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I smirked as Mal bent over and stole a lolly from a baby, but once I looked back up I saw two of Maleficent's goons and my smirked dropped as I let out a sigh. Why was she here?
"Hi, mom." Mal said as Maleficent emerge from behind her body guards, quite gracefully.
"Stealing candy? I'm so disappointed."
"It was from a baby." Mal replied hopefully, earning a grin from our mother.
"That's my nasty little girl." Mal gave the lolly to our mom who put it under her armpit and spat on it before directing her goons to return it to the baby. I mean there's evil then there's just plain disgusting, I grimaced as I watched the baby suck back on the lolly.

"Mom..." Mal rolled her eyes. I kinda zoned out, Maleficent's bullshit was something I could do without in my life. Only problem is my dad's more of a dick, so with no where else to go it's the lesser of two evils I guess.

"Oh, there's news!" I jumped out of my skin at the sudden raise in voice, I swear my mom is tapped in the head, but then again, no one on the isle is truly sane.

"I buried the lead. You five have been chosen to go to a different school... in Auradon." My eyes shot up to meet my mother's as Carlos, Jay and Evie tried to run away. I stepped towards her.
"There's no way I'm going to Auradon, you can't possibly think-" Maleficent waved her hand in dismissal as she interrupted me.
"Like I care what you think." That's when Mal butted in.
"I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!"
"And perfect princes. Ugh." I heard Evie swoon, I smiled at that.
"Yeah, and I don't do uniforms. Unless it's leather. You feel me?"
"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave?" I laugh slightly as I turn to look at Carlos.
"And you believed her?" He pushed me in response as Jay snuck up behind him.
"Woof!" Carlos hit him in annoyance as I high fived him.
"Yea, mom, we're not going."
"I'm with Mal, why the hell would we want to go to Auradon?"

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