Chapter 62

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"What? Why ?", I ask Nathan. Paris?

"We've been working hard lately and I wanted to spend some time with you, maybe to strengthen our relationship? Also, I haven't visited my parents for quite a while. I missed them", He tells me and I smile at the thought of meeting Nathan's parents. But my smile slowly faded away when I actually think about my parents.

"How many days are we going ?", I ask Nathan so I can pack the right amount of clothes.

"Probably 3 days and 3 night. If we leave at 10 then we'll be arriving in Paris at night, 8 p.m. to be specific. So I'm thinking of spending 2 days on traveling maybe visiting different places since you've never visited France and the last day, we're going to see Lily's fashion show. She begged me to go and also asked me to bring you too", He tells me and I smile at the thought of meeting Lilly, Nathan's sister. She was really nice to me when she came here and I really like. But then it hits me.

"Will your sister or parents actually approve our relationships ?", I ask him, slightly scared that his parents might not like me.

"Don't worry, I already told them. All of them are very happy. My parents wanted me to get a wife asap so they can hold their grandchildren in their hand", Nathan tells me.

"You already told your parents about us?", I ask him, shocked.

"Yeah, they wanted to set me up with some random girls and I know that you wouldn't like that idea very much so I have to tell them I already have a girlfriend", He winks at me and I giggle.

"Now go get ready, pack your bags", He tells me and I nod.

"Yes, sir", I walk out of the room with a weird smile playing on my face.


"How much longer ?", I ask Nathan.

"I think maybe 4 more hours", He pulls me closer to his body and kisses my hair. We've been on the plane for hours but we haven't landed yet and I'm starting to get bored. I got nothing to do so I watch T.V. and Nathan jumped on the bed and cuddled with me.

"Why? Are you bored ?", Nathan asks me and changes the T.V.'s channel.

"A bit", I turn around and pull his cheek. I love doing that. He looks so weird with his cheeks being pulled.

"Stop doing that", He slaps my hand away and turns me around so I'm facing the T.V. again and he hugs me from behind, again.

"Aren't you bored ?", I turn around to face him but he turns me back to the T.V. again.

"Stay still for one moment, please? And no, I'm not that bored", He tells me but his gaze is fixed on the T.V.

"But I'm so bored", I turn around to face him yet again and he gives up on turning me around to the T.V.

"Okay, okay. What do you want to do ?", He asks me and I think for a moment before speaking.

"I don't know, I just know that I'm bored", I tell him and he creased his eyebrows.

"Do you want to watch a movie then ?", He asks me and I give in.

"Okay, I don't know what to do anyway", I told and he nods before walking out of the room to find his laptop. He goes over to Netflix and hands the laptop to me.

"I'll watch whatever you want to watch", He tells me and, once again, jumps on the bed and hugs me from behind.

I search MEG, which is a movie about a big shark, I think, and some group of people trying to kill that shark. I really like that type of movie even though I can get scared really easily and I hope that no one actually died in the movie because I'm going to be devastated.


"WHY DID YOU GO IN THERE? GET OUT, SAVE YOURSELF. THE SHARK IS GOING TO EAT YOU", I shout to the laptop and cling tightly to Nathan.

I know that the shark is going to kill them, like why are you trying to be a hero and save them? Just save yourself first.

"My eardrums", Nathan speaks and he rubs his ear.


"Are you also doing this in the theater ?", He asks me and I nod.

"Why ?", I ask him.

"You screamed really loud, I think my ear is going to get damaged", He tells me and I instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry. I won't shout again", I tell him and bring a pillow to cover my mouth, in that way, my scream won't be heard.

Everything was fine until the end of the movie, another shark appears and I close my eyes and squirm closer inside Nathan's body and he laughs.

"Are they dead? Please don't tell me that the other shark eats them all", I ask him and I felt him shaking his head.

"No one died. The credits already rolled in, look", Nathan tells me and I open my eyes and I felt a flood of relieve when the credits actually rolled in.

"Thank god", I speak to myself.

"You're not really good at watching those adventure movie, why do you still want to watch it ?", Nathan asks me as he closes his laptop.

"I don't really know", I told him with a shrugged.

"There are at least 2 hours left, what do you want to do ?", He asks me and I shake my head.

"I don't know but I'm bored. What are you going to do ?", I ask him, standing up from the bed.

"Depends. If you don't want to do anything, I'll go to work", He tells me.

"Is work all you think about, Nathan ?", I ask him.

"No, I also think about you", He tells me.

"Prove it then", I tell him and all of a sudden he pulls me onto the bed with him.

"I'll prove it", He tells me and he leans in closer and I close my eyes, preparing for the kiss.

When his lips are one centimeter away from mine, a knock made its way into the room and Nathan glares at the door for a good 2 minutes and groans. He walks over to the door and opens it. Brandon is standing there with a sly smile.

"What is it ?", He asks Brandon, irritably.

"I just wanted to tell you that we'll be landing in two hours, and I hope you enjoy your flight so far, sir", Brandon tells Nathan and Nathan waves him off.

"I would be happier if you didn't interrupt us", Nathan tells Brandon.

"Did I interrupted something, sir ?", Brandon smiles and Nathan shakes his head.

"Its none of your business. You can go now", Nathan tells Brandon and he slightly bows before leaving.

Nathan closes the door and walks over to the bed. He seems annoyed.

"Why do you looked so annoyed ?", I ask him.

"Because he interrupted us. We almost kissed", Nathan tells me and I laugh.

"But you can kiss me now", I tell him and he smiles before closing the gap between us, again.


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