The Anniversary of Finn and Lara

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"The heart is roughly the size of your fist" Finn said randomly at breakfast a few weeks later, "that's great Finny" I said slapping him on the back, "I thought it was both your fists" Carter says, "nope, definitely one, that was the only thing I listened to in high school science" Jason laughs pouring some coffee for everyone. I laughed, "what were you guys like in high school?" Natalie asks, "I was an emo loner" Carter said, "football captain" Jason said raising his hand, "not surprised" I said, "what and let me guess you were the bad girl" he said, "no" I retorted, "yeah she definitely was" Natalie laughed, "thanks cheerleader" I replied, "head of the tech club" Finn said breaking the tension, we all laugh, "so was I" Lara says to Finn and he grinned stupidly back, "and you?" Carter ask turning to Lisa, Lisa went to speak, "class clown" I said before she could say anything, "she's too modest to admit it" Natalie added? Lisa looked up, "no I'm not, I just like it better when you say it". We sit down for breakfast, toast and cereal, nothing special. "Do you know what today is?" Finn leaned in and asked me while the others continue talking, "Sunday" I whispered back, "very funny, Lara and mine's six month anniversary" he said happily, "six months, doesn't time fly when you're having fun Finny" I said, "you know it" he winks, "why are you telling me this?" I asked, "I need your help, for a gift" he said, "nope, no way that is all Natalie's area, I'm ex boyfriends and what's the best fast food place within a sixty mile radius to us" I said, "I'm serious Maximum, I need your help" he said quietly, I grin, "what's that now?" I asked, "I need your help" he repeated a little louder, I laughed, "no need to flatter me Finn, I was going to help from the start" I said, he frowned, "I hate you" he said and I laughed again. "What are you two talking about?" Lara asked, "I need to go out sorry, my lecturer wanted a quick meeting about an internship" Finn lied standing up and putting on her jacket, "have fun" I said, Finn kisses Lara, "what about brunch" Natalie said helplessly, "I'm allergic to that word anyway" he shrugged closing the door before anyone else could say anything.

Something weird happened when Lara and I were cleaning up after breakfast. "Do you like Finn?" she asked out of the blue, "you know I do" I said confused, "like, like like him though" she said, "what are we five, no not like that" I said rolling my eyes at what she had asked, she shrugged and continues washing the plates. "why do you asks?" I asked, "no reason, I'm just wondering" she said lightly, "well that's a firm no from me" I said, she frowned, "what? it was a joke" I said, "so you do like him" she said, "Lara do me a favor and stop talking real quick, no okay I do not like Finn, I do not like your boyfriend, hey it's the same person" I said, she nodded, "you can speak now" I said holding her shoulders, "I'm going to have a shower" she said smiling and walking off. "Weird" I said under my breath, "who me?" Jason asked walking out of his room, "definitely" I said, he laughs, "Lara just asked me if I liked Finn" I said, he frowns "that is weird" he said, "thanks, real helpful ace" I said, "I'm not really good with those sorts of things" he laughed, "no kidding" I said, "what does that mean?" he asked, I dried my hands, "I was only joking" I said before kissing him. My eyes widened and I stepped back quickly, "I can't believe I just did that" I said quietly, "I can't believe you just did that too" he said forcing a grin off his face, I clear my throat and turn around, "what the hell was that?" Carter. "Carter, you can't tell anyone it was just a mistake, okay" I said quickly, he said nothing as I pushed him back into his room.

At dinner everyone is quite. "I'd like to say a toast to Lara for being the best thing in the entire world for me, Lara I love you so much, which is why I think I need to do this" Finn said, he shakily pulled something out of his back pocket, he bent down on one knee and Natalie let out an odd squeak, "I know we haven't been together for too long but I know that I love you so much, so Lara Florence Wislon, will you marry me" he asked. Silence. More silence. When talk about the story now Lara swears she said yes the first time just no one could hear here. I looked across at Lara and her mouth was moving but words weren't forming, "Lara, are you okay?" I asked and suddenly, "yes!" she shouted throwing her arms around Finn and practically tackling him to the ground, "I think that means she's okay" Finn laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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