How We Met

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Your POV
I walked into Starbucks and I got in line. I always come here after school because it helps me relieve stress and calm down. I ordered a double chocolate chip frappe and sat down at one of the empty tables. It was packed today. Almost all of the seats were taken. I went on Instagram and like a couple of pics and followed some people. As I was sitting there and scrolling through social media, someone came through the door. Now normally I wouldn't care about the people who walk in but when this guy came through, I had to stop what I was doing for a minute. He was amazing! His brown curly hair gently fell in the right place and his jawline was just something. I honestly can't describe it. I watched him order his drink. I watched as he talked to this huge guy who could honestly be a wrestler. One he got this drink, he looked for a seat. We made eye contact and he walked over to me. "Hi" he said. "Hello!" I smiled and waved. "Do you mind if I sit here?" He said while motioning to the seat across from me. I shook my head, "No, I don't mind." He thanked me and took a seat. "I'm Shawn by the way" he held his hand out for me to shake. "Nice to meet you Shawn! I'm Y/N." I shook his hand. He pulled a muffin out from the paper bag and took a bite. "So Shawn, how old are you?" I asked him. "I'm 19. How about you?" "I'm 18 but I'm turning 19 in December." "Cool! So are you in college or are you working...?" He said. "I'm in college studying music management." His eyes kinda lit up, "Really? I actually sing for a living! I'm signed to Island Records. I'm on tour right now actually." It was my turn to be suprised. "Wow! So you're a celebrity?" He nodded and he laughed. "Wow." I said in shock. "Hey Y/N I think your really beautiful. Can I get your number?" I nodded and handed him my phone. He put his name in as Shawn😘❤️ I blushed and I put my number in his phone as Y/N❤️😍😋 He smiled and thanked me. "Well I have to go. It was nice meeting you Y/N and I'll text you tonight." He got up and so did I. We hugged and he kissed my cheek. I blushed again and we said our goodbyes and left. This is how I met the love of my life Shawn Mendes and my boyfriend of 3 years.
This was really bad. I have no ideas. Let me know what I should name the main character in my book that I'm going to write! Ok bye guys

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