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Evie had arrived at her and Mal's dorm not long after I had, I asked Mal about doing Lonnie's hair which caused her to let out a loud sigh and collapse onto the bed – knowing Mal for as long as I had meant she didn't necessarily mean no, she more so meant 'how will this benefit me?'. Then Jane had appeared and her hair looked amazing which made me realise why Lonnie was possibly a bit jealous and self-conscious. Now here we were talking about boyfriends, a subject I actually knew a bit about.
"Mom said, 'if a boy can't see the beauty within then he's not worth it' can you believe it? What world does she live in?" Jane shared, angry at her mom.
"Auradon." Mal replied uncaringly.
"I think your mom's right, a boy shouldn't care what you look like." I replied to her, a guy should always care more about what's on the inside than the outside. I mean, that's what it's like with Jay and I. Jay had only ever been out with girls before but we had been friends forever, we made each other laugh, we had fun together and one day we just kinda ended up kissing and then dating and, well, here we are.
"What do you know? You're a guy."
"Exactly, I'm a guy who would be absolutely delighted to go out with you because you're extremely beautiful both inside and out." She smiled at me slightly before it dropped off her face.
"But I'm not good enough for you to ask me out?"
"Sorry, Jane, but I'm dating somebody else." I replied honestly.
"Oh, right. You and Evie are together." I narrowed by eyes at her as I burst into laughter, Evie had a look of complete disgust on her face.
"No need to look so disgusted Evie."
"Well I know where you've been." I pulled a face at her as I started laughing again, after calming down I turned back to Jane.
"Evie and I are not dating."
"Sorry, I just thought with all the time you guys spent together-"
"We're just really close friends, okay, moving on." I said quickly trying to move on from the conversation about boyfriends and self-loathing. And to be fair I didn't feel like explaining how I was dating a guy which was apparently unheard of in Auradon.

"I'll never get a boyfriend." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, just let it go, Aid, she's a girl, she'll never think she's good enough.
"Boyfriends are overrated." Mal replied, maybe I could just back out of the conversation now.
"And how would you know, Mal? You've never had one." Evie quipped.
"It's 'cause I don't need one, E. They're a waste of time."
"Or a good way to waste time." I smirked as Mal pulled a disgusted face at me just as Evie swiftly walked over to the other side of the room and picked up a bag full of work.
"I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no." So Chad turned out to be a dick and Evie ignored my advice, what else did I expect no one seems to listen to me about boyfriends despite being the only one to actually have had multiple. Jane's never had one because she's not confident enough, Mal hasn't ever had one because mom was keeping her busy with being Evil and Evie hasn't because she was saving herself for a prince. And now she's got a prince it's going to be hard for her to let go.

As Evie started on Chad's homework Lonnie walked into the room and I swear her eyes lingered on Jane for slightly longer than normal before they flickered over to Mal.
"Hey guys! I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan? No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?" Mal pursed her lips as she looked up to face Lonnie.
"Why would I do that for you?" I glared at Mal causing her to roll her eyes at me in response.
"I'll pay you fifty dollars."
"Good answer. I need to buy more material."Evie took the money from Lonnie and then started to decide how her hair should look. "Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights." She gestured as she spoke.
"Yeah, yeah." Lonnie dismissed her. "I want it cool. Like Mal's." She beamed as she turned to face Mal.
"Really?" Mal looked at Lonnie, confused. I guess that was a compliment and, to be fair, she never really received them so she probably didn't know what to do once she got them.
"The split ends too?" Evie scoffed.
"Evie." I glared at her slightly, warning her to stop - she let out a sigh and rolled her eyes before turning to Lonnie and smiling again. Mal kneeled up on the bed.
"Okay... 'beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." Mal waved her finger and when Lonnie looked back up she had beautiful, long, brown hair. She looked in shock before Evie spoke up.
"I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it..."
"No, no, no, no, no, no! I love it!"
"You do?" Evie asked surprised.
"It's just..." Lonnie ripped her skirt. "now I'm cool."
"Yea you are." I smirked slightly at the act of rebellion. Then Jane walked up to the mirror and ripped her skirt too.
"What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!" She panicked soon after. Well, at least now they could both feel more confident about how they looked.

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