Chapter 15

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The beam of light made its way to the room woking me up from my  beauty sleep

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The beam of light made its way to the room woking me up from my beauty sleep . I opened my eyes and rubbed them slowly . I feel like earth is spinning and this room is shaking too . I touched my head and groaned loudly. And again sunk back in the pillow.

Did I drink too much last night ? Why am I feeling so dizzy?

After a few minutes, the dizziness began to feel better  before so I slowly got it of bed...What the?

This is not my room . Where am i ? This room is black. Not only the room but also most of the things are black . From a Black wall to black curtains. Also there's a black desk , black fan and only the AC that was installed on wall and the rest 3 walls were white. I looked at the bed which was again you can guess is black and even the sheets are black too. The owner of this room must be having an obsession for black color .

I screamed a bit when my head began to spin again . Really ? All I remember is I drank a couple of shots and then I was...But the question is how did I ended up here ?

"You up ?", Nathan's voice came in my ears which made me look at him...

"Yeah", I told him and sank back in my bed. I quickly got up again when I remembered that this is not my bed .

"How did I end up here ? In this room ?", I asked him .

I saw Nathan was having nervous expression and was looking around the room like the room had the answers . He was looking at the wall intently for seconds . Ok , now I'm curious , does the wall have the answer to my question ?

I turned my head in the direction of the wall and saw nothing .

"Are you going answer my question or not ?", I asked him, slightly annoyed .

"I picked you up from the club and I brought you to my room. And so you are right here .... on my bed my room", Nathan answered without looking in my eyes , making me sure that he is lying .

"Ok , whatever it is.", I told him while getting up from bed and as in when I was stepping out off the room, Nathan stopped me .

"You ...... don't have to go to work today", He told me .

"Huh ? Why ?", I asked him as I was surprised .

"Mm .... Yes Hangover... , you're not feeling well right . I think you should stay at home and get some rest because yesterday you were high on alcohol." He told me .

"Ohhh , was I high on alcohol???? " I asked him and looked down because of the embarrassment . I don't normally get drunk and once when I was high on alcohol I really did some weird stuffs and god knows what did I do last night .

"But I think that I'm ok ", I told him .

"No , stay at home and rest , you need it", He told me and I nodded slowly .

"You also mentioned something about your parents in your dream, is there anything you want to talk about ?", Nathan asked me , making me look at him in alarming state .

"Nothing", I quickly answered him and walked out of his room .

How can I spill all the things last night ? God Damnit , I shouldn't have got drunk .

I went to my room, hopped on my bed and closed my eyes , feeling the softness of the blanket and the pillow .

After a few minutes , I grabbed my phone and dialed Amanda's number . I really want to know what happened between them . I hope that everything is fine.

"Dude , you okay ?", I asked her and she replied back with a yawn .

After a few seconds , she answered . "Yeah , I'm good . Except for the fact that I woke up completely naked with Jack beside me"

"What ? What happened ? Tell me everything", I asked her and I heard her laughter from the other side .

"I don't exactly remember because I was quite high last night but when Jack picked me up , we fought a bit and when we arrived home , we had a big argument and I think he told me that he didn't cheat on me. I didn't believe him and kept shouting and we were yelling at each other. I don't remember how I ended naked on bed with him right beside me", She told me and I laughed .

"Wow , it's good to know that you guys are ok . I need to go now , by the way I can't go to work today , I am having a headache", I tell her .

"Ok , bye . Get well soon", She told me .

"Thank you"

My stomach is currently growling due to hunger .

"Honey , do you want food ?", I asked him and my stomach growled in response . I laughed and got up, making my way to bathroom . After freshening up ,I made my way towards the door of my room . I walked down stairs and went in the kitchen .

As expected , Dave was cooking something that I don't know what it is but hopefully , it's not pancakes because I'm seriously tired of pancakes and Dave knows it. So I'm definitely sure that he isn't making pancakes.

"What are you making ?", I asked him while sitting on one of the stool .

"Omeleté" , He gave me a wink and kept the omelette on my plate which made my mouth water .

"This look so good and ..... AHHH , it smells delicious" , I smelled my baby and quickly grabbed my fork and put a bite in my mouth. As soon as the piece of omelette went in my mouth , I couldn't help but to moan out loud and chew it quickly . This is so good .

I can hear Dave's laugh before he walked out of the kitchen . I continued to eat it piece by piece , as in when I put the piece again in my mouth ,I moan loudly again .

"You need to stop moaning", Ellie's voice made me jump up in surprise .

"And you need to stop scaring people", I fake-glared at her and we laughed .

She got her food and sat down . We talked about stuff and what's going on in our life for minutes before we finished our food .

"I need to go and organize the garden . Nathan just called the florists and ordered roses. A lot of them of every colors.", Ellie told me and walked out of the room .

Rose ......... rose ? Rose is my favorite flower ?

Today I got a day off and Nathan even got roses for garden . Oh my god ,today is my lucky day .

My phone started ringing and I looked at the screen .

"Jessy", I exclaimed out loud with a smile on my face . I haven't talked with her for so long now .

"Hey girl , just wanted to check on you . How's life ?", Jessy asked me .

"Girl , you have no idea about what's happening here"


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