Three Empty Words (Illuminate Series Part 5)

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"Those three empty words will only make it worse, we're tired we can't take this anymore..."
Shawn's POV
I'm on my way to go pick up Y/N. Our relationship has been so awkward recently. I love her... I think. I say it to her everyday, but it feels empty. I know she feels the same way. I'm picking her up to go to the diner in downtown Toronto. It's the same place we go every time. We go at exactly 6:00 for dinner. We have had the same routine ever since things began to get weird. I picked her up and she got in the car and smiled. I smiled back. The car ride was silent. An awkward silent, so I decided to speak up. "So, how was your day?" I asked her. She looked up from her phone and replied, "It was ok. How about you?" "Same old..." I said. That was weird. She nodded and went back to her phone. We pulled up to the diner and got out of the car. We sat at the same booth we always sit at. We ordered the same thing we always get. Y/N gets a cheeseburger and fries and I get a bacon burger and fries. We sat and ate in our normal silence... awkward.  Once we finished, we drove home.
The next day, we were listening to our favorite songs. I was sitting on the couch and Y/N was sitting next to me. She had her head on my shoulder. It was again, really awkward. We were only doing this so we could try to find the love we used to have. But I knew, it wasn't there. Y/N sighed and got up. I watched as she got up and headed upstairs to go to bed.
"Babe, it's your turn to do the dishes." Y/N said. "No, I did them yesterday..." I responded. She shook her head, "No Shawn, I did them yesterday because you were at the studio." I just shook my head and got up and did them anyways. We always seem like we're gonna argue, but we don't even bother. It seems like that's a good thing, but aren't the arguments what makes a true relationship stronger? All I know is that we're tired, we can't take it anymore. Because all we've been saying are three empty words.
So guys.... THIS BOOK IS AT 400 READS!!!!! THANKS GUYS!!!!! That's almost half of 1k!!!!! I can't thank you guys enough! I love you all!❤️ Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!!!

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