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After lesson I went back to my room and just laid down. I didn't know what to do about this, my powers – if that's what I can call them? On the isle there was no magic, no magic means no powers and no spells. But my mom is an evil fairy and my dad... my dad is the king of the underworld. It's hardly surprising that I can do things that others can't, just like Mal can do spells. I sat up as I heard someone walk through the door.

"Hey, Aidan, are you okay? What happened earlier?" Evie asked as she walked towards my bed, she sat down beside me and went to touch my arm in a comforting manner but I flinched away.
"I- just, erm, don't touch me, please, Eve. I don't want to hurt you, not again."
"Why would you hurt me, Aid?" I glanced up at Evie.
"I burnt my test just because I got pissed off at the teacher for picking on you. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to stop it, to control it? I mean when I think about it I can make things burn, and that's good – it shows control. But when I'm emotional, any emotion, my skin gets hot and anything I touch scorches and burns. What if I set fire to something one day, by accident, and kill someone? What if I badly hurt you, or Mal, Jay, Carlos? What would I do then?" Evie looked right back at me, she shook her head slightly, smiling.
"If you don't want to hurt someone, Aidan, then you won't. Despite being from the isle you are a good person, your nothing like your mom and you're most definitely nothing like him. And I know why you're scared of this ability." Evie glanced down at my bandanna clad wrist and took it in her hands. "See, you aren't hurting me and you won't, you will never hurt us like he hurt you. We will be here for you, to help you." I nodded slightly as I wiped the tears from my face.
"You're right, you're right." Evie pulled me into a hug before letting go. "I just need to man up, like you have, and learn to accept this and how to control it."
"Exactly, there's no point living in fear, Aid." I'm holding her hands and she pulls away to stand up from the bed and then she changes the conversation.

"Thanks for sticking up for me today, thanks to you I got a B on that test, all by myself."
"I knew you could do it Eve, you just needed to believe in yourself."
"You believing in me helped too. And, you'll also be glad to hear that Mal is on a date." I raised my eyebrows at that.
"A date? And she went willingly? My sister, surely not." I said jokingly.
"Yep, and I think she might like Ben. I mean, I know the love potion was part of the plan but I think if she falls in love with him then we might get to stay, that if she loves him she will want to be good no matter what our parents said." I met eyes with Evie, I wanted to stay but we all knew deep down that it was Mal's decision whether we got to or not. She was in charge and, besides, none of us could leave any of the others behind, that's not how we work – that's not how a family works.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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