Chapter 32

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Nathan took me to an Italian restaurant that I can't even spell the name and I don't even care. The only thing I deeply care about is the foods. I can't tell you how much I love Italian food. It's literally one of the best cuisine on earth.

I ordered Bucatini, which I assumed is spaghetti, because it looks like it. Nathan ordered Fettuccine Alfredo, which is a long and complicated term for pasta.

Even though, Italian got a very weird name for their food, their foods are still amazing.

After we finished eating, we got into the limo and rode back to the company with our hands still linked to each other and ,of course, I'm still blushing.

Right now, I'm staring at the amount of files that I've finished checking. I breathe a sigh of relief when Nathan shared half of the documents that I should be checking to some other peoples. I just wanted to kneel down and 'thanks' him.

'Don't work too hard' was what he said to me. I mean, if I don't work hard, then I will get fired. This guy is ridiculous.

A knock on my door, makes me snapped my head to the door. Amanda's head suddenly pop up and I smile. She walks in and she engulfs me in a hug.

"I missed you so so much", Amanda whines and I laugh.

"Same here"

"I haven't see in so long. Do you want to get some coffee and talk about some business ?", Amanda asks me and I turn my head around, looking at the time and amount of documents I've to check left.

There are only a few more documents and it's currently my break time so I say 'yes' to Amanda's offer and she squeals, happily. We both walk out of the company and headed to Starbucks.

"So what do you want to talk about ?", I ask Amanda as I took a sip of my Mocha frappe. I swear, Mocha frappe is the only thing that is drinkable here, other drinks tasted bad.

"What do you think I wanted to talk about? It's definitely about boys", Amanda winks at me and I laugh.

"Of course, you will want to talk about that".

We talked for about half an hour before walking back to the company. I hugged her goodbye and make my to my office.

After finished checking a few more documents, I collect all of the checked documents and make my way to Nathan's office. I knock on the door but I didn't hear any sound. I tried again. then again and again.

I groaned when there were no responses. You should know that the documents that I'm holding is so heavy. I open the door, not bothering that I broke the rule and walk in carefully, trying my best not to trip over a flat surface, because I've done that many time.

I put all of the documents on his table and look around his office. Where is he ?

I turn around, attempting to walk out but I jump back when Nathan was standing behind me. He caged me by putting his arm to the table, trapping me in.

He leans in closer and I stop breathing. What is he trying to do ?

He stops moving forward, when his mouth is an inch away from my earlobe. He breathe out, letting a hot stream of air hitting my ear.

"Be ready", He speaks, seductively. I give him a horrified look. Be ready for what ?

"What do you mean ?", I ask him. He looks at me for a moment before bursts out laughing.

"You should've seen your face. Your face looks like you've seen a ghost", He tells me, still laughing.

"Sir, I need you to sign these files", A guy speaks, which gather both of our attention.

Nathan immediately stop laughing and his face turns serious.

"Excuse me but do you know how to knock ?", Nathan asks the boy, his voice is dangerous. The poor guy gulps and I ,somehow, felt sorry for him.

"Sir, I did knocked multiples time but there were no responses and we need your signature right away so I came in", the guy speaks slowly as he looks to his feet, probably scared of Nathan. To be honest, I would have done the same thing if I was in his position.

"Oh, so you just come in ?", Nathan asks again but this time the poor guy didn't response. I can sense danger, so I walk to the corner of the room.

"What if I'm doing a private thing that I don't want you to see and busy to say 'don't come in' ?", Nathan asks the poor boy as he crosses his arm across his chest.

"I'm sorry, sir", the guy speaks, so quiet that I almost didn't hear.

"Give me the file and you're fired", Nathan speaks and the guy and I gasped at the same time.

"Mr.Archer, please. I won't do it again", he immediately pleads Nathan but Nathan just shakes his head.

"You're fired, why are you still here ?", Nathan asks the poor boy and the poor boy looks like he has given up. He walks out of Nathan's office but before he leaves, he says something that makes Nathan and I look at him in shocked.

"Thank you for firing me, you son of a bitch. Your company will collapses soon and you'll be homeless one day, you pussy sucker", the guy spats out and I cover my mouth just to prevent fly from flying into it.

I know that people will be mad when they got fired but they shouldn't say something like this to there ex-boss.

"Uhh...huh. Anything else ?", Nathan asks the guy with an amused look playing on his face.

"Well, you're gonna get-", The guy was about to speaks but got interrupt by Nathan.

"Oh wait, keep what you wanted to say inside the court", Nathan smirks at the guy and I tried my best to not laugh after seeing the terrified look on the guy's face.


"I think you've gone a bit too far with the boy", I speak as we're on our way back to our home.

"Nah, it's just nothing. He needs to respect me and shouldn't say any shit in front of my face but he did and that's what he gets", Nathan just shrugs it off like it's no big deal .

"But still, I felt like it's my fault, since I distracted you from hearing the knocking sound", I speak.

"What? It's not your fault. Yes, you kinda distracted me from hearing the knocking sound but it's me who did it in the first place", He lets out, trying to stop me from feeling the guilt.

"If you say so", I speak as I rest my head on the headrest of the seat.

"I also came into your office without waiting for your reply, why don't you fire me too ?", I ask Nathan and Nathan just stares at the street.

"I don't know", Nathan whispered.

A moment later, I felt that the car was stopped and we're in front of our home.

We walk out of the car together. Nathan opens the door and lets me walk in first.

"Ohhh...such a gentlemen", I mock him.

"Only for you", Nathan winks at me and I cover my smile with my hand.

"Oh, I almost forgot", Nathan suddenly stops walking and I stop too.

"We will be going on a business trip to Philippines in the next 3 days"


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