Chapter 38

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REMINDER: I don't know how to speak Spanish so I have to use google translate. If I wrote it wrong then please don't throw hate comments at me .


"So where are we going ?", I ask Nathan. After a while of convincing him to put me down, he finally  did.

"Do you even know which part of Spain we're in right now ?", Nathan turns around to face me.

"Umm...No", I answer him.

"We're in Valencia", Nathan speaks.

"Oh, really ?", I ask him while looking around my surrounding.

"I was thinking we can go to get breakfast then we can go to the old Turia riverbed, then to the Central Market to get some lunch and afterward we can either go to the beach or go shopping", Nathan speaks and I nod.

"But I thought we have works to do", I ask him. And I thought that he's always busy.

"I do, but I'd rather spend times with you than with those papers", Nathan winks at me and I cover my face with my hand to prevent myself from blushing.

I swear sometimes Nathan can be the sweetest person on the planet.

"First on the list is to get breakfast, let's go", Nathan waves his hand up, signaling a taxi. One taxi driver notices us and stops his car. Nathan and I quickly get in the car.

"¿a donde quieres it ?", The driver asks Nathan. Where do you want to go?

"el major restaurant", Nathan tells the driver and the driver nods before starts driving. The best restaurant.

I looked at Nathan in shocked. Nathan knows how to speak Spanish?

"What did he said ?", I ask him, shockingly.

"He asked us where do we want to go and I told him to the best restaurant", Nathan replies.

"One more thing. You know how to speak Spanish ?", I ask him.

"Well yeah. My dad told me that to be a good boss, you'll need to be able to speak as many languages as you possibly can", Nathan speaks.

"How can language can you speak ?", I ask him, amazed.

"Umm...English, French, Spanish, Filipino, a bit of Korean, a bit of Chinese and some more I guess", Nathan told me and my mouth hangs open. How can he knows how to speak that many languages?

I can only speak English, Chinese, and Korea. But I think I already forgot how to speak Korean since I haven't used it for a while now.

I look at the scenario that we passed by. There are lots of house, shop, and restaurants, schools too. Kids are on their ways to school with different methods. Some restaurants were filled with people and I can tell that half of the people were tourists. They all look so happy like they're having fun.

I did a little bit of research and know that Valencia in Latin meant Brave.

"Hemos llegado", The driver tells us and Nathan nods. We've arrived.

"Gracias", Nathan speaks and hands the driver some money before pulling me out of the car with him. Thank you.

"Amistoso", Nathan reads the name of the restaurant. The restaurant seems big enough. There are tables outside of the restaurant and even more inside. This restaurant, like any other restaurant, were filled with peoples.

"What does the restaurant means ?", I ask Nathan.

"Amistoso means Friendly", Nathan tells me while pushing me inside the restaurant.

Thats a nice name for a restaurant.

Even though this restaurant is jam-packed with people, there are still some tables left. One waitress kindly led us to a table for two.

"¿Qué quieres comer?", the waitress asks, still smiling. People here seems really friendly.

"She said what do you want to eat", Nathan tells me while looking at the menu that the waitress just gave us.

"I'll take this one", I point to the picture on the menu to the waitress.

"Croquette ?", she asks me and I nod.

"Tomaré Gazpacho", Nathan tells the waitress and she nods. I'll take 'Gazpacho'

"Regresaré con tu comida en un minuto", she tells us and she walks away.

"She said she'll be back with our food in a minute", Nathan tells me.

After waiting for a few minutes, the same waitress came back with two plates in her hand. She put my plate in front of me while Nathan's in front of him.

Appreatly my 'Croquett' is a small bread crumbed fried food roll containing a mashed potatoes, ground meat with fish and vegetables. While Nathan's Gazpacho is a cold soup made of raw blended vegetables.

We dig into our food right away. Their 'Croquette' is so so good. Their mashed potatoes were cooked very well. I enjoy every single bite of it. I finished my food very quickly and put my right hand over my stomach. I look at Nathan and see that Nathan is staring at me with an amusement in his eye.

"What ?", I ask him.

"You really liked it, right? You were digging in without giving a little mercy to the food", He tries to cover his laugh but failed. I can't help but rolled my eye.

Nathan asks the waitress for the bills and she brings it a moment later. Nathan puts some money on it and we both walk out of the restaurant.

"Where to next ?", He asks me and I shrugged.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go ?", I ask him.

"Lets go to 'the old Turia riverbed' then", Nathan speaks and I just nod. Nathan called a taxi and a moment later the taxi arrived. We both hopped in a Nathan tells the taxi driver where we want to go.

After minutes of driving, the driver stops in front of a park and speak some Spanish words to Nathan. Nathan nods and gives him some money. He gestures me to come out and I followed him.

"Is this the place? I see no river", I look around, hoping to find a river. I mean the name of this place is 'Turia riverbed' right ?

"There were rivers but in the mid 50's a horrendous storm and high tide flooded the centre of Valencia to a depth of two metres. It was re-routed to ensure that this kind of flooding never happened again. So they created a beautiful park right in the centre of the city", Nathan tells me while looking around the park.

"How did you know about all of this ?", I ask Nathan.

Please don't tell me that Nathan is paying attention in History class. Because if he did, we can't be friend.

" I searched google", Nathan chuckles and I slap his shoulder.

"And I thought you're paying attention in History class", I mutter to myself.

"This park is very big. I think that there is place to rent a bike here. Do you want to ride a bike around this park ?", Nathan asks me.

"Wait, really ?", I ask him. It has been a very long time since I rode a bicycle. I just wish that I won't ride the bicycle into a tree or the bench.

"Yeah, look", Nathan points to a place that filled with bicycle. A man is sitting in a desk in front of all the bicycle. He's probably the one who rented the bicycle for people.

"Lets cycle around this park", Nathan smiles and pulls me to the direction of the bicycle.


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