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I sat on the bleachers nervously, currently the match was a draw and with only 47 seconds left I didn't have much hope left for the fighting knights to win.
"C'mon Jay, you've got this!" I shouted at him, he smiled over at me and waved.
"You two are so cute together, I wish I could find that." I turned to face Evie, putting my hand on her shoulder I smiled at her.
"You will find your prince Eve, you just have to be patient and don't settle for someone like Chad when you could have someone so much better." She pouted slightly as she glanced at the ground before looking back up at me.
"You're right Aid, maybe I should focus on myself for a bit first. So, do you think they'll win the match?" I glanced at the pitch and saw Jay talking to the coach and gesturing towards Carlos.
"I'm not sure our chances are high, Carlos is substituting." Evie rolled her eyes at me, hitting me at my lack of faith on Carlos.
"C'mon Aidan, you're supposed to be the supportive sibling." Mal joked, "I bet you your black and purple leather jacket that Carlos helps to beat the other team." A grin spread across my lips.
"You're on. And if Carlos completely messes the entire match up then you owe me a spell." I put my hand out for her to shake, "Deal?"

"Deal." She smiled as we both turned back to the match as the teams started getting ready for the match to begin again.

"When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here. And the tipoff is ready. Here we go. Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos. He does a little dancing jig in his opponent's face." I laughed slightly at Carlos.
"And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuverer at mid-field."
"I'm open!" Ben shouted to Jay. It looked like they were going to make it.
"Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the kill zone."
"Jay!" I had my hand over my mouth in anticipation, it looked so certain that they were gonna win.
"Big block by Chad! Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear! Shot! Oh, what a save by Phillip the Faalcon's goalkeeper!"

I smiled slightly as I turned to Mal. "Only 23 seconds left till I win our bet."
"Keep dreaming." She retorted as Evie rolled her eyes at our sibling rivalry. Evie nudges me to snap my attention back to the game as I see Jay running through the kill zone whilst dragging Carlos along with him, he was flipping and dodging every single ball fired at him. Damn, he was on fire – I didn't want him to win because of the bet with Mal but at the same time I totally wanted him to win. Carlos hit the ball up, Jay hit the ball to Ben and Ben scored! I jumped up and cheered as Auradon Prep had won the match.
"You know what this means, Carlos did help get that point."
"I know Mal, I'll bring it to your room later." I smiled at her, was I reluctant to give her my jacket? Of course I was, but I would never break a bet – I lost fair and square after all.

So after the match Ben asked Mal out in front of the entire school, despite him dating Audrey, and now Audrey is dating Chad. Wow, it sounds just like one of those romance novels mo-, I mean Maleficent, is always talking about; how cliché. Next up was Chemistry, more chemistry, yay. I sat down next to Evie and glared at the exam paper in front of me; don't get me wrong, I wasn't stupid, I knew I wouldn't fail, I just hated learning and chemistry was the worst (and most boring) subject at the school. I glanced over to Evie to see she was looking in her pencil case for something.
"Eve, what are you doing?" I whispered to her before Mr Deley spoke up.
"Looking for something? Thank you, Chad. It's gratifying to see someone still respects the honour code. It will be my recommendation that you are expelled."
"Mr. Deley, I..." I glared at the teacher, I knew Evie didn't need to cheat, and I know that's not what she uses the mirror for. She's smart, so so smart, but incredibly insecure – she always felt like she needed to check her answer even if deep down she knew it was right.
"But that isn't fair. Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that... whatever it is." Doug spoke up from the other side of Evie, wow, now he was courageous – sticking up for her, a villain, despite the man in charge clearly trying to belittle her and expel her – I liked him.
"Its called a magic mir..."
"You're not helping. Stop. Maybe she needed another pencil."
"Actually, I was..."
"Really, don't help. Please." That's when I decided to speak up.
"How about you let Evie finish this test, sir, and see how she does? If she passes leave her alone, remember, never underestimate a villain – those were your words, weren't they?" This time it was the teachers turn to glare at me, I stared right back unmoving, he looked away first.
"Fine. Pass this test and I'll let the matter drop." I smiled at Evie to show her I believed she could do it. 

Then I looked down at my own paper and cringed. Usually I don't fail tests but when half the papers smouldering you can't really expect to pass it, I groaned outwardly as Evie glanced over at me. I pulled my chair out, picked up my bag and started walking out.
"Aidan, sit back down." I continued my walk out of the classroom. "Hey, come back here or you'll be in big trouble!" I walked through the doors as I muttered under my breath.
"Like I care." I knew Evie would be worried about me but I had burnt my half answered paper, I was never gonna pass if I had to start again. As well as that, I didn't know how I was starting these fires, I couldn't control it, and I didn't want to hurt Evie – not again. 

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