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"Evie, mirror me." I put the controller down and walked over to the table and stood next to a pissed off looking Mal.
"Mirror, mirror on the- in my hand, where is fairy godmothers wand... stand?" Evie asked it uncertainly.
"Zoom out." Carlos said.
"Magic mirror, not so close." Evie snapped at it, it then preceded to zoom out as far as possible. So the mirrors a dick, interesting.
"Closer, closer, closer." Slowly the mirror zoomed in.
"Can I go back to my game now? I'm on level three." Carlos moaned.
"Stop! It's in the museum. Do we know where that is?" I tried to think if I had remembered seeing it on the way in but then Carlos answered for us.
"2.3 miles from here." Then we all started heading out of the door, I guess there's one good thing about not having games consoles on The Isle, everyone's pretty fit. We sneaked out of Auradon Prep and ran to the Museum of Cultural History.

It didn't take us long to run to the museum and it took us even less time to sneak in. But then I tried a door and it wouldn't budge.
"Ah, shit, it's locked." Jay pushed passed me to look through the window.
"That's your mothers spinning wheel?" He laughed slightly at its puny size and innocent look.
"Yea, It's kinda dorky."
"Yea, so?" I turned and looked at Jay and Carlos, narrowing my eyes then Mal joined me in our mothers defence. Wait, why was I defending her?
"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary."
"Exactly, looks innocent so people will want to use it, then it pounces."
"Bit like you then." Jay muttered under his breath.
"Excuse you, Jay, love of my heart, what exactly was that you just said?" I asked sweetly. He shook his head, smiling at me, God that smile.
"No one uses me, understood?" I smile back, jokingly.
"I'm just saying that if someone was to use you then you would tear them apart, that's all." I nodded in agreement as Jay rose his hands in defence.
"Your damn right that's all." That's when I felt Mal nudge me, I turned to face her.
"Shut it, I'm trying to do a spell." I turned back to Jay and Carlos and mimicked her quietly in a high pitched voice causing them to laugh, I could feel Mal roll her eyes at my childishness.
"Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." We all watched the man for the result aaaand... nothing. Exciting.
"I got chills." Mal looked at them with a Bitch face before flipping through her book and turning back to the man.
"Okay, you know what. Prick the finger, prick it deep, send my enemy off to sleep." And we watched as the guy pricked his finger and curled up in a ball on the floor to sleep.
"Not so dorky now, huh."
"Nice one, sis." I clapped her on the back in appreciation, causing a small smile to tug at her lips. Then she started to flip through her spell book again, assumingly looking for a spell to unlock the door.

That's when jay put his arms out to back us all away from the door.
"Stand back." He said, confidently, as he backed up himself and prepared to run at the door.
"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick." Just as she finished Jay ran into the already open doors and fell onto the hard ground of the museum. If only someone had warned him that Mal was doing a spell, oh well, I smirked as I walked past him on the ground.

We walked through the museum, following Evie's mirror until we reached some stairs.
"So close. Upstairs." Evie said, I sighed. I didn't even want to get this stupid wand and now I have to walk up stairs, I just ran nearly 3 miles to get here.
"Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up, up." Mal rushed us.
"Seriously?" I sighed out and Mal just pushed me so I'd go faster causing me to roll my eyes.
"Come on, guys. Almost there."
"We best bloody be, I just want to go to bed and sleep forever."
"Don't worry Aidan, we'll be able to go home soon." Evie replied, kindness in her voice.
"Like I want to go home." I muttered causing her to smile at me sympathetically. I knew she didn't want to go 'home' either. Her mom was so mean to her, pointing out imperfections when their weren't any, there was never any. Evie has always been beautiful and she shouldn't be brought down by her royal bitch of a mom.

We turned the corner into a massive room with high ceilings and-
"Mommy?" Evie said causing my head to snap up from the ground, in front of us were statues of our parents. Our evil, possibly murderous parents.
"Killer." I stared at them, avoiding eye contact with my mom, it makes me seriously uncomfortable when I look her in the eye even if it's only a statue. I know how much she hates me and her eyes reflect those thoughts.
"I will never forget Mother's Day again."
"I never remembered it in the first place." I spat out, I walked into the corridor and lent against one of the displays.

I stood there for a few seconds before I felt a presence beside me. I looked up to see Evie, I smiled at her weakly.
"You really hate your mom, huh?" I nodded my head. There was a silence for a few minutes until Evie spoke up.
"Why? I mean, since you moved in with Mal and her she's not hurt you or anything. Not like he did."
"Yea, but she treats me no bloody different to her henchmen. Mal too for that matter. I mean, why even have kids if you don't care about them and as soon as they're born throw them into hell to live with, with... well, you know who with." My hand twisted at the bandana on my wrist, Evie's gaze fell to my wrist and nodded in understanding, she put her hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch slightly.
"It'll be okay, you know. With time, the pain will start to fade." I sighed.
"Yea, your probably right." I lied. I knew that if I stayed on the isle, if I lived with her for the rest of my life, the woman who cast me to hell for years of torture, I knew I would never get over it, ever. Evie patted me on the shoulder, smiled and walked off to find the others.

After a little while of standing I heard Evie shout.
"Hey, I found the wand. Let's go. Here it is." I ran down to where the gang was and saw the wand behind some protective light. How the hell are we going to get that?
"Whoo!" That's when Jay grabbed for the wand.
"Jay, don't! Wait, no! Don't! Ah!" When Jay touched the force field it pushed him away and set of an alarm, Mal's warning came to late.
"A force field and a siren?"
"That's just a little excessive." Part of me wondered if Jay knew there was a force field but he just chose to ignore that fact because he knew we would be able to stay here, in Auradon, for longer.

Then we all started running for the exit.
"Let's go!"
"Come on." Mal said as we approached the doors, I looked around to notice Carlos wasn't with us. I turned around and saw him on the phone.
"Carlos!" Mal shouted and he soon put the phone down and ran to meet me.
"You're welcome." He said with slight annoyance.
"No problem." I replied with a smirk, he hit me, smiling as we ran.
"Way to go Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow." 'Is that so bad?' I thought.

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