Chapter 34

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Hey guys !! How are you doing ?



We aborted Nathan's private jet and my mouth hangs open. His jet is ,of course, is massive.

"This jet is enormous", I speak to myself but Nathan seems to hears it.

"Do you want to me give you a tour ?", Nathan asks me and I quickly nod my head.

"So over here is the living room and if you go straight from here and turn to your left, you'll see the master suite that is ,of course, my room and to your right, you'll see the bathroom but if you keep going straight, there will be a meeting room, where I usually have a discussion or meeting with my clients", Nathan explains to me while using his fingers to gesture .

"So the flight will take at least 16 hours so...have fun, I guess. Enjoy the ride", Brandon ,our captain, came out of nowhere and tells us and we nod.

"Oh and don't forget to buckle your belt when we take off", Brandon speaks one more time before heading into a room which I assumed is cockpit, is the area in front of planes or jets from which a pilot controls the aircraft.

"Wow, the design is very beautiful", I tell Nathan as I look around the jet. The living room is decorated with beautiful lights, a giant T.V. and big sofa and a very expensive-looking glass table.

"Yeah, they're all really expensive too", Nathan murmurs.

"Should we check the master suite ?", Nathan asks me and I nod .

Nathan walks me to the suite and open the door and I, unsurprisingly, gasped. This room is probably the most prettiest room that I've ever seen.

Not 'prettiest' in a girly way but it means that the room is very pretty... I think you already know what I meant.

The room has a big giant bed in the center with a nightstand by its side. Over the ceiling, a big golden chandelier is hanging brightly, showing off its bright light. There's also another door and I quickly walk over to open it. Behind the door, it is a big bathroom.

"I thought you told me that there's already a bathroom outside ?", I ask Nathan.

"Yeah, there's another one outside. I built one more in my room because I wanted privacy", Nathan speaks as he trails his finger on the nightstand. He lifts his finger and dusts were on it.

"Those maids probably doesn't know how to do their job well", Nathan growls and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on, Nathan. It's just dusts. They're probably forgetting to clean that part", I speak as I jump onto the big bed in the middle of the room. Nathan turns around and without wasting another second, Nathan hops on the bed too and I quickly jump out .

"What are you doing ?", I narrow my eyes at Nathan. Why is he suddenly jumping onto the bed too ?

"Oh come on, Alaiza. I just want to sleep...maybe we can cuddle for a bit ?", Nathan tells me while playing with his fingers, a hopeful glint is clearly stated in his voice.

I was about to protest but the sound for the intercom shuts me up.

"Lady and gentlemen, if you're on board of this jet then you should know that we'll be taking off in a few minutes. Please stay safe by buckle your seat belt", someone's voice ,who I assumed is Brandon, boomed through the speakers .

"Shouldn't we find a seat so that we won't be upside down when the plane is taking off ?", I ask Nathan and Nathan shakes with head with an evil smile playing on his lip.

"What are you thinking right now ?", I cross my arm across my chest. This maybe not good.

"Nothing much. I was just wondering what will happen if we don't put on our seat belts", Nathan smirks.

"You can do that alone. I'm not into it", I smile sarcastically at him and walk out of the room. I sit on one of the seat and put on my seat belt. Nathan walks over to the chair next to me a moment later with a pouts.

"You're no fun", Nathan pretends to be upset.

"Yeah. I don't want to risk my life just to have fun", I rolled my eyes.

After a moment, the airplane starts taking off and I clasped my hands in excitement. I don't know why but I just got excited every time airplane is taking off. Nathan looks at me, totally amused but I ignore him.

"So childish", Nathan murmurs as he tries to covers his laugh.

A few minutes later, we've left the ground and flying in the sky, on our way to Philippines. Nathan slowly stands up and do stretches.

"C'mon, it's pretty late. Let's go to bed", Nathan speaks.

"What do you mean? I'm sleeping here", I pat on my seat and Nathan frowns.

"You're not gonna sleep here, babe. You can just use my room and I'll sleep on the sofa", Nathan speaks.

"Oh really ?", I ask him and he nods his head.

"Wait, is this like some 'romantic scene' from movies where the male actor lets the female actor sleeps on the bed and he'll sleeps on the sofa and at midnight he slowly creeps into the room and sleeps with her on the bed ?", words came rushing out of my mouth before I can even control it.

Once I processed all of the words that I just spoke, I use my hand to cover my mouth and groaned at myself.

I look up to Nathan and see that he's already smirking. Great.

"You wanted me to do that, didn't you ?", Nathan asks me while raising one of his eyebrows.

"Nah, never in a million year. I'll go to sleep now. Have fun on the sofa", I wave at him and quickly run to my room.

Some part of me was still hoping that the 'romantic scene' from the movies will happen tonight.


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