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"You've got to be kidding me! How the hell did we end up agreeing to this?" I looked at Mal as she threw herself into the seat next to me.

"It's not like we had a choice, besides once we get the wand we can come back."

"Yea, I guess so." I replied, sighing as I leaned back into the seat. I wiped my hands over my face, in disbelief, I'm actually going to Auradon. I peak through my fingers at Evie.

"You're, looking a little washed out. Let me help you out." I sit up, smiling slightly.

"Ew, stop."

"Really, Evie? You know Mal that little?" She hit me lightly as I let out a laugh.

"Aidan, shut up, I'm plotting."

"Well, it's not very attractive." I hear Evie mutter.

"Oh, you're plotting! Of course I'll shut up now, my lady, I apologise for the inconvenience my existence gives you." I smirk as she glares daggers at me, I put my hands up in defence, moving away from her and towards Jay. He and Carlos had started to devour the candy that was present, I had appeared in time for Carlos to show us what was in his mouth. I laughed as Jay looked at him in disgust. Then Mal found a little button thingy that opened the window the driver.

"He's driving us into the sea!"

"It's a trap!" Carlos and I screamed at the same time, I grabbed onto Jay and Evie onto me as Carlos flailed around, all of us screaming. That was until...

"What just happened?" A golden bridge appeared over the sea.

"It must be magic."

"I've never seen it before, it's beautiful." Mal reached over and shoved me.

"Don't say Auradon's getting to you already, things aren't beautiful." I glanced at Jay before looking back at Mal.

"Some things can be." She just rolled her eye's making a retching sound as she turned to the driver.

"Hey. Did this little button just open up the magic barrier?"

"No, this one opens the magic barrier." He shows us a golden button.

"That one," He pointed at the dull coloured button Mal had.

"Opens my garage. And this button..." And then the little window closed.

"Okay. Nasty. I like that guy."

"Maybe people in Auradon aren't as prissy and perfect as we thought?"

The Son of Hades ☆ Disney's DescendantsWhere stories live. Discover now