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Hey guys! So I thought that I already have two books out which is a lot to update regularly so I though, LETS MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Why not? I have a new book out called "Introvert" and it's basically about a girl who has had a rough past and has grown up really shy her whole life. She's a total introvert. She's in her junior year of high school and is not excited. She has been bullied by everyone in elementary and middle school. When she meets the schools bad boy, she doesn't know if he'll covert her into a bad girl or if he will see what she went through and change his ways. What will happen? No one knowssssss lol. Actually, I know haha! Sooooooo it would mean a lot if you checked it out and also go and check out my other book "College Love - S.M." It would mean so much if you read, voted, and commented on them! Also... THIS BOOK IS ALMOST AT 100 READS!!!!!! Now I know it's nothing compared to the stories with 1k or 100k or even 1mil, but it's a big deal for me and I couldn't thank you guys enough for all the love and support! Also, I am thinking about doing shoutouts! If you would like a shoutout, all you need to do is comment on my most recent chapter or request and imagine and I'll give you a shoutout in the next chapter and vote on every chapter in all of your books or book!!!!! I don't know if I'll keep on doing them but I though I might give it a try. Plus I haven't seen anyone do it before so
I thought, I could be a bit different! Ok bye guys!!!!

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now