Chapter 7

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Alaiza's POV :

I walk down the stairs while they pull away from each other. They still haven't noticed me yet .

"How are you ? I missed you so much" , Nathan asks the girl .

"I'm great . I missed you too" , the girl tells him .

Nathan spots me and gestures me to come down .

"Alaiza, this is my sister, lilly. Lilly this is my P.A., Alaiza", Nathan introduced us .

Suddenly , I feel my body relax a little.

Why am I so happy that she is Nathan's sister ? Why am I so happy that she isn't Nathan's girlfriend ?

"Nice to meet you" , Lilly takes her hand out . I quickly accept it .

" Me too "

Nathan excused himself and walk upstairs to change . He left his sister with me .

"I'm actually a model" , Lilly tells me . I'm not surprised . She is in fact very beautiful and tall . Her face structure is similar to Nathan's with high cheekbone , sharp jawline .

"I live with my parents in Paris but I have a fashion show here in the weekend " , Lilly tells me .

"I hope you're not like Nathan's old P.A." , she tells me .

"I don't think I am " , I tell her .

"Yeah, his last P.A. is acting like a b*tch. I absolutely despise her. " , she tells me, looking disgusted .

"So ,when is the fashion show ?" , I ask Lilly. I'm trying to change the topic.

"This Saturday. You should come. It'll be so much fun", Lilly tells me in excitement .

"I'm not sure" , I tell her .

"Why ?"

"Because I've a lot of work to do", I tell her. It's true though, I have a lot of works to do. But I'm not that surprised because I'm working at a very successful company .

"Oh , it's fine. I'm sure Nathan wouldn't mind ", Lilly tells me .

"Ok" , I tell her with a smile .

Nathan comes down, looking good and tell Lilly that we have to leave for work. Lilly and I say our goodbyes and we walk to the car .

"So , how is my sister ?" , Nathan asks me while driving .

"She's nice. She has a fashion show this weekend and she wants us to come. Will you come ?" , I ask Nathan .

" I'm not sure" , Nathan tells me .

" Why ? " , I ask him .

" Work " , He tells me . Of course , work .

" But she's your sister . Have a break . Don't you want to see your sister in the runway ? " , I ask him .

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