Chapter 40

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I just hate writing block so so much. If this chapter is not good, I'm so sorry.



I instantly push Nathan away and glare at him.

How can do such a thing? I mean we're not officially a couple or anything so how can he kissed me in this park full of people? I really don't like PDA in public.

I guess he didn't expect me to push him away because he stumbles on his feet and when he was able to balances himself, he gives me a shocked expression.

I push the bike that I'm holding toward him and he catches it before it falls to the ground. I give him one last glare before walking away, toward the direction of the taxi. I open the door and step in.

"Excuse me ?", the driver asks me and I frown at him.

"Please. I'm having a bad day. Can you please just drive me to my destination ?" I ask him as I laid my head back on the headrest. I'm in no mood for a conversation right now.

"Are you a foreigner ?", the taxi driver asks me in his Spanish accent and I give him a hesitant nod.

"It's okay. I'm asking because I want to know which language I should use with you", the driver tells me, in his Spanish accent, and I nod, again.

"So where do you want to go ?", he asks me.

"Umm...I don't know where it is", my brain is buzzing, trying to remember the name of the hotel that we stay in.

"You don't know where you want to go ?", He asks me, chuckling.

"I'm sorry, I've never visited here before", I apologize to him.

"It's okay. Lots of foreigners are in the same situation as you", He tells me and I nod.

"To the best hotel in the country...I guess", I tell him, totally unsure.

"Oh yeah, it's a very big place right ?", He asks me and I nod.

I mean every hotel is big, right?

He nods and drives me to the hotel. He probably understands the look on my face because he didn't speak much, he just stays silent the entire car ride.

After a few minutes, he stopped in front of the hotel and I'm was jumping in joy that it's the right one. I was about to get off but he stopped me.

"I don't know what's wrong or what happened to you but you don't seem to happy. I don't know if I'm right or not but I think your plan is to lock yourself in your room and cry your eyes out. That's no good for you. If you're sad, you should spend your time doing something that will bring you to a better mood", the taxi driver calmly tells me and I look at him.

It's true though. I planned on going to my room and, of course, cry.

"Locking yourself and crying won't help you solve your problem", He tells me and I nod.

"So what do you suggest ?", I ask him and he thinks for a few moments before answering.

"Since you're a foreigner, I think you should go around and explore...I guess", He tells me.

"I wish but I'll probably get lost. I can't even speak Spanish. If someone kidnaps me, I won't be able to shout for help", I tell him and he laughs.

"Yeah, true", He tells me.

"Okay. I'm going then and thanks for the advice", I about to open the door but he stops me again.


"What do you want ?", I ask him, slightly annoyed.

"What if I'm your tour guide? Will you go around and explore ?", He asks me, hesitatingly.

"Really? Shouldn't you be working ?", I ask him and he shakes his head.

"You probably think that I'm a taxi driver, right ?", He asks me, laughing for a bit.


"I'm not", He tells me.


"Why did you let me in your car then ?", I ask him.

"Well, when you first get it, I said 'Excuse me?' but you said you already had a bad day and you looked really pissed so I don't want to annoy you any further", he tells me.

"OMG, really? I'm so sorry. I thought that you're a taxi driver", I use my hand to cover my mouth. A habit of mine that I always do when I'm embarrassed.

"It's okay. I actually had a tiny bit of fun. I'm actually a photographer. Today, I wanted to take photo in the park", he tells me.

"I'm sorry that I ruined your plan", I tell him, softly.

"No, it's okay. So what do you say? Is it a yes or a no ?", He asks me and I think.

I mean it would be better to go around and explore this new city then locking myself in my room, right? But what if he's a serial killer and trick young woman to make her believe him so he can bring her to a quiet place and rape or even worse, kill her.

I shake my head, trying to shake off the ridiculous thought I had in mind.

"Yeah, let's go. As long as you promise that you won't killed me", I tell him and he laughs.

"I will never do that to a pretty woman like you", He mutters under his breathe but I hear him.

"So where to first ?", He asks me when he starts driving.

"I don't know. Is there any mall nearby ?", I ask him and he nods.

"Yes. There a mall called 'Arena Multiespacio'. Do you want to go ?", He asks me and I just nod.

"I just want to get some ice-cream", I tell him.

I usually eat ice-cream or watch movies when I'm sad. It cheers me up a lot.


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