Chapter 48

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"Well, the truth is...", Nathan stutters and I yell out loud and Nathan flinched.

"Oh my, my ears", Nathan rubs his ears with his hands.

"Cut the chase, Nathan. Why did you do it? Why did you ignore me? Am I some sort of game? Are already tired at me that's why you didn't talk to me ?", I ask him and he just shakes his head.

"What are you talking about? You said you needed time and space so I wanted to respect you and give you what you need", He tells me and I scoffed.

"So you just ignore me all day? That's not called giving time and space. By giving time and space it means that you need to spend the time to make me fall for you, you should tell me why you deserve me and why we should be in a relationship. But you didn't even talk to me, how does that convince me that you're being honest with me ?", I ask him and as I cross my arm across my chest.

"I ...I don't know", He scratches the back of his head and looks to his feet.

"Where did you get that idea of ignoring me from ?", I ask him.

"Umm...from Google ?", He tells me and I let out a big sarcastic laugh.

"Google can be helpful sometimes but it's not helpful to us woman. Google doesn't know anything about females' emotion.", I tell him.

"When you said 'time and space', I didn't know what you were talking about so I googled it and they say that I need to stay away from you as far as possible and if I can, don't talk to you then it will makes this method works faster", he tells me with a sly smile.

"I swear to god, if you do that again, I'll slap you across the face", I tell him and he immediately back away as he takes his hand to cover his face.

"Don't hit this pretty face, please", He speaks with his baby voice and I laugh.

"I'm going to bed now", I tell him and he waves me goodbye but the look on his face tells me that he's already deep in his own thought. I'm wondering what are thinking about.


To be honest, I don't even understand women from the very beginning because most girls just throw their body at me but with Alaiza, it's different. She makes me feel something that I've never felt before, she made me think that love actually exists.

Because of that, I wanted to do something in return, which is giving her as much love as I can toward her. And it broke my heart when she told me that she's not ready and she needs more 'space'. I don't want to annoy her and I can't even imagine she's with another man so I agreed. Because of that silly Google, I didn't speak to her and ignore her because when I searched it said that if you ignore her then it means that you're giving her space and if you can, don't look at her, it'll somehow make you seem hotter to her. I don't know if it's worked or not.

Stupid Google.

So she said that I should spend time with her? I should do something to convince her to accept my feeling toward her? Anything that makes she thinks that I deserve her?

OK then! Piece of cake.

I might not know anything about being a relationship but what I know most about is how to please a woman.

I woke up around 6 in the morning the day after and I started to prepare breakfast for both of us. I know for sure that girls found a guy who can cook really attractive and I'm also pretty sure that Alaiza is one of them. I'm not the best at cooking but I called Dave, our chef, to comes over earlier so he can teach me to cooks food. He seems very surprised to know that I wanted to cook foods but I told him that's for Alaiza he and he immediately nods in understanding.

"First you need to rub the steak all over with a lug of olive oil and a pinch of salt and black pepper.", Dave tells me as he stands in the corner and I follow his instruction. Right now, Dave told me that I should start with something easy and that would be steak.

"Then add the steak to a hot pan, then cook for 6 minutes for medium-rare, but if you don't like medium-rare you can put it on the pan for more than 6 minutes", Dave tells me and I nod at him. I put the steak on the pan and a sudden flame bursts up from the pan and I shout out loud as I back away.

"What the f*ck was that ?", I ask Dave as I tried to control myself. I was shocked. Fire just fly straight from the pan, what happened?

"It happened because it's too hot and you didn't put the steak in gently, you toss it into the pan. How about tried again but this time put it in more gently ?", Dave asks me and I nod.

I rub the steak against the olive oil and apply a pinch of salt and pepper on the steak again. I turn on the heat and gently put the steak onto the frying pan. I flinched when the pan makes a weird noise while cooking the steak.

"Now sear it for 3 minutes without moving the steak to form the crust." I did exactly as Dave told me and let out a sigh of relief when the steak starts to change its color. I put my timer for 6 minutes and waited. As I cook I only have on thought on my mind.

Alaiza will love this.

"Cut a garlic clove in half and rub it over the steak every time you turn it so that it'll add more flavor but it's up to you if you want or not. If you want you can also use butter", Dave tells me.

"Now remove the steaks from the pan and let it rest on a board or plate for a few minutes before serving.", Dave tells me and I nod. I remove the steak from the pan and put it on the plate.

"You can add more flavor to it by adding some combination like a little extra virgin olive oil or butter for an even more juicy steak.", Dave tells me and I look at him.

"Isn't already juicy ?", I ask him and he nods.

"Yes, I said if you want an even juicier steak", Dave speaks.

"You only make one steak? I thought you and Alaiza will both eat", He asks me and I quickly remember.

"Oh crap, I forgot. Thanks", I tell Dave. Why am I so dumb? I cooked only one steak, what will Alaiza eat then? I only learn how to cook because of Alaiza, anyway.

"What about drinks ?", Dave asks me and I closed my eyes.

How can I easily forgot about this stuff?

"I think you should just make lemon juice since you don't have that much time left and its really easy to make. So overall, you need to make 2 cups of lemon juice and one more steak. That shouldn't be a problem", Dave speaks and I frown. I turn around and face him.

"There is a problem", I tell Dave and he gives me a confused look.

"What is it? You don't have any lemon left ?", He asks me and I shake my head.

"I don't know how to make lemon juice"


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Also, please please please watch 'TT' by Twice on Youtube. Please give it a chance. It's a very good song.

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