{No Ship} - Drunk Patton

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prompt sent by Ptxaholic123 

Prompt: "Are you drunk?"

Summary: Patton is affected by whatever Thomas drinks (coffee, alcohol, etc.) 

(a/n ok i know Thomas is most likely very responsible when it comes to alcohol but for the sake of this prompt i'm gonna make him very tipsy lol)

Thomas was currently sitting at the bar, more tipsy than he'd ever been. He ignored the sick feeling in his stomach and took another shot. 

What he didn't realise was how this affected a certain, cardigan wearing, trait.

Inside the mindscape, Patton was completely out of it. He had been jumping around the room, screaming at the top of his lungs. "SOMEBODYYY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD IS GONNA ROLL MEEE-"

The others came out of their rooms in annoyance. Logan walked over to the now slightly dancing trait.

"Patton-" He was cut off by Patton practically throwing himself onto the stoic trait's shoulders.

"Heyy, Logaaan! What's uuup?!" He slurred.

"Are you drunk?" Virgil asked.

"We can't get drunk, Anxiety." Logan answered. "But if he's acting like this then, Thomas must be getting far too intoxicated."

"That's so true! You're so smart Lo! I just- wow!" Patton stood up, slightly swaying. Roman walked over to him and picked him up, bridal style. 

"Wwweeeeee!!"Patton exclaimed

The royal trait sighed. "Ok, Patton let's get you to bed."

"Yeah you need to calm down, Dad." Virgil smirked.

"No guyyyyys! I'm totally fineeeeee!" The inebriated trait hiccupped.

"I shall make sure Thomas doesn't consume any more alcohol." Logan sighed.

"Ok you do that. C'mon Patton." Roman said as he carried Patton down the hallway, Virgil following close behind.

"Guuuyyyys! I said I'm fiiiinee!" Patton whined. 

They got to his room and Roman placed him on his bed and tucked him under the covers. 

"Ok, Dad, get some sleep." He sighed.

"Ughhhhh, fiiiinneee." Patton whined. He shuffled to get in a comfortable position. "G'night, kiddos..." He slurred as he drifted off to sleep. 

The other two smiled at the peaceful man and left, closing the door softly, behind them.

(a/n just some short and sweet fluff lol. hope you guys enjoyed this! tbh i kinda love tipsy Patton lol. Ok bye. Stay Awesome!)

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