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A/N as requested here's a new chapter, I'm glad you all like it I just struggle to find time to update. This book will definitely be completed eventually though so you will get an ending, I promise!! ☺️✨

"Aidan!" Jay shouted as soon as I walked through the door, he tackled me into a tight hug before pulling away and shouting at me. "Where the hell have you been all day, after what happened earlier I thought something bad had happened to you!" I rolled my eyes at him as I replied.
"Like anything bad could happen in Auradon."
"And have you been smoking? I told you that was bad for you!"
"It was only a drag, mom." I replied rolling my eyes, he cared to much, I didn't deserve it.
"Well, as your mother I have the right to confiscate them. Hand em over."
"Fine." I said passing them over to him reluctantly, it's not like I needed them, they just calmed me down when I was angry or upset. I walked over to my bed and sat down, Carlos looked over at me from his bed.

"You know, Mal was worried about you too, she tried to look for you after you left." I raised an eyebrow at Carlos.
"Yea, man, she may struggle to show it but she cares about you, a lot."
"Thanks, Car, I know she cares but sometimes her devotion to our mother bothers me."
"Yea, I know what you mean," he stroked the dog that was sat on his bed, wait a minute, dog? "If it wasn't for how strongly mal wanted to impress Maleficent I'd suggest not even stealing the wand at all, I like it here." That's when Jay laid down on my bed and pulled me down onto him. I was half laid on his chest.
"I don't mind what happens, as long as we stay together, I'm down."
"Yea, me too. Cause family is all that matters and that's what you guys are to me."
"Awww, is little Aidan being cute and sentimental!" He says half mocking as he began to tickle me.
"Jay! Jay stop it!" I shouted as I laughed till it hurt. Eventually he stopped tickling me and we went to bed, another totally exciting day at Auradon Prep awaiting us when we awoke - please note the sarcasm dripping off the word exciting.

The next day we were walking down the corridors looking for Ben because apparently Mal's scheme involved forcing Ben to fall in love with her so she was his date to the coronation? Or something like that. Despite Carlos telling me that Mal cared for me she did not show it, and I totally get why - because I did shout at her - but at the same time I did it because I wanted to protect her from our mom but I  can't if she doesn't listen.

I glanced up as Jay spoke. "Are you feeling kind of weird about this? I mean, it's not so bad here you know."
"Are you insane? Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it!" Mal feistily responded.
"Thanks Mal i needed that." I let out a sigh, she still hasn't changed her mind.
"Got something to add, Adrian?"
"Not a thing." I smiled at her fakely.
"Good, keep it that way." I knew I was going to have to be the first to apologise, no matter how much she wanted to she was always too prideful to admit defeat.

"Oh, hello. The names Jay. You all going to the Tourney game tonight?"
"Yeah." A group of girls replied, looking up at Jay with love filled eyes.
"Keep a lookout for number eight, all right? Scoring the winning goal." I walk over to the railing and lean next to Jay.
"You flirting with these girls?"
"Would I ever do such a thing?" He replied awkwardly smiling at me I just grinned at him slightly.
"Evidently, Jay, the answer is yes."
"Why are you being so rude about it, he can flirt with girls you know, it's not illegal." One girl said placing her hand on her hips and staring at me with devil eyes, damn, for Auradon girls they sure seemed evil.
"Yea, why are you being such a downer."
"Maybe it's because he's already taken?" I reply staring down the girls, my eyes flickered bright blue.
"By who, that purple haired freak?" I felt my hands start to heat up as I grasped the railing.
"Don't call Mal that ever again if you want to live to see tomorrow and no, not by her, by me you idiots." They all just burst out into laughter and I rolled my eyes, again. It seemed to happen a lot these days. Jay turned to me with a confused look and whispered to me.
"Why are they laughing?"
"I don't think people here know about being gay." Which makes absolutely no sense, how do they not know?
"What? You're joking right, babe."
"I'm not your babe, babe. And no I'm seriously not, it's super weird." Jay turned back to the girls.
"Bye girls." He said as he took hold of my hand and walked over towards Ben and Mal.

Jay let go of my hand.
"How you feeling bro?" Jay asked as he held onto Ben's shoulders.
"I feel... I feel... I feel like... like singing your name. Mal, mal." Mal puts her hand over his mouth in an attempt to shut him up but he continued to try and sing.
"Don't you dare sing anything about me, now go to your stupid match, okay?" Ben nodded his head silently, he tried to kiss Mal on the cheek as he walked off but she rejected him and started to walk in the opposite direction. I guess he'd taken the love poisoned cookie, the plan was set into action. Why Mal didn't just ask Ben our confused me though, I mean Mal was beautiful so why she couldn't just ask Ben out was beyond me - Audrey clearly isn't his type. I turned to Jay.
"Jay, I'll catch you later but I really need to speak to Mal."
"No probs, Aid, I gotta go get ready any way."
"Love You, hope you win."
"Love you too." He said smiling as he walked away, now time to go after Mal and apologise.

"Hey, erm, Mal, wait up!" I shouted as she continued to walk away from me, she stopped suddenly and turned to me.
"What do you want, Aidan?"
"I- I just wanted to apologise for yesterday. I didn't mean to shout at you, I really didn't."
"Huh huh." She said nodding her head, glancing at her nails as she thought of an answer.
"So, are we cool now, sis?"
"I wouldn't say we're cool, exactly."
"And why not, I said I was sorry." I looked at her face, I could tell she was annoyed by something.
"Because I know you're still adverse to the plan and I won't be able to change your mind." There it was. She went to walk away before I grabbed her shoulder causing her to look into my eyes.
"Mal, no matter what you choose to do I will always be here for you, if you want to go along with Maleficents plan then go for it because I choose you over anything our mom says." She glanced at the ground before looking back into my eyes, she tugged out of my grip as she replied.
"Yea, whatever. You coming to the match or what?" I smiled at her as she began to walk away, I knew that meant she accepted my apology so I followed her to the bleachers so we could watch Jay, Carlos and Ben in the match

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