Chapter 59

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"Are you alright, kiddo ?", My dad asks me as he sits on the other side of the bed.

"I really wanted to tell you that I'm fine but you already know that I'm not", I tell him and pull the blanket that covers my body closer to me. I close my eyes and the hot steaming tear fell down my cheek.

"Okay, I know that this is hard but we'll go through this together, okay ?", He moves in closer and pats my back.

"Dad, I miss her", I look at him and I can see the tears that start forming in his eyes. He quickly wipes the tear away with this sleeve and put on a strong smile.

"I miss her too but you know what? That's nature, it will happen to everyone. You don't need to be sad", Dad tries to calm me down but I already know that he's also dead inside.

"Why didn't she tells me earlier ?", I ask him. Pain is clearly visible in my voice. I look up to my dad and I can tell that he's also guilty that he has been keeping it from me.

"She didn't want me to tell you because she didn't want you to be worried about her. Trust me, I always wanted to tell you but she always warned me", He wipes another tear that fell on his cheek.

"Do you miss her dad ?", I ask him, trying my best to smile. He looks at me for a long moment before answering.

"Yes, sweetie, a lot"

"Alaiza", A very familiar voice calls out to me, pulling me out of my miseries.

I slowly open my eyes but everything is blurry. I move my hand to touch my eyes and I can feel wetness. What happened? Did I cry? Oh crap, there are tears in my eyes.

"Are you okay? You were crying in your dream", Nathan caresses my cheek and I smile at him. He is a very caring boyfriend and I love that part about him.

"Just a bad dream. Nothing much, you don't need to worry", I tell him and he was quiet for a moment.

"You can always discuss with me, you know that right? Whenever you're comfortable, you can tell me, I'll listen", He tells me and he places a kiss on my nose and I smile.

"Yeah, of course", I tell him. I jump out of the bed and make my way to the door after Nathan's removed his tight-gripped around my waist.

"What you have planned for today ?", Nathan asks me when I was 1 meter away from the door. I turn around and look at him. Jessie and I decided to meet up today and I can't bail on her.

"I'll go to the mall with my friend", I tell him.

"Which friends ?", He narrows his eyes at me.

"An old friends", I tell him.

"Is that person a boy a girl ?", He jumps out from the bed and walks over to my direction.

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