Chapter 33

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I open my closet and start throwing clothes inside my suitcase. How can I forget to pack ?

Tonight is the night that we have to leave for our business trip to Philippines and apparently I forgot to pack.

Nathan didn't even tells me how long we will be staying. OMG, how much clothes should I bring then ?

I'm stressing out real bad right now.

"Is everything okay? You seemed stressed", Ellie walks in and I smile at her.

"No, I'm great. I'm just having a hard time deciding what should I pack since I don't know how many days we will be staying", I rub my temple.

"Do you want me to ask Nathan for you ?", Ellie asks me.

"No, it's okay", I tell her.

"You shouldn't even worry. If you don't have any clothes, I have no doubt that Nathan will buys clothes for you if you ask him to", Ellie tells me before walking out of my room.

Half an hour later, I finished packing and to be honest, I've no idea what I just packed inside my suitcase. We're going on a business trip but I think I've just packed swimming suits.

I changed into my sweatshirts and a comfortable sweatpants because it takes 16 hours to travel from America to Philippines which means that I'll get a lot of sleep.

I walk down with my suitcase in my hand. I see Nathan is already down stair, sitting comfortably on the sofa with his phone in his hand.

"Hi", I greet him.

"Hey", He speaks while still scrolling on his phone.

"You're pretty busy, huh ?", I ask him.

"No, Zander just told me about this app. It's so cool, we can take photos and post on that platform and apparently we can post...uh...stories too ?", Nathan tells me while showing me his phone and I almost laugh.

"Please don't tell me you don't know what Instagram is", I almost laugh.

"What is Instagram ?", He asks me, confused.

"Omg, Grandpa. What have you been doing your whole life? The app that you're currently using is called Instagram", I laugh. I can't control it anymore.

"You've already know this app?", He asks me and I nod.

"I've posted some pictures too", I take out my phone and show him the pictures that I posted.

"Oh", Nathan speaks as he scrolls through the photos I posted on my Instagram account. Most of the photos is a picture of foods, my family and me with different types of filters on my face. I didn't get much followers though. I only have 200 followers.

"Should I post some pictures too ?", He asks me.

"Well, I guess you should", I tell him and he nods.

He opens the 'camera' app and lifts up his phone. He smiles at his phone and click the button.

"What do you think ?", Nathan asks me while showing me the picture of himself that he took earlier.

"You look great", I tell him.

In the photo, he smiles and his dimples is clearly visible. I have no doubt that he'll get tons of followers with that handsome face and sharp jawline.

"Wait, you also have to put a profile pictures", I tell him.

A honking sound of a car made both of us turned our head to the window. A car is standing outside.

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