Chapter 29

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My exams is coming very very soon, I hope that I can update more but I need to study, but I will still keep on posting chapters. Hope you like this one. Enjoy!!!!



As I expected, Mike took me to some fast food restaurant, not that I mind.

I know that Mike doesn't have that kind of money ,like Zander or Nathan does but to be honest, I enjoyed eating at a fast food restaurant more than those high class restaurant. Judge me.

"I would like 2 chicken burgers and some chips with a cup of coke", I ordered and heard Mike's huffing sound.

"What's wrong ?", I questioned.

"I was going to order that", He speaks.

"What? Really?", I ask, kind of surprised.

"No", He lets out a quick chuckles ,and I groaned, before ordering his beef burger, some salad and sprite.

I still can't understand how someone like Mike likes eating salad. I thought salad was only created for girls who wanted to be skinny.

A few minutes later, our food arrived and we both grinned at each other. What ?  Can't a grown adults get a little bit excited at the sight of their food ?

I dig into my chicken burgers and my chips right away while Mike digs into his beef burger. About 10 minutes later, I finished everything and Mike too. He has some ketchup on his lips and I laugh.

"What's wrong ?", He asks.

"You have some ketchup on your lips", I speak as I point to his lips.

He nods and he pulls out a paper and hands it to me.

"No, I mean you have ketchup on your lips, not me", I speak again.

"I know", He speaks and I gave his a confused look.

"Then what are you waiting for? Wipe it out", I speak.

"I want you to do it for me"

The heck ?

Is this some scenes from a romantic movies where the male protagonist asks the females to wipe the ketchup away his lips ?

Wait. Has that ever happened in a movie? I thought that it would be the opposite.

"In your dream, babe", I ,jokingly, tell him and he groaned and pouted.

After he wipes the ketchup away from his lips, we're just trying to catch up with each other's life because ,apparently, we have been really busy in our own works and we haven't talk in a while.

"So who's the lucky girl ?", I ask Mike.

"What do you mean ?", He asks me.

"I mean, c'mon, you've probably got a girlfriend by now, so tell me who's the lucky girl ? Is she pretty ?", I ask Mike, again.

"No one", He answered shortly and drinks his sprite.

"You're definitely lying", I speak with a mocking tone and he laughs.

"I swear I don't", He crosses his arm across his chest, which tighten his shirts.

God damn it, that toned chest and huge muscles can eat me up anytime.

"If you want to be that 'lucky girl' then the spot is still available", He winks at me and I blush, a little.

"You know that I have always wanted that spot right", I speak, dreamily.

"Wait, really ?", He asks, kind of surprised.

"No", I laugh at him and I can hear his groaned.

"I think we should go back, it's already late", I check my watch and see that it is around 9. How can it be this late ? That's because I surrounded myself with the best boy-best friend ever and times kind of flew away quicker than we thought it would. Will Nathan cares for me if I arrived home this late ?

Stop thinking, I groaned at myself.

"What do you have in mind ?", Mike asks me, while driving to my destination.

"Nothing", I quickly tell him, a bit too quick though.

"You're obviously bad at lying", He laughs at me and I roll my eyes. I tell him my, I mean Nathan's address and he drives me there.

"You live here ?", He asks me, when we arrived in front of the gate.

"Umm... you can say that", I tell as I undid my belt.

"I'll see you tomorrow then ?", He asks me.

"If I don't have too much works", I wink at him and he smiles at me.

"Have anyone ever tells you that you look absolutely stunning when you wink ?", Mike speaks to me and I laugh.

"I mean my dog had told me once", I, jokingly, tell him. With one last wink at him, I walk out of the car. I can still hear Mike's laughter from afar.

I open the gate and walk inside. I slowly twisted the door knob and walk inside ,slowly, just in case Nathan is sleeping, I know that I don't want to wake him up.

I almost jump up when I see that Nathan is in the living room, watching television.

"Oh my god, you scared me", I laugh to myself but Nathan didn't even replies or spares me a glance.

"Nathan ?", I walk up to him.

"Are you okay ?", I ask getting slightly kind of worried.

"I'm good", Nathan quickly gets up from the sofa and walks straight to the stair case but I quickly blocked it. The staircase is ,of course, very big and my small figure won't be able to blocked it completely but Nathan stops dead in his track when he sees that I'm standing in front of him.

"Something is wrong, what is it ?", I ask him.

"Nothing", He tried to walk away but I push him back, which didn't effect him at all.

"Nathan", I speak his name slowly, hoping that whatever Nathan has in mind, he will shares it with me.

"Okay fine", Nathan finally gives in.

"Do you like it to see me suffer ?", He asks me.

What ?

"What do you mean ?", I ask him.

"You went out with Zander today, which I don't mind because he's my close friend and I know that he won't hit on my girl. But seriously, that Mike boy? Why did you even go on a date with him in the first place ?", He asks me and my mouth hangs open.

This is not what expected.

"How do you know that I went out with Mike ?", I ask him .

"I've my ways", He tells me.

"Also, I've given many signs to show you that I like you but you never understand those signs and keeps going on a date or eating out with other males and you should know that it hurts me", He points to his chest and I stayed quiet.

"You liked me ?", I ask him, breathlessly. I can't even find my voice after Nathan's confession.

"Really? I thought I've already given you many signs, Alaiza", He speaks.

"I guess I don't see those signs I guess", I speak as I lower my head.

"Now answer my question", He speaks, this time with his serious tone.

"What ?", I ask him .

"Will you go out with me ?"


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