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Evie and I walked towards our next lesson, we were late because of what is now being called the incident, but we weren't particularly wanting to rush to chemistry.
"I'm glad Mal had a spell to fix your hand, I don't know what I would have done if I had permanently scarred you – I don't want to be like him, Eve." Evie stopped walking in the corridor and hesitantly grabbed my hands, which were now a normal temperature, and turned me to face her.
"Aid, you will be nothing like your father, okay? He was a horrible, mean and truly evil person and you are the exact opposite to that. I know you would never hurt anyone intentionally, okay?" She looks into my eyes and I nod slightly.
"Okay." She lets go of my hands and we carry on walking down the corridor.
"We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise." She said, I smiled at her as she turned and walked into the classroom.

"Ah, nice of you to finally join us. Please take a seat." The teacher gestured to the front where there was a seat either side of Doug, I sat down in silence and starred at the board for half an hour in boredom until I heard Evie let out a sigh as she turned to Doug.
"Any chance he's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?"
"Chad. Prince Charming, Jr. Cinderella's son. Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there there, know what I mean?"
"Looks like there there to me." Evie smiled as I glanced over at Chad.
"He is pretty hot, isn't he."
"Totally." She replied, sighing wistfully. This caused Doug to turn to me with confusion.
"Wait, you find Chad, a guy, attractive?"
"Well, yea. I mean, look at him." Doug shook his head.
"I'm looking and I don't see it."
"Are you gay?" I asked him and he just stared at me blankly.
"What's that?" He finally said, laughing slightly. This time it was my turn to stare blankly, was he being serious?
"It means that you like people the same gender as you, so I don't like girls, I like guys." This caused him to laugh again.
"You're pulling my leg." He replied, causing me to roll my eyes as I turned away from him.
"Whatever." I mumbled that's when the teacher turned around from the board to face us.
"Evie. Perhaps this is just a review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?"
"Sir, it wasn't even Evie talking." I protested.
"Oh, so I suppose it was you who was talking about how beautiful Prince Charming is?" This caused the whole class to laugh, Evie glared at me, telling me to let it go as she stood up.

"Atomic weight? Uh, well not very much. I mean it's an atom, right?" She said causing the class to giggle again as Mr Deley held out a piece of chalk for her to write on the board, as she walked up to the board I noticed her pick up her magic mirror and smirked slightly to myself.
"Let's see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" She started to write on the board as she spoke.
"That would be 106.905 times.5200, plus 108.905 times .4800, which, Mr Deley, would give us 107.9 amu." She put the chalk down as she smiled at the teacher and I heard Doug mutter "Amu?" Next to me.
"I forget. Always a mistake to underestimate-"
"A villain? Don't make it again." Evie smirked triumphantly as she walked back to her seat, receiving a note from Chad as she sat down. For the rest of the lesson they stared lovingly at each other until the bell went.

I stood up and waited to leave with Evie.
"Aidan, hope you don't mind but I'm going to meet Chad."
"Oh, I have no problem with you meeting with dreamy Chad, but if he's a dick you drop him, okay?"
"I will Aid, don't worry, I'll see you later."
"Bye, Eve." I waved as she walked away, I picked my bag up and as I walked out of the classroom my arm was grabbed by someone.

"Hey, Aidan!" An overly excited girl said as we walked down the corridor arms linked.
"Hey random girl." I look down at her confused.
"My names Lonnie. So, Mal's your sister, right?"
"Yea she is, why?" I stopped walking and unhooked myself from the girl, I could tell that she just wanted me to get Mal to do something for her.
"Well, I saw what she did to Jane's hair, she looks so beautiful, and I just... I don't." I looked down at her once more and she was definitely the opposite of ugly, I mean her hair was a bit boxy and straight but despite that she was still very attractive.
"So you want me to get Mal to do your hair too?" She nods and smiles up at me enthusiastically, causing a small smile to erupt on my face.
"Fine, I'll ask her although you do already look stunning." She hugs me as she shouts.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"Hey, it's no problem, really." I pull away from her as she takes a step back.
"I get that Mal can seem a bit grouchy but once you get to know her she can be sweet? I think?" This caused us both to laugh slightly, I think I liked Lonnie. I mean, yea she only talked to me because she wanted something but I think she seemed genuinely nice - she did hug me and didn't seem disgusted by it even though I'm from the isle so that's always a good sign.
"Thank you again, Aidan." She smiled at me as she turned to walk away, then she abruptly turned back to face me.
"You should come and sit with me for lunch sometime."
"Thanks, Lonnie, I'd like that." She smiled as she turned and walked away, I turned the other way and made my way towards Mal's dorm. I think I may have just made my first friend in Auradon.

As I rounded the corner I heard someone talking and saw Audrey and her friends, obviously they didn't see me, I was going to just walk past until I heard what they were saying, who they were talking about.
"I know right and have you seen what she's done to Jane's hair, soon every girl in Auradon will become like that slut from the Isle."
"Do you mean Mal?"
"Yea, she's been using her dirty gateway magic-" I walked right up to the group of girls.
"Excuse me ladies, am I interrupting?" I glared at Audrey, clearly the ring leader as she hates Mal for what our mom did.
"There's nothing to interrupt." She shrugged and smiled at me awkwardly as some of her friends walked away from us.
"Oh, really," I raised my eyebrow at her. "So I didn't just here you chatting shit about my sister?" She stared at me shocked.
"Did you just-"
"Swear? Yea, and you can count on this, a lot harsher words will be said if I hear you talking about Mal ever again. Clear?" She crossed her arms, stepped forward and cocked her eyebrow at me.
"And what are you going to do? We could just get you sent back to the isle." She pouted at me as she feigned a scared voice.

"'oh, fairy godmother, Aidan just grabbed me, look at the mark it left', 'oh, fairy god mother Mal's been threatening me with magic, please help me'"

Her cocky response just caused me to smirk.
"See, the thing is, before you could do that I could easily destroy your entire reputation, so, think about it Audrey. Is. It. Worth it?" I smiled at her before I turned my back and walked away, god she seemed like a bitch. Hopefully I've scared her enough to back off, I know if Mal finds out she won't hold back like I did.

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