Chapter 42

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I finished writing this chapter but half of it got deleted. I'm just like "...?"

Also, this chapter is very hard to write. I don't even know why.



"What do you want? Why are you in my room ?", I quickly ask him. I was taking a step backward when he suddenly takes a step forward.

When he takes another step forward, I freak out and run toward the light switch and switch it on. I close my eyes for a moment because the light was too bright.

Has it always been this bright?

When I finally settled myself, I look at Nathan, who is already staring dangerously at me.

I gulped.

"Where have you been ?", He asks me, with a low-yet-dangerous voice.

"Nowhere", I quickly answered him, trying my best to be not interested in this conversation and wanted him to go away.

"Alaiza", He speaks, with an even lower tone and I quickly close my eyes to control myself.

How dare he wants to know about my personal life?

"What do you want, Mr. Archer? Whatever I do or wherever I went is not your business and you shouldn't care about it", I glare at him. He looks shocked for a moment when I call his last name but it soon replaced by anger.

"Everything you do, wherever you went and who you're with is very important to me. So please just tell me, WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU WITH HIM TODAY ?", Nathan shouted at me and I flinched.

"What are you talking about ?", I ask him.

He just lets out an evil laugh while shakes his head. He hands me a few pictures and as soon as I look at it, I gasped. It's pictures of me with Conrado, when we enter the mall, when we leave the theater and when we're eating ice-cream.

"How did you get these ?", I ask him while using my hand to covers my mouth.

"I have my way, my people did it for me", He states blankly, still soundly mad.

I know that his people did it for him but how can they followed us, took pictures of us and printed out the pictures this fast? His people must be working hard.

"Now, will you tell me who is that man and why you're with him?", he asks me. He is suddenly so close to me and I quickly take a step away from him.

"Why? You shouldn't care who I was with", I tell him.

"So you're not going to tell me, huh ?", He asks me and I shook my head. No way will I bring Conrado into this mess.

"Then I will find him myself and when I do, then I'll teach him some lesson", Nathan takes out his phone and was about to dial someone's number but I quickly took his phone away from him and throw it onto the bed.

I can't control my anger now.

"Seriously, Nathan? What is wrong with you? Why are you even bother with who I was with? Why did you even care about my personal life? Why are you so annoying and most important of all...why did you kiss me ?", I shout at him. He seems taken back for a moment but then anger was flashed across his face.

"Do you think I really wanted to care who you're with? Do you think I really wanted to care about what you're doing? Alaiza, don't you see? I really like you. You don't understand my feeling that I have toward you. I kissed you this afternoon, why? Because I wanted to show that boy who helped you to know that you're mine and he shouldn't care about you. You're really difficult to understand, Alaiza.", He starts shouting back at him and I have to take a moment to understand everything he's saying.

"So what you're saying is that you kissed me even though I'm not ready and I'm not even your girlfriend yet ?", I ask him.

"Well...yeah", he scratches the back of his neck.

"C'mon, Nathan. I don't even allow you to kiss me but you did and we're not even properly dating yet. What if someone sees us and take photos?", I tell him with a sigh.

"My point here is...I need some time to think. I really like you, I really do", I tell Nathan and I can see a smile starts forming on his lips.

"But...", I speak and his smile immediately fades away.

"Why is there always a 'but' ?", He sighs and I roll my eye.

"But I needed more time. Some relationship won't last forever and it hurts pretty badly and I don't want to feel the pain. I wanted to know if you're the one for me. I don't want to fall in love with anyone so easily but when I do, I'm very committed to that relationship", I tell him and he nods.

"I get it"

"I understand. I'll give you more time to think but think about it quickly because I don't like waiting, especially if it's waiting for you", He leans down and whispers it softly to my ear.

"Goodnight, Alaiza", He speaks and walks toward the door.

I almost smile in relief but he suddenly stops and turns around, making me put back on my I-don't-give-a-damn face.

"One more thing. We're leaving to the Philippines tomorrow. Brandon told me that the storm is over and we can travel", He tells me and I nod, still not saying a word.

He turns around and starts walking again but stops when he's at the door frame.

"What do you want this time?", I groaned at him.

"I forgot to tell you one more very important thing"

He speaks and I open my ear wide, maybe this is important.

"Don't call me Mr. Archer again. I don't like it coming from your mouth"


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