Tell Me You Love Me

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Shawn and I have been dating for 8 months now. We have stayed strong since the beginning. I've told him I love him many times, but he never says it back. It hurts me a lot every time I say "I love you." And he says "Ok." I feel as if he doesn't want to be with me, yet he acts like he does at the same time. I decided to ask him about it, not being sure how this conversation will end. "Hey Shawn," I said, walking into the kitchen, where he was making spaghetti. "What's yo babe?" He asked, while focusing on the water boiling. "Um can we talk?" I said, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. He turned off the water, "Um yeah, what's going on?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "Why haven't you told me you love me?" I asked, I couldn't be more nervous right now. "What?" He asked. "You heard me," I whispered, "Why haven't you told me you love me?" I said. Shawn sighed. "Babe I-," he started. "No shawn. I need to know. Do you love me or not? Is there someone else? Am I not good enough?!" I cried. Shawn's face softened, "No no no baby. Of course not. There's no one else. You are the only girl in my life... besides my mom and my sister of course. But the reason why I haven't said I love you yet," he took a deep breath, "is because... I'm scared of love. I have had girls who left me in the past, and they left me broken. I fell for those girls. I feel into their trap. They used me. They told me they loved me, only to throw me away. I wanted to make sure I was ready for the next girl, but I failed and ended up in the same place as the last relationship. With you... I really liked you when we first met, and I didn't want to let you go. So I asked you out and soon we became a couple. I was beyond happy, but I want to make sure that you won't use me for other guys and that you truly love me. And these past months together, made me see, I really do love you Y/N. I love you so much. I want us to last... forever." He said. I stared at him for a few seconds, then I ran into his embrace. "I love you too Shawn. Thank you." I said. He wrapped his strong arms around me as I hugged him tighter. Then I looked up and kissed him. He kissed back. Our lips molded perfectly together, like two pieces of a puzzle. Shawn pulled me closer, if that was even possible. After what seemed like forever, we pulled away. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I do really love you. Honestly." I nodddd, "It's ok. I love you too. So so much!"
So I am honestly really surprised by how much you liked my last requested imagine! I'm shook! Anyways I hoped you like it and if you have any more requests, I love writing them for you guys! I kind of like dramatic topics. I might write a zombie apocalypse imagine! Also, if you want, I'm doing a Q&A and I need some questions to answer! If you have any questions about any topic, please leave them in the comments! I would love to answer them for you! Plus I think Q&A's are fun to do! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

 I might write a zombie apocalypse imagine! Also, if you want, I'm doing a Q&A and I need some questions to answer! If you have any questions about any topic, please leave them in the comments! I would love to answer them for you! Plus I think Q&A...

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