Chapter 6

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Alaiza's POV :

" NO " , he tells me .

" Please " , I beg him again .

Nathan sighs and looks at me " You only said cookies and ice-cream "

I look at him with a pout on my face ." But now I want to eat burgers "

He thinks for a moment before he speak , " Ok , let's go "

I smile at him . After I tell him that we're good, Nathan take me to the mall right away .

After we finished buying ice-cream and cookies, I suddenly feel hungry so I ask him to buy me burgers but he refuse to do it . But now he agrees , so YAYYYY .

We walk out of the mall and we enter Nathan's car. He drives and stop in front of a burger's shop that I never knew existed.

" I want MacDonald . And MacDonald only . Take me to Macdonald ", I cried out .

" This place's burger is way better than the one in MacDonald's " , He tell me while turning off the engine .

I pout and cross my arm over my chest while still sitting in the car. I'm sure that when I'm mad , he will take me to MacDonald .

" ok , if you don't want to eat , we can go back to the house then " , Nathan tells me while begin to starts the engine again .

I quickly take off my seatbelt , open my door and walk out . Nathan just laughs and walks out of the car and enters the shop with me .

We enter the shop and the smell of burgers fill in my nose .

Oh my god , it smells so good.

A waiter takes us to a table of two. The waiter keeps looking at me . His stare makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable .

"Can we have a seat that is more private ?" , Nathan asked the waiter . He nods and lead us to a table that is far from the rest .

Nathan sits on one side and I sit on the others .

" What can I get for you today ? " , the waiter looks at me while smiling brightly at me .

I smile at him back " I want a cheese burger, with fries, hotdogs, a fried-chicken and a cup of sprite. " What? I'm hungry! Can't a girl eats what she wants to eat ?

He seems very surprise but smiles at me once again. He keep staring at me for a couples of minutes until Nathan coughs loudly .

Nathan seem to be really mad and furious . His jaw is clenched and his hand is now a fist .

" Can I order now? " , He asks the waiter angrily .

" Of course " , the waiter replied .

" First of all , I want you to stop looking at her if you want to keep this job and second I want you to leave and lastly bring a new waiter before I lunge you to the ground and beat the crap of you " He told the waiter .

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