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    It was about midnight when I sat down on the bleachers, I glanced up at the stars, wishing I was someone else, somewhere else. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cigarette, putting it in my mouth I realised I didn't have a lighter. I clutched the bleachers tighter in annoyance, lifting my hand up I saw a scorch mark. Right, okay, this isn't normal, normal people don't set fire to things with their body. I lifted my hand up to the cigarette and touched the tip with my finger, at first nothing happened but then a blue flame appeared briefly and the cigarette lit. I smiled triumphantly as I took a drag, breathing out the smoke as I heard someone approach. I turned to see Lonnie walking towards me.
"This seat taken?" She asked, glancing down at me. I shook my head as I motioned towards it.
"It is now." She smiled slightly as she sat, silence surrounded us for a while before she spoke up.
"You know, cigarettes are illegal in Auradon. You could get sent back to the isle for even having them, let alone using them." She sounded sincere, warning me, but I just couldn't believe her, I didn't know her.
"Like you care. None of you people, here, care so you can stop pretending now." I replied bitterly, taking another drag. She took the cigarette out of my hand and butted it out on the bleachers.
"Aidan, don't kick away your one chance at a happy life." I turned to face her briefly before glancing back at the ground.
"A happy life?" I laughed slightly. "Lonnie, my life is hell, literally. It was on the isle and it is here." Tears were threatening to fall but I knew I couldn't cry, I couldn't be weak.
"It can't be that bad, you have your friends, your family." I looked up at her with tearful eyes.
"My mother didn't want me so she sent me to literal hell to live with my father, and he did not appreciate that one bit. He hated me..."
"I'm sure he didn't."
"Lonnie, you don't understand what it's like on the isle-"
"Then tell me, make me understand, Aidan." She begged as I grabbed at my wrist in thought, I decided to take the bandanna off and show her. She stares at the horrific burn mark with wide eyes, unable to speak I take the first move.
"The bandanna I wore, it wasn't a poor fashion choice... m-my dad did that to me." My voice almost betrayed me as I spoke of the incident, I didn't like to talk about it, I hated telling new people about it.
"Your father did that? How could he... you're so perfect, Aidan, you didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve to be born on the isle."
"No one deserved to be born there." She pulled me into a hug and I couldn't stop the tears that left my eyes.
"Hey, Aidan, it's okay now. You're safe here, people in Auradon aren't like that." I pulled away and wiped my face.
"People aren't exactly accepting of us either, thanks though, Lonnie. I should probably get back – I've been gone all day."
"Okay, well, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." She smiled as I stood up.
"I'll keep that in mind." And with that I headed back to the dormitories.

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