Chapter 10

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Alaiza's POV :

"LILLY, YOU'RE SO DEAD", I shouted loudly as soon as I saw my reflection in the mirror. I heard Lilly's laughter outside my bathroom.

I quickly opened the bathroom door and saw Lilly lying on the ground clutching her stomach with her hands.

How dare she? She made me look like a monster. Well, apparently Lilly thought that I would look better if I was a green monster.

"We're going to a fashion show . Not to a costume party . Look what you had done with my face . You made me look like a slime monster", I shouted angrily at Lilly and went back to the bathroom to wash my face .

Lilly walked behind me still laughing. It looked like she wasn't able to control her laughter .

"I'm sorry . I thought it would be funny and it was actually hilarious", Lilly started laughing again which made me more furious. Can she just stop?

I washed my face and Lilly told me to sit to redo my make up. Doesn't she has to prepare for her show? Well, I didn't bother asking her.

"Which monster are you going to make me this time", I asked Lilly .

"I won't do anything. But if an idea crosses my mind , then I can't guarantee you", Lilly winked with a glimpse of naughtiness that was clearly visible in her eyes.

"I'm going", I was about to get up from the chair but Lilly quickly stopped me .

"I'm sorry . I won't do anything. I promise", Lilly pleaded me .


Lilly began to bombarded my face with make up stuffs.

You probably already guessed . I'm not good at make up.

"You're done" , Lilly told me and I slowly opened my eyes .

I expected to see a ghost or a mummy staring back at me in mirror but , instead , I saw a beautiful reflection that didn't resembled me .

Of course , what do you expect ?

I look a quite different from before . I must admit , I looked prettier than usual , all credit goes to Lilly .

"Thanks", I told Lilly while smiling at her .

"So you're not mad at me for making you look like a mummy 5 minutes ago", Lilly asked me while trying her best not to laugh but failed .

"In your dreams", I told Lilly and walked back to the bathroom .

I wore my dress and frowned . Why did I picked this dress ? Oh yeah , I didn't pick it intentionally, I picked up a random dress. .

This dress is really short. i pulled the hem of dress down but it was of no use. leaving it like that i came out of the bathroom and saw Lilly sitting on bed while scrolling on her phone .

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