I said. He walked slowly towards me his face wearing a look of worry the shadows in the room made the hollows of his cheeks look even deeper than usual. "Max, I can't lose you" he said quietly, "you don't need me as much as you think you do"I said turning around and opening the door of the apartment. "You are the only thing keeping me from turning into my dad" he said, I bit my lip, I did want to stay, I wanted to pretend that the bet didn't exist, but I couldn't. I didn't turn back around. I left.

The entire drive back home I replayed that conversation in my head. And I know it sounds stupid but I couldn't get it out of my head. Was I overreacting? I arrived t my old house, the door wasn't open. I rang the doorbell and heard it echo through the empty hall, "Max?" a voice said behind me, it was mum, she was holding grocery bags, "what are you doing here?" she laughed setting down the bags and hugging me. Mum lead me into the kitchen and made me a cup of coffee, I began telling mum about the recent events, about the bet. She nodded along not saying anything, "how drunk was he?" she asked finally, "not that drunk, he said he could still remember everything" I sighed, she nodded slowly, "I guess what you have to think about is what's more important" she said, "what do you mean?" I asked confused, "I mean what is more important, you and Jason being together or all of you living together, once you figure that out, you'll know" she said, I didn't really understand what she said but I nodded along anyway. "Is it okay if I stay here?" I asked awkwardly, "of course, you bedroom is just how you left it" she smiled.

Mum wasn't lying, when I entered my room it was like taking a literal walk down memory lane, the walls were still that sickly red, my bed still shoved underneath the window, my old books piled from floor to ceiling because I never liked the idea of a bookcase. I lay on my old bed thinking of what mum had said; what is more important, you and Jason being together or all of you living together, once you figure that out, you'll know. I still didn't know if I was overeating but that didn't matter right now, what mattered was that I was back home. Mum poked her head in, "your father's at a conference for a few days" she said, I nodded gratefully. I hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving, that was the first time I had seen him after our argument, he didn't want me to leave, he didn't think I could handle 'the real world'.

That night Mum cooked me my favorite meal; spaghetti and meatballs. We sat in front of the TV, The Proposal was on, the same movie that we watched the night I got a tattoo. I changed the channel to some infomercial. The doorbell rang, "it might be you're dad, he could be home early" Mum said getting up, she didn't know about the argument. A knot tightened in my stomach and I searched my brain for things to say to dad. "Oh, hi" Mum's voice floated from the doorway to the living room. "Max, someone's at the door for you" Mum called, I set down my plate and walked to the door, of course, it was Jason, how did I not see this coming. "Thanks Mum" I said, she walked off. "What are doing here?" I asked, " I'm not going to stop until you come back, so you can take a flight to Australia but I will be right there on the next flight" he said, I smiled shaking my head, "you just won't give up, will you?" I said, "not likely, no" he said seriously. I closed the door and sat down on the front doorstep, he sat next to me. We didn't say anything for a minute or so, I broke the silence, "why didn't you tell me you were in love with me?" I asked, "what" he said looking up, "I heard you guys talking about the bet, and you said you had to tell me because you loved me. At first I thought you were talking about someone else, but you weren't" I explained, "you would run away from the word love" he said, "hell, you don't even believe in marriage" he exclaimed. "I would have wanted you to tell me" I said quietly. He didn't say anything for a second, "Max, I love you, I'm in love with you and I'm never gonna stop wanting to be with you Max" he said, I looked away and bit my lip, fighting back tears, I laughed hopelessly, "well you shouldn't get used to that, because I can't do this anymore" I said not meeting his eyes, "Max, I'm so sorry about the bet" he said taking my hand, "this isn't about the bet Jason, I just can't be with you" I said taking in a shaky breath, "why not?" he asked firmly though I could hear the worry in his voice, "because you make me feel weak" I said finally meeting his eyes. "It's okay" he said, I placed my head on his shoulder, "is it?" I asked, "yeah, although there is something else" he said, I sat up quickly, "Finn and Lara didn't break up, did they?" I said alarmed, he laughed, "no, we all really miss you" he said, I laughed, "you sure about that" he nodded, "yes I am, come home?" he asked. I don't know why but I nodded, I just wanted everything to be back to normal, to forget about the bet, I just wanted everything to be like before Jason and I got together, before I found out about the bet, before we met Thomas.

And so we left for home, we took our separate cars. I felt horrible for leaving Mum so quickly but she was right about what she said before, I knew what was more important and that was all seven of us being back together, as literally everyone who ever existed has said, not everything is about yourself.

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