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"Hey, Aidan, wake up." Carlos pushed me over in my bed.
"Immawake..." I mumbled throwing a pillow and missing dramatically, causing a smash.
"Seriously, Aidan? I stole that!" Jay shouted at me causing me to sit up in bed and face him, he was stood across the room holding the remnants of what could have possibly been a laptop. Oops.
"Well it's not like you paid for it." I argued causing Jay to drop the broken mess back onto the floor.
"I guess you're right."
"Aren't I always?" I smirked before laying back down in bed.
"Not always." I heard Jay say, then I heard fast paced footsteps until I felt someone rugby tackle me out of bed and into the floor with a bang.
"Seriously, Jay? I'm trying to sleep."
"Well sleep later, school starts in ten minutes."
"So what if we're a bit late?"
"Aidan, just get the fuck up." He said slapping my cheek slightly.
"Fine, Jeez." I sighed before standing up, shirtless, I glared at Jay as I huffed out.
"Happy now?" A smile tugged at Jay's lips.
"Very." He replied as he looked me up and down, I shook my head, smiling, in disbelief.
"You're unbelievable, Jay. Can't keep it in your pants for 5 seconds." Then Carlos stood between us.
"Will you two stop flirting, Aidan get dressed, we're going in 5 minutes. Jay, just, just stop thinking about what you're going to do to Aidan when you're alone." Jay opened his mouth to answer but before he could Carlos butted in.
"You're face gives away way more than it should." I smirked at Jay as I picked up some clothes, went into the bathroom and got dressed quickly.
"Okay, let's go learn how to be good."


Oh. My. Good. Shit, god, I meant god. Ugh, remedial goodness 101 is the most boring thing to exist. I tried to force my eyes to stay open as I leaned on my hand, for what felt like a brief second I was submerged in blackness only to be snapped out of it by a loud pitched squeal.
"Aidan!" I sat up in a second.
"I'm awake! Wait, what's happening?" In that second I was sure I saw the Fairy Godmother roll her eyes. Then I felt Mal nudge me causing my eyes to shift to her.
"Dude, you're drooling." She laughed, I wiped it away with my sleeve and she glared at me slightly disgusted.
"So, Aidan, what's the answer?" Honestly? I had no clue, so I just guessed, I mean if I sounded confident I couldn't be wrong, right?
"D?" I questioned. This time her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
"If you saw a baby you would carve out its heart?" Ah, maybe that was definitely the wrong answer, but before I could reply and dig myself even deeper into the hole Mal pushed in.
"It's C, give it a bottle." The Fairy Godmother smiled at this.
"Correct. Again."
"You are on fire, girl!"
"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun, and actually being awake helps too."
"Hey, I told Jay and Carlos to leave me in bed this morning, sis. You know I can't be dealing with this morning shit."
"Language." I heard the Fairy Godmother squeak.
"That makes so much sense." I heard Evie mutter from beside me.

"Oh. Hello, dear one." I turned around to see a girl stood in the doorway, she walked in slowly, I smiled at her slightly. As she passed by us she squealed, was she scared of us? I mean, on the isle people had to be scared of us, but here, here everyone's so nice, so innocent. And I don't want people to feel that way about me anymore.
"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." She whispered, quickly, I could tell she was anxious around us.
"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"
"Mom, no!" I winced, I've been around long enough to be able to tell when someone is insecure, surely the Fairy Godmother should know her own daughter is shy.
"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."
"Hey, Jane." I waved slightly.
"Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." She ran out of the room with her head down.

"Ahem. Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the kings wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"
"Depending who it would be for the answer would be B." I muttered under my breathe, bored out of my mind.
"What was that Aidan?"
"Nothing, Fairy Godmother." She narrowed her eyes at me before Carlos and Jay started fighting.
"Oh!" Carlos threw his hand up rapidly.
"Ooh... get off." Jay over powered Carlos and held his arms down, I stared at them laughing.
"Jay." Fairy Godmother said calmly, ignoring the whole fiasco.
"C. You turn it over to the proper authorities." Jay smiled smugly, as he glance from Carlos to me. I smiled back at him slightly.
"I was gonna say that."
"But I said it first. Come here!" Jay grabbed Carlos and started giving him a noogie.
"Ow!" Carlos tried to escape but Jay was clearly stronger.
"Come on, who said it first? Who said it first?"
"Ow! Stop! Ah!"
"Boys. Boys! I am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." I looked at the Fairy Godmother in confusion as did everyone else.
"Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, we'll... we'll pass."
"Okay, in that case, class dismissed."

"Thank god!" I shouted, standing up and stretching.
"And here I thought you were enjoying the class." Mal said as we walked out of the class, her mouth pulled up into a smile.
"Oh, yea, I loved every minute of it." I replied sarcastically.
"But you fell asleep?" I turned to see a confused Jay, I smiled at him sadly, placing an arm on his shoulder.
"At least you're pretty."
"I am, aren't I. Thanks babe." He grinned, pulling me into a hug, completely oblivious to the insult I just gave him.
"No problem, just don't call me babe ever again," I escaped from the hug and pointed my finger at him. "got it?" He raised his hands in mock surrender.
"Fine, fine. I promise to never call you babe again," His mouth tugged up into a smirk, "babe." He then grabbed Carlos and they both ran off, Carlos shouting back to me.
"See you later, Aidan!" I shook my head as I turned back to Mal and Evie to see Mal had gone.

"Where's Mal?"
"Not sure, she just took off. Want to go get lunch?" I nodded my head.
"Yea, let's go." I said as I linked my arm with Evie's.
"Woah, Aidan, you're pretty hot."
"Why thank you, I try my best."
"No, I mean... are you feeling okay?"
"I feel fine, Eve, stop worrying about me."
"Okay, I was just making sure, Aid." Then we walked off towards the cafeteria.

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