Chapter 53

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Its time you should learn a bit about Alaiza's past 👀



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"I'm sorry", the doctor walks out of the surgery room with a sad smile on his face.

"We couldn't save her", he tells me and I stumble back.

I cover my mouth with my hands and let the tears that tried to spill a few minutes ago come running down my face like a river. I already know that this will happened, I know it but I still have hope. I hope that miracle can happen and it'll save her but apparently it didn't.

"It's okay, baby", My dad pulls me to his chest and I close my eyes, trying to squeeze away all the pain. I know that my dad is also hunted but he can hide it very well. Unlike me, I'm not strong like him, I can't.

"It's okay, don't cry, we'll go through this together", Lexi, one of my closest friend, pats on my back, trying to calm me down.

I can't help but to cry even harder.

I jolted up in surprise and look around. How can I be having that dream again? I stopped having that dream in like 4 years already.

I hope I won't be seeing those dreams again, it haunted me for days. My pasts are not literally the best and to be honest, I'm not even sure if Nathan can accept it.

I feel wetness on my check and I use my hand to wipe the tears away. Wow, I even cried because of that dream. My dad and other friend told me to forget about it but...I simply can't.

Zooming back into the reality, I look around the house and it's in pitch black. What happened? Where is Nathan? Isn't he supposed to be cooking me food? Why isn't he waking me up?

A blanket was laid on my body and I smile at it. Nathan is probably the one that covers me with it. I walk to the dining room and see a note on the table.

Headed out to an important meeting. Don't wait for me. I wanted to wake you too but you seem to be very deeply asleep and I don't want you to yell at me. Eat the spaghetti first, don't make it gets cold.



I smile at the note but my smile immediately fades when the realization hits me. He has been going out to do these important meetings for many times and I'm getting suspicious.

I walk over to the box of spaghetti that is lying on the table and open its lit. I touch it and it's already cold. God, dammit. I don't even know how to boil the spaghetti, to make it hot again.

Ignoring the hunger of my stomach, I jog upstairs to my room and take off my uniform. I drop it on the floor and hop into the bathroom. I filled the bathtub with hot water because it can relax my muscle very well and after a tiring day, I needed it.

After I washed my hair and clean my body, I wrap a towel around my body and walk outside of the bathroom.

I decided to go with big t-shirts and short shorts. After putting it on and look in the mirror, I look like I didn't wear any shorts because 1. the shorts is very shorts and 2. the shirts is very long.

I brush my hair and head downstairs with my phone in my hand. I jump on the sofa and turn on the T.V. I use the T.V. as the background noise while I'm scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Am I the only one that does this? Open the T.V. but not watching it only using it as a background noise while I do other stuff.

My stomach keeps on growling but I need to wait. I need to wait until Nathan comes back. I think I'm ready. I really wanted to tell him that...I'm ready. I'm ready to face whatever challenges will be put in front of us if we're dating.

I continued watching the T.V. for another 30 minutes before the door cracks open and I couldn't be happier seeing Nathan walking in. As soon as he sees me, he smiles at me and I lunged at him.

"Are you missing me that bad ?", He jokes and I pull away from the hug and nod at him. He pinched my cheek and I smile. I really like it when he does that.

"Do you want to eat anything ?", I ask him and he shakes his head.

"I already ate something", He tells me.

"But I thought you haven't yet. I waited for you for nothing", I pout and look at the floor trying to look upset. He lifts my face up with his hands and smiles at me.

"But I'm still hungry", He tells me and I jump up and down happily.

"Yay. Also, the spaghetti is already cold. If you can make it hot again", I tell him and he groaned.

"You supposed to eat it since it's hot", he scolds me and I pretend to don't know anything.

"I was sleeping at that time", I tell him. He ignores me and put the spaghetti into the oven. After the few minutes, the oven makes that weird noises indicating that the spaghetti is heated.

Nathan walks over to the oven and pulls the plate of spaghetti out while I walk over to sit next to the table. He put it on the table and bring two plates and 2 forks. He sets one plate and one fork in front of me and keeps one set for himself.

He divides the spaghetti and put it onto our plate and I 'thanks' him. While we're busy eating, I decided that I wanted to tell him now.

I look up to him and speak.

"Nathan", My voice seems surprisingly strong.

"Hmm ?", He looks up to me from his plate. His mouth is full so it makes his face really big and I wanted to laugh and make a joke about it but I'll keep it for later.

And that's when I decided to tell him.

"I'm ready"


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