Not So Secret Santa

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It was one week until Christmas and Natalie had somehow convinced us to do secret Santa"Whatever you do don't tell anyone who you have that's the secret part of secret Santa" Natalie said holding a box out to all of us. We all picked out names, I got Finn, I quietly grinned at the ideas running through my head. "So we are going shopping for the gifts at twelve thirty, be ready" Natalie said excitedly, I tried not to roll my eyes, I knew how much this meant to her. We left half an hour later, it was cold and I had to borrow one of Natalie's fluffy jackets. "Fluff looks good on you" Finn grinned, "shut up" I said walking into the shopping center. "Okay split up and met back here at three" Natalie instructed, "jee, it's not a manhunt" I joked, Lara gave me a look and I turned and walked away, saluting as I went.

Jason caught up to me, "so who did you get for secret Santa?" he asked, "what makes you think I would tell you?" I grinned, "come on Max" he laughed. "You know, you sound so sexy, when you're not talking" I sighed leaning against the wall, he placed his hand next to my face, "yeah? and what would that sound like?" he asked, I kissed him softly, "like that" I whispered, he shook his head smiling and went to say something, "I'm still not telling you who I have" I said, he frowned, "remember,  whatever you do don't tell anyone who you have that's the secret part of secret Santa" I said repeating what Natalie had said this morning and I turned grinning and walked off.

The shopping center was huge and despite all the great ideas, I couldn't fine exactly what I needed for Finn. "Hey, look who's doing some late Christmas shopping" a voice said, I turned around to find myself face to face with Thomas, I rolled my eyes, "go away, I'm too sober to deal with you" I said, "where's your boyfriends?" he smirked, "not sure where are yours?" I said, "you need to be careful with them, they got me kicked out" he said annoyed, "that's not what I heard, I heard that you threw a huge party and got everyone drunk, you did the damage" I said, "that's true but they aren't the saints you think they are" he said calmly, "you know, I don't like you, I don't like you at all" I said sharply, "the feelings pretty mutual" he laughed, "good, now would you get off my back before I hurt you" I said, he put his hands up, "fine, I'll see you around" he said walking away.

I met back with the others at three with everything I could think off for a present, I 'm not as good as I thought I was at getting presents. "You guys got everything?" Lisa asked, "think so" Lara said, "my persons really hard" Natalie sighed, "it's Carter" I said, "Max!" Natalie said, "what, you're as easy to read as a book" I shrugged, "dammit" she sighed. Carter laughed, "it's fine I don't really want anything" he said, "yeah that's no help" Natalie laughed following as all to the car. When we arrived home Lara suggested we bake Christmas cookies, "yes! great idea" Natalie said excitedly, "why is this such a big deal to her?" Carter asked pulling me aside, "she's nervous, it's her first Christmas without her family" I said, "and it's not yours?" he asked, "I don't really care too much about Christmas, it wasn't much of a good time at home" I shrugged, he nodded then said; "Let's make cookies!"

Everyone was crowed in the kitchen and Natalie had started blasting Christmas music. "So do we stir this?" Jason asked confused, "yeah, but you got to add the flour" I laughed at how lost he was, "right" he grabbed a cup full of flour and tipped it into the bowl. I grinned at how carefully he stirred the ingredients, "you've never baked have you?" I laughed, "not really, no" he said slowly stirring the ingredients. "I saw Thomas today" I announced to everyone, "what! did he say anything to you?" Jason said, "what would he say to me? what are you so worried about him" I asked, the guys exchanged looks, then Finn spoke up. "The night we got evicted was pretty rough, Thomas invited a whole lot of people and got them drunk, he even got us a little drunk as well, but not enough that we don't remember it, a lot of weird things went down and some stupid mistakes" he said, "what you think he did it intentionally?" Lisa asked, "no, maybe we still don't know, but Thomas is bad news and that's what we're sure of, so we left that night as soon as we were told we got evicted we kicked him out and went to the night Diner, which is when we met you guys" Carter said leaning on the kitchen island, "so you guys were drunk the night we met?" Lara asked worried, "yes, but we still remember everything, don't worry" Jason said putting his arm around me, I touched his hand without thinking. "Wait a minute" Finn began, the oven conveniently dinged, "cookies" I said swiftly moving Jason's hand off my shoulder and opening the oven.

Natalie put on the Christmas movie 'Home Alone' and we watched it while eating our nearly burnt cookies. "Who do you have, for secret Santa?" Lisa asked, "Finn" I mouthed, she nodded "Jason" she said, I smiled and walked to the kitchen. Lara followed me, "so when were you planning on telling me?" she asked, "telling you what?" I said opening a bag of popcorn. "you and Jason, kissing today" she said, "impressive, Lars" I said, "I'm guessing it's not the first time, you plan on telling the others?" she asked, "I don't know" I said, "well if you don't you should try to keep your hands off each other in front of us" she laughed, I scowled at her, "it's good though, I like you two together" she smiled walking back to the couch. I sat back down wrapping my arm around Lisa. "Who did you get for secret Santa?" Finn asked next to me, "Lisa" I said lying with ease, "right" he said, "and who did you get?" I asked, "Lara" he said, I looked at him for a second, he was telling the truth.

That night I had to finish a paper for one of my classes, it was nearly twelve in the morning, so it wasn't really the night. I let out at deep sigh of frustration, I had no idea what to write.There was movement outside my door, "Jason?" I asked, Jason arrived at my door, "what are you doing up so late?" he asked leaning against my door frame, "I could ask you the same thing" I said, he stood behind me. "You look really tense" he said placing his warm hands against my shoulders, "that's because I am" I exhale deeply as he pushes my hair to one side of my neck, he leans forward and I keep my eyes on the screen, "what are you doing?" he asked so close to me I could taste the coffee in his breath. "Writing" I said continuing to type, "can I read it" he asked keeping his face just as close, "you wouldn't want to" I laughed, "trust me" he paused "I would" I turned to him our faces so close that this time I couldn't count the inches.My eyes move from his eyes to his lips I look back at him and bite my lip unintentionally. He leaned in not taking his eyes of my lips. "I need to write this paper" I said taking my lips off his, "okay, I'll see you in the morning" he whispered, "Jason" I said standing up, "yeah" he said, I kissed him, "goodnight."

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