Stranger Things

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Also, You, Shawn, Brian, Ian, and Geoff are around 13 years old in this and this takes place in 1983.
Shawn's POV
"Beware of... THE DEMOGORGON!!!" I said, slamming the game piece on the table. "WOAHHHH!!!!" Ian, Brian, and Geoff yelled. I smiled and laughed, leaning back into my chair, smiling. "Hey Shawn! Come here please!" My mom yelled. "Coming!!!!" I yelled back, "Be right back guys," i said before running upstairs. "Shawn. It's time for your friends to go. You've been playing for ten hours now and it's a school night." She said, Holding my little sister Aaliyah (pretend she's around 2-3 years old). "But mom," "No buts Shawn. It's getting late." She said. I groaned and ran back downstairs to the basement. "Were gonna head out now Shawn. Bye!" Ian said. "Bye guys." I said back. I walked outside with them and saw them leave on their bikes. Before I went inside, the lights flickered a few times. Weird. I went inside to get ready for bed.


Brian's POV
"Bye Brian!" Ian and Geoff yelled. "Bye!" I replied. I peddled down the hill. All of a sudden, my bike swerved into the woods and I fell off. "Ow." I whispered. I heard something in the distance. My first instinct was to get up and run to my house. I got there shortly after and opened the door and quickly locked it. "Mom?" No answer. I heard something outside the front door and looked over to see the inside latch being undone. My eyes widened and I ran out the back door to the shed, where I tinker when I'm bored. I opened the door and loaded my gun that was in there. I heard whatever was coming for me, right outside the door. I noticed the light flickering wildly. I went on and off, and then got brighter and brighter. Then I blacked out.


The next day....
Shawn's POV
"Bye mom." I said before heading out the door to go to school. I met Ian and Geoff outside at the Maple street cup de sac. "Let's go." I said. The three of us hopped on our bike and rode to school. Brian's mom always drives him to school so we meet him there.
We got to school and there was no sign of Brian. "Hey do you guys see Brian anywhere?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Well, well, well. It's the nerds!" Troy, the school's main bully said. "Stop guys." I said. They laughed "No!" He said, pushing me back. "Guys stop." Geoff said. He as a lisp so he gets made fun of easily. "What are you gonna do about it toothless!" He laughed with his friend. "I've already told you. I have a genetic disorder called Cleidocranial Dysplacia." He said annoyed. "It's called Cleidocranial Dysplacia ooh," Troy mimicked. "Bye losers." He said as he walked in between us, pushing me once again. Geoff, Ian and I walked into the school to go to our first class, Science.  "So kids. Today we're talking about the human body!" Mr. Clarke said with all excitement. I could hear some kids groan. Mr. Clarke is my absolute favorite teacher of all times! "Hey. Will's never late for school." Geoff whispered, looking over to the empty seat next to him. I shrugged. I'm sure Will is probably sick. Nothing major.


Karen's POV
I was bouncing Aaliyah on my knee when the phone started ringing. I put her down and walked over to answer it. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi Karen. It's Joyce." Hmm she's usually at work at this time. "Oh hi Joyce. How are you?" I asked. "Um I'm ok. Uh did Brian stay over your house with Shawn last night?" She asked me. "Um no, he didn't. I thought he went home." I said, worried. "That's what I thought too, but Jonathan said he didn't see Brian either." I bit my nail. Something I do when I get worried or nervous. "He probably went to school early." I said. "Oh yeah... probably. Thanks Karen." "No problem. Bye." I said and hung up. I picked up Aaliyah and went back to bouncing her on my leg.


Shawn's POV
After school, Ian, Geoff and I decided to find Brian. We know somethings wrong because he's not answering his walkie talkie, something we use to talk to each other often. "Brian! BRIAN!" I yelled. "BRIAN!!??" Ian screamed louder. It was starting to pour. "Guys look!" I said, pointing to Brian's red bike laying on the ground. We ran over to it. I bent down to examine the bike. "There's no blood so be couldn't have gotten hurt badly." I said. I got up and looked around. I heard some rustling in the distance. "You guys hear that?" I said turning around to face them. They stood up and ran over to where I was. I turned around and shone my flashlight ahead of me. I flinched. We saw someone. Someone who wasn't Brian. There was a girl. She had her hair buzzed off and was wearing an oversized yellow shirt. She looked scared. I looked over and Ian and Geoff and decided to bring her to my house.


We managed to sneak her into my basement. "Are you ok?" I asked. No reply. "What's wrong with her." Ian said. "Do you have cancer?" Geoff said. "Is that blood on your nose?" Ian said, reaching over to touch her. I slapped his hand away. "Stop it you'll scare her." I told him. "She's scaring me!" Ian said back. "Whatever." I mumbled. I walked over to the laundry basket and found a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Here change into this." I said handing her the clean clothes. She put them down on the table and went to lift up her shirt. "Woah no no no!" Ian, Geoff and I said together. She looked at us confused. I pointed towards the bathroom. "You change there. See? Privacy." She walked over to the bathroom to change. I decided to build a little fort for her to stay in. Once she came out, I helped her sit down to talk. "My name is Shawn." I said. "Shawn." She repeated. Her voice was quiet. I could tell she doesn't talk that much. "Yeah. Uh what's your name?" I asked. She pulled her sleeve up to reveal a black tattoo that read "011." "Woah!" I said. She flinched. "Uh Sorry. It's just that I've never seen a kid my age with a real tattoo before. What does it mean?" I asked. She pointed to the number, then pointed to herself. "That's your name? Eleven?" She nodded. "Uh cool. We can call you El. Short for Eleven. Ok?" She nodded again. "Ok cool. Well, welcome to the team El!" I said. Eleven smiled a little bit, making me smile as well. There's just something about her that makes me feel something. Something amazing.
Some of you may know I LOVE the show Stranger Things. It's amazing. If you haven't watched it m, you really should! Anyways if you didn't know, you were Eleven. Just for clarification. This was a little mix of episode 1 and 2 of season 1. I hoped you liked it! Bye!!!

 I hoped you liked it! Bye!!!

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