Magcon Flirt

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Your POV
Shawn and I were going to meet up with the Magcon boys today for a party and I was the only girl going. Mahogany is on vacation with her boyfriend Carlos. When we got there all of the boys were sitting on the couch watching TV until we walked through the door. Everyone said hi to Shawn but all eyes were in me. We walked over to the couch and greeted everyone. When I went to hug Cam, he got a little too close so I quickly moved away.
We were sitting on the couch eating chips and stuff until Shawn had to go to the bathroom. One he left, I could feel everyone facing me. Each boy got closer until cam wrapped his arm around me. I could feel the Jack's one closer and touch me in places they shouldn't be touching me. I started sweating and breathing heavily. I looked up and saw Aaron and Nash taking off their shirts. At this point I was crying. I screamed and immediately heard footsteps coming down the hall. There stood Shawn. His face was red and his eyes widened when he realized what was happening. The boys were frozen, not knowing what to do. Shawn ran over to us and ripped their hands off of me. He brought me closer to him and comforted me while I cried. He put me on the couch and his face immediately showed signs of anger. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS THINKING? SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND AND YOH THINK THAT YOU GUYS CAN JUST TOUCH HER LIKE THAT?! THAT IS NOT OKAY AT ALL! I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE A NICE LIFE AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO TALK TO ME OR HER!!! GOOD BYE!" With that he helped me up and we walked out of the house. We never talked to any of the boys again.
Sorry for the bad ending. But anyways thanks so much again for 100 reads!! Don't forget to check out my other 2 books that I just started, "College Love" and "Introvert" it would mean a lot if you did. Also, if you want, I'm running out of ideas, as you can tell, so feel free to request an imagine; personalized or not. Let me know! Ok bye guys!!!

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