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I looked up at the door in front of me, room 213.
"This is it guys." I smiled widely at them as I turned to open the door. Pushing it open I walked in followed by Jay and Carlos.
"Ho-ley shit..." I muttered under my breathe as Carlos rushed past me.
"Woah, woah, woah, this place is amazing!" He screamed as he ran all over the place, taking everything in.

"All three of us are in one room? This'll be fun." I smirked, glancing around the room.
"Yea, but can you believe how big the room is?!" Carlos shouts whilst throwing himself down onto a bed.
"By the way, this bed is mine." I rolled my eyes as I laid down on the middle bed, turning to face Carlos.
"And this beds mine and if you even think about-" that's when I felt a crushing weight throw themselves on top of me.
"Jay! What the hell, man?!" I shouted, flailing around whilst he and Carlos laughed historically. I just sighed, went limp and gave up.
"Aww, its more fun when you fight me." Jay released me and laid next to me on the bed. I turned to face him, pouting.
"Yea, but I always loose."
"You're so cute when you pout." He kissed me on the nose and I swatted him away, rolling off the bed in the process. Then Carlos sat up abruptly and pointed at me as I stood up.
"I really hope you guys will tell me if you want some alone time, I don't want to be walking in on anything. Once was enough." Carlos shivered in disgust at the thought. He had once walked in on Jay and I fooling around, personally I found it hilarious.

"It doesn't matter Carlos, we won't be here long, I'm sure we can manage not to touch each other before we get the fairy godmothers wand." I smiled at him, but then Jay grabbed me from behind and pulled me into him, hugging me over my shoulders.
"I'm not sure about that, I think a little touching is necessary." He kisses my cheek, swaying us as I rolled my eyes smiling, pulling away just as Mal and Evie came in.

"You two just can't keep your hands off each other, can you?" Mal says jokingly, but to be honest, she's not far from the truth.
"I guess not, it must be true love, Mal?" I smirked at her as she shoved me, replying.
"Nothing about what you two have is true love."
"Oh, don't be that harsh on us, our entire relationship isn't based solely on raw lust and physical attraction, isn't that right Jay."
"If you say so." He smiled cheekily, I punched him slightly feigning disgust.
"Oh, c'mon I can't be the only one to see the love." I laughed.
"Of course not, I see it too. What you too have is wonderful." Evie said, she put her hands together and smiled in our direction. This caused Mal to smirk. I gestured towards Evie with an exaggerated expression.
"Thank you! At least someone believes in our love."

Then Mal turned to look over towards the beds, where Jay was currently emptying out his stash.
"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal walked over to him, I followed behind, knowing exactly what he was doing.
"It's called stealing."
"Okay, what's the point?" I let out a slight laugh, eyeing my sister confusedly.
"Seriously, Mal?" She whacks me in the stomach and waits for jay to reply.
"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." I glanced over at what Jay had stolen since this morning and nodded silently in appreciation.

"Okay. So, you could do that or you could leave all this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said pointedly.
"You sound just like your mom." Evie replied, causing me to smirk.
"Thank you." My smirk dropped and I rolled my eyes.
"Not a compliment~" I sing-songed, this time only narrowly avoiding Mals fist.
"Ooo, fiesty." I laughed as I sauntered over and sat on a chair, causing Jay to face Mal.
"You do it your way and I'll do it mine."

"Die, suckers!" Carlos shouted, making me jump.
"Jay, Aidan , come check this thing out, it's awesome!" I smiled as I walked over to where the games console was. This was the kind of stuff that we were denied of living on the isle, it's only something stupid and mundane but it's still unfair that we had nothing. I took one of the controllers from Carlos and started fighting people on the screen, laughing as I did.

"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" And there she goes, my mother, oh, wait, no, that's Mal, my sister, ruining the fun for everyone.
"Fairy godmother," Jay pointed at me.
"Blah blah blah." I sniggered. "Magic wand," I pointed at Jay and he finished for me.
"Blah, blah, blah." We high fives each other before turning back to Mal, the look on her face causing the smile on mine to fade.
"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel." She said desperately, pleading almost. I hated how much Mal needed validation from our mom, she doesn't care about us. I mean, when I was born she gave me to Hades, to live in hell, because I was an accident. Because Hades with a baby was really going to workout wasn't it. I grabbed at the bandana on my wrist, twisting it subconsciously before grimacing at the thought of my father.
"Yeah." We all replied, even me, I had no choice, I couldn't disappoint Mal by going against her.

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