Celebration (For Brianne)

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This was requested by majorchoirgeek_1999 I hope you like it Brianne!
Brianne's POV
Today I was redoing my kitchen. The guys who are doing the renovations should be here soon. Just then, I heard a knock at the door. I got up to answer it. I opened it, revealing a tall man, who looked like he was in his early 20's. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, a strong build, and his muscles clearly showed through his white t- shirt he had on. He was very attractive. "Hello! Are you with the renovation team?" I asked. He nodded. I motioned for him to come inside, opening he door more. He stepped inside and soon had 4 more guys following him. They already knew what to do so they got right to work.


It's been 2 weeks and I haven't really talked to the guys that much except for one. I found out that his name is Shawn and he's 22. He's about my age. He's actually really nice. He's definitely the sweetest guy I've ever met. We've grown closer. We have become great friends and I wouldn't have it any other way. The renovation is in its home stretch and is almost finished. It was a long 2 weeks, but it is almost done! About 4 more days they said!


My kitchen is finished and it couldn't look better! The guys are starting to put everything away in their van and Shawn decided to show me around my new kitchen! "Ok so we have new granite countertops for the island and counters and all new cabinets," he said, running his hand along the doors, "We replaced the sink with a new porcelain one with new faucets and all new stainless steel appliances!" He said, bringing his arms out showing me the new fridge and oven. "I love it! Thanks so much! I can't thank you enough!" I said hugging him. "No problem! I'm glad you like it!" He said, laughing. "Hey! Wanna celebrate with me? I have some wine that we could have? Think of it as a thank you gift!" I said, pulling out an unopened bottle of red wine and two wine glasses, setting them on the counter. Shawn nodded. "Of course! I never pass up wine!" He said chuckling. "Hang on. Let me tell the guys they can leave. I actually live about a block away from here so I can walk home." He said before running out to tell the guys they can go home. Once he came back, I had filled the glasses with wine and handed him one. "Cheers!" I said, holding my glass up. "Cheers!" Shawn said, bringing his glass up with mine, making a clinking sound. We took a sip and talked for hours!


It's been 5 hours and 3 bottles of wine later, and Shawn and I are drunk. We finished my wine and I had no more left, so it's silent. Shawn looked at me in the eyes and smiled. He leaned in and so did I. Our lips connected and I could feel the fireworks going off. My hand found it's way to the back of his neck, and his found my waist. I felt Shawn pick me up and carry my down the hall. Our lips haven't pulled away. Soon I noticed we were in my room. I was blushing uncontrollably. We pulled away. "I thought we could maybe celebrate here?" Shawn asked. I nodded, "Sounds good to me." I said, giggling. Our lips connected and... well you know what happened after that.😉
Well, I hoped you liked that Brianne! I tried my best to write it how you requested it. Anyways if you have any more requests guys, leave them in the comments and don't forget to ask some questions for my Q&A! Also let me know if you would like me to do another tag. I could maybe do one that's more general and not Shawn related so more people could do it! Let me know! Thanks guys!

 I could maybe do one that's more general and not Shawn related so more people could do it! Let me know! Thanks guys!

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