Halloween Party (Part 2)

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Shawn and I were on the couch watching Stranger Things when we heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it" I said excitedly, getting up from the couch. I opened the door and was greeted by Ian, dressed as Mike Wazowski and Geoff, dressed as Sully. "Hey Y/N!" Ian said, hugging me. "Hey Guys! Thanks for coming!" I said, hugging Geoff as well. "Thanks for hanging us! Yo Shawny Boi!!!!!!!!" Ian said, passing pass me to hug Shawn. I let Geoff in and closed the door. I saw that Ian was already going at the chips and soda. "Woah Ian! Save some for the other people!"
I laughed. He stopped. "Sorry," he mumbled. I told him it was ok before another knock was heard. "I'll get it!" Shawn yelled. He opened it and saw Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Cameron Dallas, and Taylor Caniff! "Hey guys!" He said, hugging each of them. Jack J was dressed as a zombie from COD. Gilinsky was dressed as an army soldier. Taylor was dressed as a girl? Cam.... I don't know what he was. "Uh what are you supposed to be?" I said, pointing to his costume. He had a hoodie on that said "Mendes 98" And was holding a blow up electric guitar. His hair was also styled differently. "I'm your babe Y/N!" He said like his was the most obvious thing ever. "Ohhhh haha that's good!" "Yeah And Taylor's my fangirl!" He finished. "Yeah see. OH SHAWN! WILL YOU MARRY ME!?!? PLEASE!!!! BE THE FATHER OF MY CHILDREN!??!!!" Taylor screamed. I was laughing hysterically while Shawn was blushing while face palming himself. "You have to admit, that's pretty accurate." Geoff said, leaning against the kitchen counter. Shawn shook his head, laughing a bit, before sitting on the couch.


It's been a few hours and Brian, Nash, Hayes, and Lox also showed up. Brian was dressed as Mr. Incredible. Nash was Woody and Hayes was Buzz, and Mahogany was Eleven from Stranger Things. We were having a great time and we were eating pizza as chips, while we talked for a bit. "Hey guys wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure! What movie?" Shawn said. I thought for a minute. "How about Annabelle?" I offered. "That movie is so scary!" Jack J said, "But this is a Halloween party so let's watch it!" I found the movie on Netflix. Shawn brought over the chips and made popcorn. Ian grabbed some blankets and pillows and threw them on the couch and floor. Once everything was situated, we all sat down and watched the movie.


It's been about 30 minutes into the movie and I was terrified! I was clutching onto Shawn's sweatshirt, eyes closing every five seconds, scared of what will happen. There was a jump-scare that had just happened and I screamed. "AHHHH!" I said, almost jumping out of my seat. Shawn rubbed my back reassuringly. "It's ok babe. The creepy doll isn't gonna get you." He said, slightly laughing. "I don't like you." I mumbled. "I know" Shawn whispered, smiling. Once the movie was done, I was ready to just sleep the rest of the night. But I couldn't because A) I would be too scared, and B) we still had guests over. I noticed my phone was about to die so I went to the bedroom to charge it. I walked up the stairs and into mine and Shawn's room. I plugged my phone in the charger and turned around and saw the doll sitting on the dresser. It was Annabelle. She's here in my house. In my room. In front of me, staring directly into my eyes. I stood there for a minute, then, "SHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" I cried. I was so scared. I heard Shawn's footsteps running up the stairs. He noticed I was crying and hugged me. "I'm so sorry babe. It was a prank. We didn't mean for this to happen." He said. I pulled away. "Jerk." I said. "I deserve that." He laughed. Shawn walked over to the nightstand and grabbed a small camera. "You were filming me!?" I yelled. Shawn chuckled, "Well it was a prank. I had to get your reaction." He said. I walked towards him. "I hate you Shawny Boy! I really hate you. Now run. Because you don't want me to get you. You have 20 seconds to hide."
I have no idea what this ending was. Anyways, I hope you liked it! I'm goin to be having a bunch of imagines coming soon for you guys! They're gonna be awesome! Also, comment what you're gonna be for Halloween! I'm curious to know what people are going as. I'm going as Eleven from Stranger Things! It's an amazing show and season 2 comes of on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!

 I'm going as Eleven from Stranger Things! It's an amazing show and season 2 comes of on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!

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