Movie Cuddles

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Your POV
I was siting on the couch watching Riverdale when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal my handsome, amazing, goofy, sweet, fantastic boyfriend, Shawn! He stood there with a huge bag filled with candy and stuff. "Movie cuddles?" He said. I replied, "Movie cuddles!" We ran to the couch and he jumped up and I sat down right next to him. We took all of the Hershey kisses, kit kats, snickers, ice cream, soda, and chips from the bag he brought. "Woah you got a lot of stuff!" I said. Shawn laughed "I know! I thought we could stuff our faces tonight!" This just made me laugh as I kissed his cheek. I went to find a bunch of movies from the Fault In Our Stars to Harry Potter. I balanced the tall stack to the coffee table and let Shawn pick the first one. Of course he chose Harry Potter. I grabbed a few blankets and pillows and we got all comfy. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
By the time we got to the fifth movie, I was starting to fall asleep. I could feel Shawn shift a bit to check if is was still awake. I tried to stay up for him but I was slowly failing. "Y/N baby, you can go to sleep. Yeah It's ok." I nodded and mumbled a thank you that was barely audible. He turned off the TV and carried me upstairs to my room and laid me on the bed. I felt the mattress sink in next to me knowing that Shawn was laying beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and I soon fell asleep while listening to his heart beating at a steady pace.
What the heck is this? Idk what I wrote at the end there but I know it sucks. Also..... this pic is the death of me....

 this pic is the death of me

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R.I.P me
Ok well I hoped you liked it

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